Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1703: Huaneng Island

In the early morning of the next morning, Lin Feng’s family got up early. They even took Luo Qingqing and Luo’s mother to pack everything. They also called a special car from the airport to bring them all. All of your luggage will be delivered first.

"That's right! Xiaofeng, where's your car? Such a good sports car, Dad didn't want to run a few times. Now we are moving to Beijing. You should have a car when you go to school in Beijing. Then again. What a waste to buy one!"

After arriving at the airport, Father Lin suddenly remembered that Lin Feng's Maybach sports car worth tens of millions was still left in the garage for ashes!

"Dad! Don't worry, I've asked a friend to drive over. It's almost the same, I guess I will drive to the capital tomorrow."

Lin Feng smiled and said. In fact, he didn't ask any friends to drive there, but when his parents didn't pay attention in the morning, he directly put the Maybach sports car into the Shenshui space.

This point of a cultivator is simply incomparable to ordinary people. Even if it is a large object, for Lin Feng, as long as his spiritual sense is strong enough, it can be easily stored into the Shenshui space, which is especially convenient to carry and transport.

"Dong Lin!"

After the family arrived at the airport, Mr. Cai's right-hand man Wang Jianye had been waiting here for a long time.

"Brother Wang!"

Lin Feng greeted him with a smile, and said, "How is Grandpa Cai now? How is his body?"

"Very good! But Mr. Cai is attending an important meeting abroad today, so there is no way to send you off. I would like to congratulate you on moving your family to the capital!"

After Wang Jianye finished speaking, he leaned over in Lin Feng's ear particularly quietly and said, "Lin Feng, the emergency information that I just received in the past two days. Now, several forces around the world are beginning to inquire about your status as a great saint. , Especially the mysterious Bianjiao..."

"Unexpectedly, Brother Wang, what do you say? Could it be that the meeting Grandpa Cai is attending this time is related to my great sage?" Lin Feng nodded and said.

In fact, the news provided by Wang Jianye also reflected his guess. That was Yu Qingqing, the red-jacketed master of Bi'an Sect. He did not really die. Otherwise, Bi'an Sect would never start to inquire about himself in this way.

"Yeah! But it is also a good thing." Wang Jianye said with a smile.

"Good thing?"

Lin Feng questioned.

"Lin Feng, you should know that our Huaneng Group has only nine highest directors in the world. That is to say, the nine giants of our Huaneng Group. This time, Mr. Cai went to a foreign headquarters for a meeting. In fact, , Just want to nominate you as the tenth largest director."

Wang Jianye pretended to say mysteriously, "This is the position of the director of Huaneng Group! Lin Feng, you know, I have been with Cai Lao for so many years, and I have made so many contributions to the group, and now I am just a pawn. "

"Ah? Give me the position of director? How so suddenly, I haven't made any contribution to the group recently! Didn't you say that last time? The position in the Huaneng Group is the contribution to the group. Corresponding?"

Lin Feng was also surprised to hear what Wang Jianye said. Before, he came into contact with and joined the Huaneng Group because of his relationship with the old man Cai. However, since the last crow mine incident, Lin Feng has basically been busy with other things, and has no more contact with Old Man Cai.

Moreover, now that Lin Feng has become the elder of the Huaxia Dragon Group, he is not so caring about the Huaneng Group. But he didn't want to. At this time, Old Man Cai suddenly proposed to make him a director of Huaneng Group.

"Indeed! Lin Feng, although you made a lot of contributions in the Crow Mine last time, you did not accumulate enough contribution value. If you want to be a director, you are still far away. Therefore, you have never met them at all. Mr. Cai, risked exposure, went abroad to meet with them... just to explain your important role and status face to face." Wang Jianye said.

"My important role?" Lin Feng asked again.

"En! Our Huaneng Group has always been shortcomings without superpowers. Now, Mr. Cai wants you to be the tenth director, who is responsible for cultivating and recruiting superpowers for the group." Wang Jianye said. I was a little excited as he said, "In this way, coupled with the strong financial resources of our Huaneng Group, there is no need to fear the super-power organizations of any country."

"This is the fact that although Huaneng Group has the world's most savvy businessmen and a powerful business empire system, it does not have enough military support. Therefore, some international disputes have always been weak. Although technological weapons are powerful , But in some respects, it cannot make up for the shortcomings of individual combat.

However, Brother Wang, my current status is rather special, and I plan to develop my own power. "

Regarding the shortcomings of the Huaneng Group, Lin Feng actually knew from the beginning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Moreover, when the old man Cai pulled him into the pit, he was also based on this purpose.

However, now Lin Feng has planned to create his own power, and there is also the national power resources of the Dragon Group that can be used. If he becomes a director of the Huaneng Group again, I wonder if there will be some conflicts of interest.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Wang Jianye waved his hand and said, "Lin Feng, think about it, can hold a high-level position in the Huaneng Group. Let me ask, which one does not have its own power in the world? The author said that the Huaneng Group is only a relatively loose Chinese alliance organization that serves the future of the entire Chinese nation. As long as you are Chinese, you can contribute to the entire Chinese nation while developing your own forces. That's it. !"

"En! It is true, then I understand. You can reply to Grandpa Cai, I have no problem here. If the Huaneng Group needs it, I can help the group cultivate a group of warriors."

Nodded, through these few exchanges, Lin Feng also roughly understood the needs and requirements of Huaneng Group. In fact, for him, this is also a complementation of resources. At the same time, when it is bigger, it is also a matter of benefit to the entire Chinese nation. Why not Lin Feng?

At this time, on a private island in the Pacific Ocean, this is the secret headquarters of Huaneng Group, which is not under the jurisdiction of any country, and does not even appear on the mainstream maps of countries. Only the small island is marked on the strategic maps of various countries, and the island is called "Hua Neng Island" inside, and it is covered with the latest military technologies built in this century.

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