Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1653: Needle of Spiritual Consciousness

Seeing everything that happened in Wang Yajun's dream, Lin Feng also understood that these abnormal behaviors of Wang Yajun were actually the influence of his childhood.

In fact, not only Wang Yajun, but many people have some quirks, which are caused by certain shadows when they were young.

"Because of being forced to practice as a child, Teacher Wang subconsciously refused to be himself, always wishing to be someone else."

With a sigh, Lin Feng retreated from Wang Yajun's dream.

However, when he withdrew from Wang Yajun’s dream, the body that was swept away by spiritual consciousness suddenly changed his expression: "No! This ice bead in Teacher Wang’s body has been suppressed for more than ten years, and the ice power accumulated now is somewhat It's too terrifying. I'm afraid... if this continues, it will burst out completely, and then... Teacher Wang's body will simply be unable to control..."

From the dream, I learned that Wang Yajun of the Ice Body condensed the whole body's cold energy into ice beads through strong personal will, but now, this force is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not her body at all. Can be suppressed.

"It's no wonder that Mr. Wang's lips started to turn purple just now. According to this situation, I am afraid that the cold in Mr. Wang's body will burst out involuntarily every night when the moon is overcast. As long as it exceeds the amount that the body can bear, It would be extremely easy to burst and die..."

Lin Feng, who has experienced many life and death crises, understands the danger to Wang Yajun’s body, so he can only find a way as soon as possible to completely release the cold air of this cold ice ball in Wang Yajun’s body and re-attach it to ice. Only in this way can we resolve this crisis.

"Great! I don't need to practice anymore, I can play freely..."

In the dream, Wang Yajun's frowning brows stretched out. Because of the disappearance of the body of ice, the family no longer requires her to continue practicing, she can go to school and live like a normal girl.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Wang, for your safety. I can only pierce your ice bead."

Feeling that the cold air in Wang Yajun's body was exploding more and more, Lin Feng knew that even if the cold air would not explode Wang Yajun's body this time, the next time, or next time, it would inevitably exceed her body's endurance.

Therefore, Lin Feng had no other contestants, his spiritual consciousness turned into a thin needle and directly penetrated into Wang Yajun's body. As this was a defenseless penetration of spiritual consciousness, Wang Yajun in his sleep suddenly became extremely uncomfortable.

And then, Lin Feng's spiritual sense penetrated into Wang Yajun's dantian, and the needle of spiritual sense quickly found the cold ice bead that was deeply buried in Wang Yajun's dantian.


The Needle of Spiritual Consciousness pierced Han Bingzhu's body unceremoniously, and suddenly it was like a deflated balloon, and the biting chill contained in it was completely released.

"I'll go! It's cold!"

When Lin Feng's spiritual sense touched this chill, he couldn't help but freeze for a while, and then quickly retreated from Wang Yajun's body.


And Wang Yajun's body instantly gushed out so much cold air, and all returned to her internal organs and the eight channels of the odd meridian. This intense pain immediately awakened her.

"Ms. Wang, it's okay! Hold on, and you will be okay if you stick to it."

Seeing Wang Yajun tumbling and screaming on the bed in pain, Lin Feng hugged her whole body tightly, and he found that Wang Yajun's body was like a block of ice, extremely cold and biting.

"No! No! I don't want to be like this, I don't want to practice, I don't want to practice..."

Feeling the long-lost icy air, Wang Yajun's face showed a fearful expression, and the memory that had been forgotten when he was a child instantly poured into his heart.

"Don't be afraid! Teacher Wang, no one will force you to practice anymore. Your body of ice can no longer be suppressed. If you are suppressed in your Dantian, you will die."

When Wang Yajun was most helpless and fearful, Lin Feng hugged her in time, gave Wang Yajun warmth with his hot chest, comforted Wang Yajun with his words, and gave Wang Yajun a sense of security with his embrace.

"It's cold! It's cold... my body is like ice cubes."

The painful Wang Yajun leaned tightly on Lin Feng’s chest. Her state at this time was half conscious and half unconscious, just like a drunk person. At this time, it’s easiest to be out of character. Thing.

She tightly grasped the two hottest muscles of Lin Feng's chest with both hands, and then the cold red lips were also chasing the heat on Lin Feng's body.

The pain of the body became an instinct, which drove Wang Yajun to find the heat in Lin Feng's body.


Naturally, Wang Yajun kissed Lin Feng's hot lips, and then seemed to have found a catharsis entrance, pouring out the unbearable cold in his body onto Lin Feng's body.

In order to help Wang Yajun, Lin Feng could only silently transmit the cold air from her. After filtering it in his body, it became milder and passed it back to her again.

During this period, as the cold became more and more gentle, Wang Yajun's consciousness became more and more sober, until she clearly realized that she had actually pressed Lin Feng's whole body under her body to kiss, and immediately wow With a sound, the whole person sat up abruptly, and then immediately wanted to run outside the room.


Because the two were still handcuffed together, Lin Feng, who was on the bed, was immediately taken up by Wang Yajun, who was running out. However, Wang Yajun's strength was not enough, and instead of running out, he fell over because of the pulling force~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Slipped onto the bed again, and the whole person was pressed on Lin Feng's body again.


This time, it was Lin Feng who took the initiative. He didn't care about that much. He didn't sleep this night and was tossed for so long. Wouldn't he take advantage of this time to get a little bit cheaper?

"No! Lin Feng, you let me go..."

Wang Yajun thought a few times and wanted to resist, but she was Lin Feng’s opponent, and she woke up in this position just now, resisted for a few seconds, and immediately became fascinated by Lin Feng’s hotness. In the kiss.

No way, Wang Yajun, whose whole body was cold, couldn't resist the intense heat in Lin Feng's body.

Dongfang, began to pale gradually.

This night, it looked very different, because it would be very inconvenient to move. I didn't know when, Lin Feng snapped off the handcuffs that were in the way.

An aura dedicated to the body of ice and cold flowed into Lin Feng’s divine water world, and was absorbed by that chaotic lotus seed. Kakaka caused another change. This time, Lin Feng's distance can be changed. The strongest body of Chaos goes a step further.

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