Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1729: Invitation card

Back in the dormitory, Lin Feng found that Li Kai and Ye Bowei were still very hopeless playing games in the dormitory.

"Kay, Viagra, can you two be a little bit motivated! Is it really good to indulge in the game world all the time? Anyway, you two are also young and promising students from Qingbei University?"

I glanced at the game played by Li Kai and Ye Bowei. It was the CF that was popular with thousands of elementary school students. Lin Feng was also obsessed with this type of gunfighting game before, but then he killed ZERO, the gun **** of the country. I don't think it's interesting anymore, I haven't played for months.

"What is addicted to games! Boss, this game is not just a game! CF is also a battlefield, and fighting in it is a cool one! It is that there are too many students with b and too many elementary school students, which really lowers our IQ. ..."

Ye Bowei smiled and stopped his actions, turned his head and said to Lin Feng.

"Yeah! Boss, don't you not play games? Actually! Look at the children of the family like Viagra, they are bored all day long, just waiting to take the family business class, of course you will be addicted to the game. But I am different! I also shoulder the heavy responsibility of winning glory for the country!"

As he said, Li Kai smiled proudly, "I am practicing hard now, but there will be a China-Korea pk contest in half a month! At that time, the top masters of China and South Korea will have the ultimate pk contest. At that time, the prize money will be very generous, and the first prize will be one million!"

"Come on! Brother Kai, you have just reached the level of being invited, and you are still a thousand miles away from the gun king and gun god!" Ye Bowei opened his mouth.

"Fuck you! Viagra, then I am better than you! At least I basically abuse people in the game, and you are...haha! abused..." Li Kai quickly responded.

"Wait, Brother Kai, wait for me to study those videos of my idol, Scarlet Armored Gun God, and kill you in seconds."

With that said, Ye Bowei quit the game interface and instead opened a web site, which was playing the game video of Lin Feng's last spike-killing of the great gun **** ZERO. The number of views has exceeded one billion. It can be seen that almost all CF players have watched this video more than once.

"Bearded and crimson? Viagra, is this your idol?"

Seeing this familiar picture, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah! Boss, if you don't play games, you may not know. This crimson-shaded gun **** is simply slammed. Before, when a clamoring gun **** ZERO came to our China, he was crimsoned. One piece of Kaisha did not remain, and it was still live broadcast at the time. I was fortunate to watch the live broadcast... Since then, I have become a big fan of Scarlet Armor..."

When it comes to this beard and crimson gun god, Ye Baiwei's eyes are like little stars braving to worship. He speaks so much that he can't wait to repeat the wonderful scene at that time.

"Come on! Viagra, just your operating skills... If you didn't rely on a lot of rmb equipment, you would have been abused as a dog. You also know that in the confrontation between the shaved shackles and ZERO, shaved shackles It was the simplest pistol to kill ZERO. This shows that weapons and equipment are actually useless for birds. The core thing is operation and technology...you know?"

Li Kai is an experienced hacker and an "anti-rmb player". What he despises most is Ye Bowei, a rich rmb player. He always upgrades to the top equipment and uses the best golden gun. In his opinion, this It is the biggest insult to a purely operational gunfight game like cf.

"Go and go... Brother Kai, a good horse must be equipped with a saddle. You are reluctant to spend money on the game and say me? There is a kind of you, like a beard and scarlet, in the China-Korea pk war next month Among them, kill ZERO without leaving a piece of armor!" Ye Bowei said with a grin.

"I don't have this ability! At that time, I will still be more careful, try to die as little as possible, and help our Huaxia team accumulate a little more total points! However, the strength of this game is still quite different. There are many spear gods and spear kings, but there is not even a spear **** on our side..." Li Kai sighed when he said this.

"How come it's gone? Isn't the beard and crimson armor the spear god? And it's the super spear god!"

Ye Bowei was immediately dissatisfied, how could he ignore his idol, the brows and crimson guns? This is the only spear **** in the Huaxia Kingdom who convinces even the Bangzi Kingdom!

"Come on! Viagra, Crimson Beard hasn't shown up for several months, and some people even say... Crimson Beard may not be a person, but a gimmick made by cf company, just a computer program."

As a top hacker, Li Kai smiled and said, "Technically speaking, it is not too simple to create such a gun **** robot."

"How is this possible? Brother Kai, don't talk nonsense. How many thousands of people are watching the live broadcast, how could it be possible that the beard and scarlet is a robot? He is my idol, I don't care, I believe, next month's cf gun **** China and South Korea pk In the match, he will definitely play, he must raise the prestige of our country!" Ye Bowei exclaimed unconvinced.

"Wait... Viagra, Brother Kai, don't fight for the first time. In other words, what is going on in this China-Korea pk competition? What kind of gun **** you said will also participate?"

Originally, Lin Feng didn't care much about the two of them talking about the game, but when they suddenly talked about themselves, the scarlet gunner, he had to ask.

"Boss, the China-Korea pk competition is an annual event for cf servers in China and South Korea! Just in October every year ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ domestic cf companies will perform well in cf servers this year The contestants sent invitation letters, and there will be about 500 people participating in the competition by then! The beard and crimson spear **** is so famous, he will definitely receive invitations, but whether he can come to the competition is not necessarily...who makes him always It's a fascinating thing! Even the people from cf company said that there is no further information about the shackles..."

Ye Bowei said with some regret, "If I find him in reality, I must spend money to provide it, and let him teach me cf skills every day..."

"You local tyrant, do you think he has this kind of technology, he may be short of money? Any game guild to be a coach is very well paid..." Li Kai said with contempt.

"Cut! How much can they have from me? If you let me know who it is, I will support him with 100,000 yuan a month." Ye Bowei argued boldly.

After Lin Feng heard Ye Bowei's words, he was also a little bit happy, then sneaked up on his bed, opened the laptop on the bed, and logged into the cf game client that he hadn't opened for a long time.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the cf game client and logged in to the trumpet of the Gun King, Lin Feng saw the invitation letter sent by the cf operation team of Tencent.

"Respected God of Bearded and Scarlet Guns:

The CF operation team sincerely invites you to participate in the online China-Korea CF Gunslinger Exchange Contest held on October 14th..."

Then there is a click option under the invitation letter. On the left is "Confirm Participation" and on the right is "No, thank you!".

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