Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1652: Body of Ice

"What? Teacher Wang turned out to be a body of ice?"

Hearing the words of the king's father, Lin Feng who was watching was also taken aback, "What's the matter? I used my spiritual sense to scan Teacher Wang clearly before. It is not a special physique at all, not even a martial artist. How could it be a body of ice?"

Among the traditional ancient martial arts practitioners, special physiques do have bonuses, and for them, they can basically detect special physiques easily. For example, Luo Zijin of the Tianshan School, such as Xiao Nishang, were born in the ancient martial arts school or an aristocratic family, and naturally it is easy to be found with special physique.

Therefore, if Wang Yajun is also an ice body with a special physique, the Wang family naturally has this ability to discover and tap her abilities.

"Dad! Yajun doesn't want to practice, it's so cold! In the ice water, it's too cold..."

As soon as he heard the word "practice", the loli version of Wang Yajun naturally resisted, but it had no effect. The king's father snorted coldly and stepped forward to arrest Wang Yajun and sent him directly to the practice room.

"Kungfu must start from a young age, Yajun, if you are just an ordinary girl, dad will naturally not force you to practice exercises like this. But you are born with a body of cold ice. Basically, as long as you work hard, you can enter the innate realm 100%. !"

In the practice room, the temperature dropped to freezing point in an instant. Lin Feng was surprised to see that the entire practice room was filled with huge ice cubes, but the king's father asked Wang Yajun to use his hands to keep it filled with ice. In the cold water, he kept practicing with his palms.

"It's too cruel in such a cold training room and the way of training, right?"

Seeing all this in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help taking a breath. For such a small Wang Yajun, it was simply a painful torture. No wonder it would become Wang Yajun's nightmare.

"No! Yajun don't practice...don't don't..."

Although he was unwilling, Wang Yajun was still forced to practice his hands in the ice water. His immature hands were flushed with tears on his face but immediately turned into ice cubes, making Lin Feng who was watching. I felt distressed after seeing it.

"Practice! Yajun, the cold body on your body is about to be fully aroused. After another half a year of practice, Dad will officially let you practice Cold Palm. By then, you will most likely be directly before you are six. Break through to the fifth floor or above..."

However, the royal father on the side didn't care at all about the teardrops on his daughter's face and the shouts in his mouth. All he cared about was the speed of condensation of cold air in Wang Yajun's body. This was his criterion for judging the ice body in Wang Yajun's body.

"Such a father!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help but close his eyes. He further realized that in such a big family, in the face of interests, any family affection and affection can be used and controlled.

"Don't practice! Cold...cold! Yajun is cold..."

After practicing for a day, at night, Wang Yajun lay alone on the bed. Although the whole room was very large, with many expensive furniture and expensive silk brocades on the bed, Wang Yajun was not happy at all, shivering under the covers.

"Ms. Wang shivered when she had nightmares when she was sleeping. I am afraid it was when she was practicing qigong! Such coldness is indeed...too unbearable for a little girl."

With a sigh, through Wang Yajun's nightmare, Lin Feng already vaguely knew the source of pain buried deep in Wang Yajun's heart.

"Why am I a body of ice? Why am I a child of the Wang family? I don't want a father like this, I don't want to be in a family like this, I don't want to be myself..."

In the middle of the night, as Wang Yajun's resentment broke out, Lin Feng was surprised to find that the cold air that had been entrenched in Wang Yajun's body unexpectedly began to condense and compress involuntarily.

"No! No! I don't want the body of ice, I don't want to be myself... Why can't I be like an ordinary child?"

The will that erupted from Loli Wang Yajun was very strong, even if it was in a dream, Lin Feng could feel it deeply.

"This...what's going on? How could such a huge change be caused by Teacher Wang's body?"

As soon as he watched, Lin Feng watched Wang Yajun's body full of coldness receded, began to shrink and collapse, and finally condensed into a small bead, completely hidden in Wang Yajun's Dantian.

After that, Lin Feng was surprised to find that all the aura in Wang Yajun's body had become normal, and there was no trace of ice at all.

"Fever! Come on! Yajun has a fever..."

In the middle of the night, when the queen mother came to see her daughter, she found that she had a fever and her forehead was hot, so she immediately called the doctor at home.

"Doctor Zhu, how is it? My daughter has always practiced in this way. She is a body of ice, so she doesn't have a fever or sickness at all!" The king's father obviously became a little nervous, and hurriedly asked Doctor Zhu who was seeing a doctor.

"Master Wang, I am also surprised. The icy body aura on Missy's body has completely disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's why I have a fever like ordinary people. It's really a strange thing!" Doctor Zhu said puzzledly.

"What? Tell me clearly? How come my daughter's ice body suddenly disappeared? This is a rare ice body in a century!"

Hearing this, the king's father went crazy and grabbed the doctor's collar and questioned. After that, several highly respected Chinese medicine practitioners were called, but the results were the same. Wang Yajun was fine, just a normal fever and cold, but the body of ice was indeed gone forever.

"Father! I'm sorry for the family, Yajun's body of ice, I don't know why it disappeared." The king's father guiltily faced the old man Wang Tao who came to visit.

"Fine! This is also God's will, because our Wang family does not have this blessing, and Yajun has suffered enough since childhood. Since there is no ice body, don't force her to practice martial arts, and she can do whatever she wants! "Elder Wang sighed, waved his hand and said.

Later, Lin Feng saw that Wang Yajun, who was awake, seemed to have amnesia. He can't remember the painful memory of practice before. He grew up like an ordinary child, but he still disliked his identity subconsciously. And roles, I don’t want to play other roles all the time.

"So this is the case? Teacher Wang's body of ice, because of her strong consciousness that she resists, has condensed into a bead of ice, which is deeply hidden in her dantian."

Using the Dream Talisman in Wang Yajun's dream, after experiencing all this, Lin Feng thoroughly understood all the causes and consequences that happened to Wang Yajun.

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