Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1716: Clean up the Li family (part 2)

"What? Another 500 million? You, you, you... why don't you rob the bank?"

Hearing that Lin Feng was going to blackmail him 500 million yuan again, Li Xiangui was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He pointed at Lin Feng and resolutely shouted: "I won't give you money, I won't give you money again, who knows you? Will you play me again next time."

"Oh? You can think about it, are you really not giving it?"

As Lin Feng said, he pricked his ears and said, "It seems that someone upstairs is coming down!"

"not good!"

When he heard the footsteps coming downstairs, Li Xiangui thought that the big man was coming down. He was originally going to introduce Li Yutong to the big man. If he said that this stinky boy was present and said something nonsense, or even said that Li Yutong was forced to come over, then he would most likely anger the big man.

In this way, all the efforts Li Xiangui had made before were all in vain? Seeing Lin Feng's confident look, Li Xiangui knew that he might have gotten it right. If he didn't do what he wanted now, I'm afraid he would definitely continue to make trouble.

"How is it? The people above seem to be going downstairs soon. Uncle San, do you think 500 million is too small? It's not integrated, it's not easy to call it? Or... just one billion! Anyway, San Uncle Your Li family has a big business and you don’t miss that much money, right?"

The more time was pressing, Lin Feng opened his mouth more loudly. Hearing the sound of footsteps seemed to be coming to the stairs soon, Li Xiangui saw Lin Feng's price increase again, and he almost fainted with anger.

"Third Uncle, Lin Feng can do anything. Or, you can give him the money! Anyway, you just gave him 1.5 billion. If you didn't give him the money, wouldn't it be just now? The 1.5 billion of this is in vain?" Li Yutong resisted smiling and said beside Li Xiangui.

"This... just now it was clearly 500 million, how come it has become 1 billion now?" Li Xiangui felt the pain in his heart! This is not five yuan and ten yuan, nor is it five million and ten million, it is five hundred million and one billion!

How much money is made in the entire Li family's energy industry in just one year! Now that Lin Feng has been blackmailed like this, his profits have disappeared for several months.

"Uncle San, are you thinking that one billion is less? Or... how about just making up 10 billion?"

The footsteps upstairs were about to come down. Lin Feng looked up in a rumorous manner, and then said, "Would you like me to go and say hello to the people coming down upstairs and introduce myself, saying I am Yu Tong's boyfriend?"

"You... don't don't... even if I'm afraid of you. One billion is one billion, I'll transfer it to you immediately, and you'll leave immediately..."

Seeing that the people upstairs were about to come down, Li Xiangui hurriedly pulled Lin Feng to the door, took out his mobile phone, and quickly transferred money to him.

Therefore, Lin Feng’s account has been saved just now, and there is a transfer record. This time the transfer is very fast. It takes three seconds to enter the amount of one billion and then enter the payment password.


When Lin Feng heard the mobile phone text message prompt, he knew that the money had arrived. He smiled and said to Li Xiangui, "Thank you Sanshu! Tsk tusk...Sanshu is really generous!"

But when Li Xiangui heard Lin Feng's hippie smiling face, his whole face sank. Did I want to be generous? In the blink of an eye, they paid 2.5 billion in cash, and their entire Li family account only had seven or eight billion in cash!

"Alright! Alright! Stop talking nonsense... Quickly leave me. If I see you again next time, I will definitely not compromise."

He, Li Xiangui, is also the Patriarch of the Capital Li Family anyway! He usually bullies and takes advantage of others. When has he been so threatened and blackmailed? His heart was extremely frustrated, and he secretly kept Lin Feng in his heart. Once this matter was over, he would immediately find someone to deal with this Lin Feng and retrieve the 2.5 billion.

"Come on! Then I'm really leaving, don't regret it..." Lin Feng said after taking the money and walking to the door happily.

"What do I regret? Go faster and don't let people who come down above see it."

Li Xiangui disagreed, he wished Lin Feng rolled as far as possible.

However, at this moment, Wang Zhongjun, who was clutching his stomach and had just resolved his internal anxiety, walked down the second floor swiftly.

"Brother Wang..."

Seeing that Wang Zhongjun came downstairs, Li Xiangui immediately stepped forward to please him.

However, Wang Zhongjun's gaze was staring at Lin Feng who had just walked out the door, pointing to him and asking Li Xiangui, "This...what's going on?"

"Ah? Brother Wang, that person didn't know where he came out, and I don't know who he is, maybe he broke in to watch the fun! I was reprimanded and kicked out..."

Seeing that Lin Feng was still seen by Wang Zhongjun, Li Xiangui quickly stepped forward and explained.

"What? You...you scolded him? And...you kicked him out?"

Hearing what Li Xiangui said, Wang Zhongjun, who was also on two stair steps, was so frightened that he almost fell off the stairs~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ouch! Brother Wang, take your time, the stairs are a bit steep, I will help you a little bit. "Li Xiangui quickly helped him.

However, Wang Zhongjun's face was full of anxiety, pointing at Lin Feng who had already gone out and shouted at Li Xiangui, "What are you doing for me? Get that person back to me quickly?"

"What? Brother Wang, that's just a stinky boy who didn't know why he broke in. It's not a big deal. What is he doing after him? He didn't do anything bad in the house, so let's not hold him accountable?"

Seeing Wang Zhongjun being so anxious, Li Xiangui thought he wanted to pursue Lin Feng's responsibility for breaking in.

However, Wang Zhongjun slapped his knee abruptly, and pointed at Li Xiangui regretfully and shouted, "Lao Li! Lao Li! You... why are you so unsightly? That was just kicked out by you. People, the big people I want to introduce to you! I finally brought them all over, why did you drive out the most important big people with a disagreement?"

"What? That brat is the big man you want to introduce to me by Brother Wang?"


Hearing what Wang Zhongjun said, and looking at his expression that didn't look like a fake at all, Li Xiangui's whole head was instantly bewildered.

How is this possible!

This stinky boy who doesn't have a famous brand and speaks with scorn, is he the big man who even the Wang Zhongjun must be afraid of and respectfully serve? Li Xiangui's heart sank to the bottom in an instant. He recalled the smirk that Lin Feng had just turned around before he went out, and deliberately told him not to regret it. It turned out... it was waiting for him here!

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