Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1390: Father as a mountain

In the early morning of the next morning, Lin's father and Lin's mother had no plans to go to the Hero's Restaurant to take care of the business. ~~щww~suimеng~lā. Pinshu

"Boy, get up quickly! Take your luggage on the plane at ten o'clock today."

After six o'clock, Lin Feng hadn't gotten up yet, so Luo Qingqing ran down impatiently and knocked on Lin Feng's room'door'.

"Qingqing, let Xiaofeng sleep a little longer! It's too late to call him at seven o'clock, hey! Ma is going to university, living in the'bed' of the dormitory, Xiaofeng has never been in boarding school since he was a child, and I don't know him. The habit of being unbearable."

Mother Lin heard Luo Qingqing calling Lin Feng to get up and hurried up and said.

"Oh! Aunt Zhang, I said you are still afraid of the stinky boy going to the capital to endure hardship? He has so much money now, this is probably the richest college student in the world. He can still suffer himself? Maybe after arriving in the capital' Hua'an, I immediately turned around and forgot us all!" Luo Qingqing grinned.

"That's the same. According to my opinion, Xiao Feng went to Qingbei University, don't live in any student dormitory, just rent out a set... No! It's really hard to buy a house, anyway, there is not much money."

Although houses in the capital are expensive, Lin Mu’s entire values ​​are completely different now. Why does he care about the price of tens of thousands of yuan per square meter? Of course, this is willing to'spend' money to her son. For her, even if she is asked to buy some second-line brand clothes for several thousand yuan now, Mother Lin is absolutely reluctant, and still feels'meat' hurts. .

"Hehe! Aunt Zhang, I’m afraid you don’t understand this. No matter how rich you are, you must live in a dormitory in the university. It must be required for at least the first two years, and, huh! Let the brat buy it outside. As for the house, he still has to go! Maybe he will bring different'girl' children home every day!"

When Luo Qingqing said this, she looked sour and very jealous.

"Qingqing, Xiao Feng is not that kind of person." Mother Lin still spoke for her son.

"Cut! What about the brat, I still don't know? It's a purebred'flower' heart big carrot..."

After Luo Qingqing finished speaking, seeing that Lin Feng hadn't opened the'door' yet, he planned to continue knocking on the'door'. Just when the'door' opened his hand, Lin Feng walked out with a look of contempt and said, "Sister Qingqing, speak ill of someone behind her back. Not a good person!"

"Hehe! Really? Then I'll say it face-to-face, brat, you're a'flower'-hearted carrot." Luo Qingqing also liked to get Lin Feng right, and said with a smile.

"You can damage it! Hehe...I flew away for a while, and you won't be able to damage me if you want to damage me in the future!" Lin Feng said with an indifferent expression.

"That's not necessarily! Brat, I just applied for a shift with Xiaoli. The flight attendant of your flight is Luo Qingqing!"

Luo Qingqing pointed to the name brand of her flight attendant uniform and said with a smirk, "This passenger, please rest assured, our Southeast Airlines will provide you with the most intimate and professional air service."

"Ah! Sister Qingqing, how can you do this? I chose this flight to avoid you." Lin Feng grumbled.

"Cut! Do you want to avoid my sister? I tell you, I will fly from the capital city to Zhi'an city in the future, but the one to Mingzhu city will not fly. Then, what about Qingbei University? The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Old Summer Palace, the Luogu Alley in Hainan, etc. Sister, I have never been there because I have no money. In the future, you, a big tyrant, will be responsible for taking me to play..."

It turned out that Luo Qingqing finally made this decision after thinking about it for a long time last night. In the future, she will apply for a single-line flight from Beijing to Chi'an City by'door', and stagger the flight time as much as possible to have more time in the capital. Finished.

As soon as Lin Feng heard Luo Qingqing’s plan for the ‘female’ demon, he immediately scratched his head and said, "You will still have no money? Sister Qing Qing, I took a lot from me before!"

"Cut! The money is ‘mao’, ‘mao’ rain to you, you iron male ‘chicken’, I plan to squeeze some more from you in the future, sister! Hehe..."

When Luo Qingqing got the 500,000 yuan given to her by Lin Feng, she was resolute at first because she felt that Lin Feng’s family was not well-off. After all, if she was well-off, she didn’t have to lend herself to Lin Feng to raise money to help her younger brother repay the gambling. Debt.

But now! Lin Feng always invests 10 billion yuan. Luo Qingqing will no longer be polite to Lin Feng for such a big tyrant. Moreover, since she moved into Lin's house, she has already regarded herself as the future'hostess' of this family in her heart. If it is really fake and polite, that would be too artificial.

"Yes...Sister Qingqing, count you cruel! It seems that I will really not escape your clutches in the future!"

Although Lin Fengzui said so, he was actually thinking in his heart that he must buy a house near the school when he is often, and if Sister Qingqing flies to the capital in two days, wouldn't she have more opportunities to spend together?' Spring's night?

Thinking about it this way, Lin Feng's heart was still a little excited. But after going downstairs, Lin Feng's mood became sentimental again. Because my father started working with my mother in the kitchen early in the morning, everything we cooked for breakfast this morning was all dishes and snacks unique to Zhi'an City.

Hot ‘naked’ rice cakes, soy milk powder, special fried dough sticks, nadi, etc...

These are the unique snacks in Zhi'an City ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Lin Feng's favorites. You can't eat them in other places. Some of them require some special ingredients in Zhi'an City to cook.

Especially when Lin Feng saw that his father had been busy in the kitchen and had no time to talk to himself, his heart was inexplicably sad. Sometimes it is like this, saying that father love is like a mountain, father doesn't know how to say something affectionate, he doesn't know how to express himself in words, and even said he will only say a few words harshly when teaching you.

However, the love of the father is the most direct and intuitive. He will work hard to make money for this family. He will also carefully prepare his favorite special'color' snacks for the son who is leaving. Countless cares I wanted to say turned into my own actions. And when he really waited to express his parting in words, he often couldn't express his inner feelings, sometimes it was just a sentence or two.

"Xiao Feng, eat it while it's hot, this soy milk powder is not available outside. Dad remembers that you loved it since childhood..."

Seeing his father greet him with the steaming soy milk powder, Lin Feng's eye sockets are really moist, and the man does not flicker when he has tears, but he has not yet reached estrus.


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