Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1731: Teacher Chang Yu, hello!

"Boss! Did you see it? The bearded and crimson-armored gun **** we just said will also participate in the China-Korea pk gun **** contest next month. In that case, our Huaxia country has the hope of winning, boss... Will you play CF? Then we will watch the live broadcast of the battle together in the dormitory!"

Ye Bowei was so excited that he banged on the table and shared the joyful news with Lin Feng.

"Come on! Viagra, the boss knows everything. When have you seen him play games? I guess he doesn't play games..." Li Kai said with a smile.

"CF! I can play a little too, but I don't play well."

Lin Feng smiled modestly, then closed his notebook, checked the time, and was about to go to class.

"Boss, you also play CF? That's a good feeling! I will take you to play with you another day! Although my skills are only at the level of ordinary masters, it is more than enough to abuse most of the players." Li Kai looked surprised. To say.

"Okay! Another day, look for a chance. I should go to class. It has been several days since the formal class. I haven't even attended a class."

I checked and found that there are three classes this afternoon. The first is the key professional course Microeconomics. Moreover, the teacher in this class is very interesting. He is not someone else, but the owner of the Chang family who gave him a haunted villa yesterday. .

"Hey! It's interesting now, I don't know what kind of expression will Teacher Chang Yu look like when he sees me?"

With a slight smile, he picked up the textbook, got out of bed, and put on his schoolbag, Lin Feng walked downstairs to the dormitory.

At this time, on the forum of Qingbei University, those students who saw Lin Feng coming back in a sports car all posted posts. After all, Lin Feng is almost unknown to everyone at Qingbei University now, as if he is a leader among freshmen.

"Hangyu, that Lin Feng is back again. He's good enough to show off! The 20 million Maybach just drove into the school with such a high profile."

Ye Zhou of the Ye family said to Hu Hangyu who was beside him with a sour expression when he saw the high-profile photos of Lin Feng on the forum. Their family also has ten to twenty million luxury cars, but they belong to his parents, not his. If he wants to drive, he must report to his parents. Moreover, his parents would never allow him to drive such a luxury car to school.

"Huh! I don't know which family he is the prodigal son. What's the great thing about being rich? What can be found! Ye Zhou, are we not richer than him? Wait! Wait for our airline to do it. Then, you can become the richest person in the world."

Hu Hangyu was so relieved that he held back his breath. However, at this stage, he simply couldn't think of what he could be better than Lin Feng. He only had the airline that was still in its infancy, and he still relied on his father's relationship and intellectual patents.

"Yufei! Look at it, the forum said that Lin Feng from Economics (2) is back to school. And he drove a nice sports car." At the Faculty of Science, the Queen of Mathematical Olympiad Feng Yufei The girls around also pointed to the news on the forum and told her.

"It's nothing more than a pushy family! What's so rare..."

After all these incidents, it is clear that Feng Yufei completely defined Lin Feng as a playboy, a guy who relies on his family background and forces to play the world.

At about 1.50 pm, in the teaching building, the first major class of economics (1) and economics (2), microeconomics, is said to be a best-selling beauty writer as a subject teacher, so basically Everyone rushed over early and took up their seats. Both boys and girls were very interested in this beautiful writer, Teacher Chang Yuchang.

"Yanran, why didn't you see Lin Feng from your family come to class? Didn't he come back to school at noon? Why did you skip class?" Zhang Miao asked quietly, sitting beside Qin Yanran, leaning in her ear.

"Miaomiao, I don't know. Lin Feng might not know that there is a class, right?" Qin Yanran pouted, but her gaze kept looking towards the classroom door, always expecting Lin Feng's figure to be underneath. Appeared there for a second.

"Big sister! Will our monitor come to class this afternoon?"

Zhao Zhong, the deputy monitor of the Economics (2) class, ran up to ask Xiao Nishang Dao. Ever since Xiao Nishang showed her absolute strength in the sports meeting, the classmates of the entire Economics (2) class have used the honorific title "big sister big" to her.

"You ask me, who am I asking! Leave it alone, when Lin Feng wants to come to class, he will come naturally. If he doesn't want to come, it's useless to urge anyone..." Xiao Nishang curled his lips. Said.

In fact, in today's class, Xiao Nishang's most concern is not whether Lin Feng will come to class, but the beautiful teacher Chang Yu.

When the class bell rang, everyone saw a capable little black dress, a Sanyu model with black stockings and red high heels walking in from the classroom door.

"Hello classmates, I'm so glad to meet you. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Chang Yu, your teacher of microeconomics, and I'm always Chang, Yu Pei's Yu. I will give you this class from now on... …"

As soon as he walked into the classroom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sanyu introduced himself while scanning the entire classroom. This scan did not reveal the existence of Lin Feng, and Chang Yu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but was disappointed again.

"In the first class, the teacher introduced himself and everyone knows me. But, I don’t know everyone yet, so let’s do it! I will get to know everyone through the roster, and hope that the teachers who report their names will take the initiative to stand up Say hello to everyone..."

Since Lin Feng hadn't come, San Yu let go of his agitated heart, and began to pick up the economics (1) and economics (2) rosters and name them.

Halfway through the roll call, all classes in Economics (1) have arrived, and then the class in Economics (2), Sanyu followed the list one by one, and basically all the students who had the names arrived.

When she glanced at the next name, which happened to be Lin Feng's name, Chang Yu hesitated for a moment. She knew that Lin Feng was not in the classroom, but she couldn't just jump over it like this, so she also read from the list: "Lin Feng! Is Lin Feng here yet?"

"Not good! Why did Teacher Chang really get the class leader's name? It's over. The class leader hasn't come yet! Should I answer him first?" Deputy monitor Zhao Zhong heard Chang Yu clicked Lin Feng's Name, he couldn't help but become anxious for Lin Feng. When he was thinking about whether to answer for Lin Feng, suddenly a familiar voice appeared at the classroom door.

"Here! Sorry, I'm late. Teacher Chang Yu, how are you!"

It was Lin Feng with a grinning face that appeared at the door, carrying a schoolbag, and rushing over from the bedroom just now.

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