Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1730: Confirm entry

"Hey! There really is a so-called invitation letter!"

Seeing this invitation letter for the China-Korea pk competition from the CF project department, Lin Feng's mouth turned slightly, and he was hesitating in his heart. Will he accept the invitation to the competition? On October 14, do you have time to go online on time?

And when Lin Feng logged into the client, he was looking at the invitation letter while hesitating. Tencent Building, CF project team inspector Xiao Liu Zheng ordered a bowl of hot dried noodles, accompanied the old godmother, and enjoyed the lunch break comfortably. Most of the employees in the office were either eating or lying on the table. Go to sleep.

"Hey! It will be the China-Korea pk competition soon, and I hope this year's players in our country will not die too ugly."

After taking a look, Xiao Liu sighed for the Gun King players monitored on the screen. After all, the domestic CF level is one or two years behind the stick country, and the top players are even worse.

But at this moment, suddenly, Xiao Liu's computer rang steadily. This was a reminder that he specially set up the online reminder that only one person on the entire CF China server could enjoy Xiao Liu's treatment.

This person is no one else, it is the Chinese national spear **** who frustrated ZERO a few months ago.

The Scarlet Scarlet, which has not been online for several months, gradually faded from people’s sight, but Xiao Liu has been waiting. He hopes to see the Scarlet Scarlet Gunner come online again, especially hope he can accept it. Invitation to the Korean pk Gun God Contest.

However, the invitations to the competition have been issued one after another since half a month ago, and the one with shaved eyebrows and scarlet armor was issued at the first time, but he has never been seen online. Moreover, apart from this newly registered QQ number, there is no other contact method at all.

After waiting for a few months, the Scarlet Shabby Armor never went online again, and when Xiao Liu himself was about to give up, he suddenly heard the reminder that Scarlet Shabby Armor went online.


Excited, Xiao Liu plunged into the hot dry noodles, and then his face was covered with noodles even before he could wipe them, so he quickly yelled in the direction of team leader Wang Jianhong: "Brother Wang! Brother Wang! It's online... it's online..."


After being woken up during the lunch break, Wang Jianhong exclaimed impatiently, "Xiao Liu, everyone is resting! What are you talking about?"

In the office, after the other colleagues were awakened, they also looked up towards Xiao Liu and found that Xiao Liu’s face was covered with hot and dry noodle soup, which looked funny, but excitedly pointed to the big computer screen. Yelled: "The Spear God! Brother Wang, the spear God with the beard and eyebrows is online...More than three months ago, he is finally online again..."

"What? The Scarlet Armored Gun God is online? Hurry up...see if he checked our invitation letter?"

As soon as he heard that the gun goddess was on the line, Wang Jianhong rushed over and watched the online prompt on Xiao Liu's computer. It was indeed the crimson that had disappeared for months. Gun God, immediately became nervous.

"Not yet, he seems to have just logged on to our game client, and he is probably watching the invitation letter we sent him." Xiao Liu also said nervously.

"Bearded, Scarlet Armored Gun God is online? Let me see..."

"I want to see too, I'm a big fan of him!"

"Wait... Brother Wang, did he accept our invitation or not?"


In an instant, most of the staff in the office squeezed over. They are all famous and shabby, and they also deeply felt the weakness of the players in China. Without some top players, how easy to improve their level What?

Every year in the China-Korea pk gun **** contest, China is looking for abusers, and being abused by players from the stick country is like a person who can't look up! Especially when it comes to high-end military force, it is simply completely exploded. This year, it was hard to come up with a beard and crimson gun **** who can completely crush the existence of ZERO. Everyone hopes that he can participate in this year's competition and win glory for China.

"Brother Wang, do you want to send a private message to Scarlet Shawn to tell him the importance of this match? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I missed this time, and I don’t know when he will open us again. Game client..."

Seeing that the shackles and eyebrows were still logged in, Xiao Liu became a little anxious. After all, he waited for more than three months before Lin Feng logged in to the client.

"Wait! Don't act rashly. Right now, we can't use national honor and righteousness to kidnap the shaved brows. Maybe he just hates this? That's self-defeating. Let's take a look at his choice first. If he refuses to participate, we will do it again. It's too late to send a private message to invite him." Wang Jianhong was so calm that he stared at the screen and said.

At this time, lying on the upper bunk, facing the laptop, seeing this invitation letter, thinking about China’s domestic CF industry, it seems that there are really no masters in the CF industry. If you don’t make it, I’m afraid the players of the entire China country. It is going to be abused again.

"Forget it! Take some time to come up and play..."

Regardless, Lin Feng's bloodline is still with Huaxia bloodline. Even in the CF game, he does not want the players of his own country to be crushed by the players of the stick country.

Ever since, after hesitating for a while, Lin Feng moved the mouse and clicked the "Agree" button.


When Lin Feng clicked to agree, the CF project department immediately received feedback ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ agreed! Haha, Shakai agreed to participate..."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Liu immediately became ecstatic.

"Awesome! Awesome! This time, our Huaxia players have a chance to fight back, and our morale will definitely be boosted. Xiao Zhou, Xiao Hong, you guys immediately... let the art team make a picture, Get a special page to promote it, post it on the headline of the official website, and push it to all online CF players. It is said that the Scarlet Armor Gun God agrees to participate and will lead our Chinese players to fight back against Bangzi Country..."

Wang Jianhong, the excited CF project team leader, also applauded, and immediately let him go on the topic of safety promotion. After all, the participation of the beard and crimson spear **** can greatly encourage the morale of the entire China CF players.

Ten minutes later, the special announcement about the beard and crimson guns going to participate was published on the CF official website. In the devil dormitory of Qingbei University, Li Kai and Ye Bowei who were playing games were surprised to see this announcement. Cried.

"Fuck! Idol, my idol has come out... Idol also participated, this time we are sure to win!" Ye Baiwei was about to smile with joy.

"Haha...I still plan to die as few times as possible when the tortoise shrinks the head at the time of the competition! I didn't expect the beard and crimson spear **** to really participate in the competition, then I don't care about that much, then I will follow the spear **** and kill him. A stick is upright, hahaha..."

Seeing this news, Li Kai was immediately confident. After all, he is also one of the masters who will be competing at that time. If there is a man with a beard, eyebrows, guns, and guns together, China’s chances of winning can at least increase by several percent.

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