Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1715: Clean up the Li Family (Part 1)

Wansheng Imperial Court, in front of Villa One. . . Pinshu

Li Xiangui led Li Yutong on his way, thinking about how to talk to this real big man for a while.

At the same time, just in case, Li Xiangui once again told Li Yutong a few words, telling her not to say anything wrong, and to be honest and obedient to please this big man.

When he got downstairs in the villa, Li Xiangui didn't know what was going on inside, so he didn't dare to take Li Yutong in, so he first called Wang Jun inside and told him that he had brought someone over.

"Elder Lin, Patriarch Li is here with a big beauty. Should we... go to the lobby on the first floor together?"

Looking at the huge balcony of the villa on the third floor, Wang Jun whispered to Lin Feng after receiving the call.

"Okay! Go down and take a look! What kind of beauty is it!"

Lin Feng nodded and followed Wang Jun downstairs, but Lin's father and Lin mother stayed upstairs.

However, as he walked downstairs, Lin Feng made another look. The water-controlling Wang Jun's body moved his hands and feet, and the Wang Jun quickly felt a pain in his stomach and he wanted to go to the toilet. With.


Before reaching the second floor, Wang Jun clutched his stomach, waved his hand and yelled, "No way! No way! Elder Lin, my stomach is a little anxious. I have to go to the toilet first. Soon... I'll go downstairs, you first Go downstairs, Patriarch Li is waiting in the living room."

After speaking, Wang Jun immediately got into the toilet on the second floor to solve his physiological problems. But Lin Feng gave a smirk and continued to walk to the first floor.

In the lobby on the first floor, Li Xiangui sat on the leather sofa, still a little uneasy. After all, he has been in the circle of his aristocratic family for a long time, and most of his contacts are the children of the same rank. The relationship between climbing the king's army is considered to be a difficult connection, let alone the king's rank. Tall big shot.

Sitting on the sofa and looking at the stairs leading to the second floor, Li Xiangui rubbed his hands nervously, and licked his dry mouth and lips. Every second was a torment for him.

Looking at his ‘desire’, Li Xiangui fixed his eyes on the stairs. He had already begun to wonder what would the big man who would walk down the stairs look like?

Around twenty?

young and promising?

Is that the son of Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin?

That must be the ‘Jade’ tree facing the wind, the martial arts is strong?

Brother Pian Pian? Still look ruthless and steady, young and mature?

In the capital, Li Xiangui has seen people of all shapes and colors, but most of those who have success in careers, status and power are at least 30 or 40 years old. As for those who are in their twenties, there is no A few can make things happen.

And according to Wang Jun’s phone call, this big figure was less than 20 years old. With his own strength, he brought his family to the top class in China. Among other things, this alone is enough to be called the dragon of man.

Therefore, in Li Xiangui's mind, he imagined a hundred and a thousand appearances of this big man, and there are all kinds of them, but without exception, they are'exposed' with a hint of domineering or full of aura.


With the sound of footsteps, Li Xiangui's brain's door began to sweat, his mouth opened slightly, his hands trembled, and he began to meditate on countless words to please the big man's flattery.

When I saw my feet, I was really young, and I was wearing a pair of ordinary sneakers, and they were not high-end brand. Li Xiangui is a little weird, how does he think this pair of shoes looks so familiar!

In the next second, I saw the entire lower body, and the familiarity came even more.

"This figure? So familiar..."

Before Li Xiangui had time to seriously ponder where he had met this big man, Lin Feng walked down from the second floor, waved to him with a smile, and shouted with an unexpected expression on his face. : "Yutong, Sanshu, ah! I didn't expect us to meet again! Why did you come here?"

"What? Why are you kid here?"

Li Xiangui was taken aback when he saw his presence here, remembering that his neck was red, and he rushed to question.

"Why am I here? Oh! Yutong's third uncle! I still want to ask you! Why are you here? I just found this villa when I just wanted to leave the community. "Yes, I just walked in and visited. I didn't expect to be so coincidental that I ran into you here again..."

Lin Feng smiled harmlessly and said.

"That's a coincidence? No! You leave me here quickly. In a moment, I...I'm here another important thing..."

Li Xiangui brought Li Yutong here to introduce her to big shots. Obviously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng, this "ex-boyfriend" is very out of place here, especially seeing Lin Feng's stubborn and nasty face, Li Xiangui is even more worried, for fear of him for a while. Will deliberately say something wrong.

"Let me go again? Third Uncle, this is your fault. Why should I go? I'm playing well here..." Lin Feng immediately displeased.

"What? Didn't we say it just now? You...did you not admit it after taking the money?" Li Xiangui said annoyed.

"That's not right. Lin Feng is the most trustworthy person in the world. Just now I took you 1.5 billion. Didn't you already let Yutong go and leave? Let's say it is clear! Now here Come, I came first! Since you don't want me to ruin your affairs and don't take the initiative to avoid me a little bit, why tell me to go away?"

As he said, Lin Feng snorted and turned to say, "I can't take you so much money. In the future, whenever you show up, I have to retreat?"


Being so blocked by Lin Feng's words, Li Xiangui's lungs were about to explode. He was speechless, knowing that Lin Feng had come to find fault on purpose.

"What am I? Oh! Sanshu, let's talk slowly, breathe slowly, don't choke!" Lin Feng smiled, and then stretched out his fingers habitually and said, "You Don’t you want to let me go like just now? It’s very simple, don’t be angry, I go..."

"Will you go?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Xiangui was taken aback, but when he saw Lin Feng's outstretched gesture, he instantly understood that this cheating brat asked for money again. This is Chi Guoguo's blackmailing himself. what!

"It's cheaper this time! Five hundred million yuan, it's the same account number just now, Sanshu, don't make a mistake!" Seeing Li Xiangui's aggrieved look, Lin Feng said with a'chicken' thief. .

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