Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1732: Caught up

"Lin Feng, it's him. He really came to class."

Seeing Lin Feng appearing at the door of the classroom, Qin Yanran's face bloomed with a smile like a flower.

"Hey! Lin Feng, this stinky kid, finally came."

Xiao Nishang also squinted his eyes, gave a strange laugh, and said secretly.

"Squad leader, the squad leader is back. Our squad leader is finally here..."

On the contrary, Zhao Zhong, who had been worrying about Lin Feng for a long time, was so excited that he almost burst into tears when he saw Lin Feng finally rushed back at the last minute.

"Lin Feng!"

Chang Yu turned around and saw Lin Feng coming with a hippie smile. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Teacher Chang, I'm sorry! I'm late, may I ask...Can I go in and listen to the class?"

Seeing the abnormal expression on Chang Yu's face, Lin Feng knew that yesterday's incident might have had a big impact on her. In fact, I wanted to keep the camera deliberately so that Sanyu could see her own strength and shocked her so that she would stop being careful.

"But... yes! Come in!"

At this time, Chang Yu reacted. He was Lin Feng's teacher, so he made a serious face and said to him, "Next time, remember to come early and don't be late."

"Good! Teacher Chang."

After speaking, Lin Feng strode down under the eyes of the students and sat down beside Xiao Nishang. Because no other boy dared to sit there beside Xiao Nishang, Lin Feng actually wanted to sit next to Qin Yanran, but it was a pity that Qin Yanran sat next to the girl in her dormitory.

"Hey! Lin Feng, I thought you were going to skip class again today!" Xiao Nishang joked when seeing Lin Feng coming.

"Go! Crazy girl, where did I skip class. I'm asking for leave... you know? Isn't it that I went back to school as soon as I was free?"

Bai gave Xiao Nishang a glance, and Lin Feng said with a smile.

"How's the matter handled? Do you have a place to live? If not, you can pick any of the houses of my Xiao family in the capital."

Xiao Nishang said generously.

"I've done it a long time ago, waiting for you? Huh! Crazy girl, you're just a hindrance, didn't you tell me?" Lin Feng continued to squint at her, and the two of them were talking and laughing in class.

In this way, it made the girls in Economics (1) feel that it was not worth it for Qin Yanran.

"Yanran, look at it. Lin Feng is clearly your boyfriend, but he hangs up with Xiao Nishang all the time. Even if they are in the same class, can't that be the case?" Zhang Miao has the best relationship with Qin Yanran, so I will help her. Not reconciled.

"Miaomiao, it's...it's okay. When we were in high school, all three of us were good friends."

Although Qin Yanran was a bit jealous in her heart, she was even more reluctant to open up Miao and the others for their prejudices against Lin Feng, so she tried her best to speak for Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang.

"No matter how good the relationship is! Yanran, wait...I will sit next to Yan Han in the next class, and then you will let Lin Feng sit with you! You can't let Xiao Nishang dominate Lin Feng all the time... …" Zhang Miao still held injustice for Qin Yanran.

"Miaomiao, it's okay, look...I don't mind."

Qin Yanran forced a smile, but she was still very tempted by what Zhang Miao just said. In fact, isn't that what she wants in college life? I was able to attend class with Lin Feng, and then walked around the campus holding hands after class.

In the class, after finishing the name, San Yu started to give a formal class. He talked about some of the most basic economic principles of "Microeconomics". It is a fun and easy way to teach.

However, her gaze was always swept across Lin Feng's body from time to time, and when Lin Feng looked at her with a smile on her face, she felt a little unnatural.

"What does this Lin Feng mean? What happened yesterday, I...I was just testing him, but I didn't expect the girl next to him to be so powerful."

While Chang Yu was giving a lecture, he was thinking about Lin Feng's attitude towards himself and the entire Chang family.

A class passed quickly, and the students enjoyed the class with such a beautiful teacher who was humorous and beautiful, and they were reluctant to dismiss the get out of class. Even after the get out of class bell was rang, a few students who had bought Changyu books rushed forward and asked Changyu to sign them.

"Teacher Chang, I'm a fan of yours, please sign me a name?"

"Teacher, your lecture is so good. Two sessions a week is not enough. Can you add to three sessions!"

"I want to sign too! Teacher, help me sign..."


One by one, the classmates rushed up. While watching Lin Feng, Chang Yu said to them: "Don't worry, take all you want to sign. Let's hurry up and sign. After all, you will have other classes soon!"

After signing a dozen or so names, when Chang Yu gathered up the lesson plan and was leaving, he found that Lin Feng was chatting with the deputy squad leader Zhao Zhong and others, as if he hadn't noticed her at all.

"What's the matter? Isn't Lin Feng rushing back to school to attend class on purpose today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not to come and trouble me?"

After hesitating for a while, Chang Yu's heart was full of doubts, and finally found that Lin Feng didn't care about her at all after the class, so he walked out of the classroom suspiciously, and said in his heart: "He didn't want to wait for me to leave the classroom. Follow me again?"

Chang Yu walked quickly downstairs to the teaching building. When he went down the stairs, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind. He suddenly became nervous in his heart, and Lin Feng caught up with him. Because she wasn't sure what Lin Feng's attitude towards herself was. If he thought that he was a threat and danger to him, she would pick a place where no one was there to attack her, what should he do?

Ever since, San Yu accelerated his pace further, but the sound of the latter footsteps became increasingly anxious.

Finally, when he walked to a quiet corner of the flower garden next to the teaching building, San Yu suddenly turned around and shouted at the person chasing behind, "Lin Feng, just say what you want..."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she was surprised to find that the person who had been chasing her was not Lin Feng, but the girl Xiao Nishang who had been sitting next to Lin Feng just now, the eldest lady of the Xiao family in Beijing.

"Teacher Chang, don't be so nervous! What are you calling me? Lin Feng? Tsk...Why do you care about Lin Feng so much? Is it possible that you also like Lin Feng?"

Xiao Nishang, the crazy girl who chased Sanyu out after class, looked at Sanyu with a flirtatious expression, and said with a smirk.

"Xiao Nishang? Why are you? You...you follow me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the person coming was Xiao Nishang, Chang Yu was slightly relieved, but still asked cautiously.

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