Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1704: Candidates for Dunjia

Here is the secret base camp of Huaneng Group, and it is also the top secret location of Huaneng Group. Even for some countries, it is difficult to know what kind of weaponry and secrets there are on this Huaneng Island.

Because Huaneng Group has some of the world's top scientists and military weapons experts. The fact that the Chinese are called Oriental Jews is not a boast, including the current highest scientific research system in the U.S. Basically, half of them are Chinese or mixed with Chinese descent.

However, more Chinese scientists have silently given up the high salaries of the United States or European and American countries, and are willing to stay on this small island all year round to conduct various secret development and research.

The Chinese nation, a nation that once stood on top of the entire world, is now fulfilling the important task of rejuvenating the great Chinese nation. This responsibility is not only what the current leadership of Huaxia State is working hard to do, but also Huaneng Group has been working hard in silence.

Another very important point is that the relationship between Huaneng Group and Huaxia Kingdom has always been relatively ambiguous. It is only because the Huaneng Group has a backing that can support Huaxia State, that it can use the identity of another free group to fight against the forces of various countries.

Just as the Pacific Ocean surrounds the world, the Huaneng Group collects and gathers the world’s best and top Chinese in various fields, let them know the existence of Huaneng Group through various means, and let them join voluntarily for the entire nation Make a contribution.

Above all the members, the top nine directors, their identities have always been top secret information of the entire Huaneng Group. In order to prevent external groups from carrying out a devastating blow to the heads of the nine directors, even they do not know the true identity of each other.

The headquarters of Huaneng Group, on Huaneng Island, a director who has been sitting all year round, is codenamed "B", and is already a gray-haired old woman. Her identity is public, and she is also a powerful figure representing the Huaneng Group.

At the same time, only "B" knows the specific information of the other eight directors. She can be said to be the core of the operation of the entire Huaneng Group. At the same time, the entire Huaneng Group was actually advocated and initiated by her, and only she was enough to convince the public and unite the Chinese all over the world.

She is no one else, but the same "she" she used to be a legendary woman in the Republic of China, who has long been engraved in the history books of both sides of the strait. She didn't die, but silently overseas, establishing such a Huaneng Group in anonymity.

"Madam, here he is."

On the island in this old building with a retro style in the Republic of China, the lady who was basking in the sun behind closed doors and rested her mind. When she heard what the maid next to her said, she opened her eyes slightly and stood up and said: "How big is the matter? , I can’t make it clear in the remote video that this Ren is going to come to the island himself.”

"Madam, he's already waiting downstairs! Do you want to notify the other seven directors to hold a video conference?" The maid said respectfully.

"open it!"

Nodding, and leaning on crutches, the lady walked slowly downstairs.

At this time, in the meeting room downstairs, Old Man Cai was a little nervous, sweating, sitting in the meeting room, waiting quietly.

After all, he is about to see this legendary figure with his own eyes, and he has seen her name and many things related to her in news reports and history books.

The whole world said that she has passed away, but only the people in the upper strata of this world know that she is still alive and is still a backbone of the entire Chinese nation.

When Old Man Cai became a director of Huaneng Group, he realized that "B" among the nine directors was the lady, and his own code name was "Ren", which was ranked according to ten days.

The ancient ten-day stems in China are: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Kui.

Huaneng Group has a total of nine directors. Except for his wife, who is the first "B", the others are in the order of the time they became directors, from C to Ku. Old man Cai is the second to last to become a director, so his code name is "Ren".

For the other directors, he only knows the code names and can probably guess who they are, but there is no specific and accurate identity information. As for, why is there no code name "A" during the ten days of work? In fact, a long time ago, there was an "A", and that was the wife's husband, the world-famous man.

But since his death, "A" has been empty. Just like the ancient Chinese "Qimen Dunjia" technique, the "Jia" as an emperor is invisible.

On Huaneng Island, the small building with the style of the Republic of China is full of various modern high-tech equipment. It is the latest research result of the scientists of Huaneng Group, and will generally lead the world for about 20 years~www. wuxiaspot.com~ The lady with a cane slowly descended from a new type of elevator, and directly reached the center of the meeting room. When Old Man Cai saw this, he immediately stood nervously from his seat. He got up, bowed respectfully to her, licked his lips, and squeezed out a few words from his mouth nervously and difficultly: "Hello, madam!"

"En! Ren, what is your important business, do you have to come to my island? You have to know that although Huaneng Island is safe, as long as you come, you are most likely to be staring at us. The forces have found clues and discovered your true identity."

Although the wife is very old, she said that she was very organized, and between the words, there was a touch of authority that made people listen to her without the slightest sense of resistance.

"Yes! Madam, I also know that I came here by myself and took a big risk. But this time, I had to come here in person to explain this to you." Old man Cai said cautiously.

"Oh? What's the matter? It's so important? Make you risk being discovered your true identity?" The lady asked, curious.

"Madam, I... I have found a candidate for Dunjia."

After hesitating, the old man Cai finally said the purpose of coming this time.

"What? Dunjia?"

When she heard the word Dunjia, the lady's hand, which was originally as stable as Mount Tai, trembled, and her lips trembled slightly. Then she gave a dry laugh, shook her head and said: "Impossible! In this world, it is no longer possible. Dunjia will appear again, and no one will be as good as him..."

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