Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1733: You are my ancestor

"Teacher Chang, what are you so afraid of Lin Feng?"

Xiao Nishang smiled and walked forward, approaching Chang Yu, and said with a malicious face.

"Fear of him? How could I be afraid of him? He is my student. What's so scary about me?"

Since Chang Yu didn't know if this Xiao Nishang was sent by Lin Feng, he still looked cautious and stepped back.

"Oh? If you are not afraid of him, why did you think I was him just now? And... the expression on your face is so unnatural!"

Xiao Nishang didn't reveal his identity right away, instead, he was trying to find a way to follow Sanyu's words and understand the general situation of Sanyu now. While her spiritual sense was talking to Sanyu, she scanned her body.

"Student Xiao Nishang, I think you may be thinking too much. If you have nothing to do, the teacher has other things, so just leave."

Taking retreat as advancement, seeing Xiao Nishang's circling around the corner trying to compose his own words, Chang Yu pretended to leave with a straight face.

"Wait a minute! Teacher Chang, what are you doing in such a hurry? I'm not a man. Are you still afraid that I will eat your tofu?"

With that said, Xiao Nishang looked at Sanyu with a fascinating look, and then quickly grabbed Sanyu's hand with one hand, touched it, and said with a smile, "Teacher Chang, your hand is It's thin and white. It's probably a man who can't help but be attracted to you when he sees it?"

"Let go! Student Xiao Nishang, what are you doing? Please be serious, I am your teacher, don't make this kind of joke with me?"

When Xiao Nishang grabbed his arm like this, Chang Yu yanked abruptly, but felt that Xiao Nishang's strength was so great that he couldn't pull his hand at all, so he stared at her.

"What? Teacher Chang, don't be so impatient! Are you not very interested in Lin Feng? I know everything about Lin Feng, or let's find a place to sit down and I will tell you slowly?" Xiao Nishang continued Put Sanyu's words.

However, San Yu already felt Xiao Nishang's bad intentions. Once again, he drew out his hand abruptly, and then the palm of his right hand instantly threw out a few black spots.


These black spots immediately turned into a few very small bugs, and rushed towards Xiao Nishang's body.

"Palm Gu? Not bad! Not bad... It can be emitted almost instantly. It seems that your skill has improved a lot!"

Faced with the few black bugs that Sanyu sent out, Xiao Nishang did not dodge at all, letting the little bug pierce her body through the skin.

"You actually recognize this as Palm Heart Gu? Then why don't you hide?"

Hearing Xiao Nishang's words, Chang Yu's eyes widened in surprise. This Palm Palm Gu is not as easy to identify as other gu worms. Basically, there are no more than ten people in this world who know Palm Palm Gu, and she still learned it from her ancestor's notes.

However, Chang Yu did not expect that Xiao Nishang in front of him would recognize the palm gu, but he still had a relaxed expression and did not avoid the palm gu.

"Why should I hide?" Xiao Nishang still smiled easily.

"Humph! If you don't hide, then you just wait to suffer!"

There was a silent meditation in Chang Yu's heart. She wanted to control the Palm Heart Gu, but she was shocked again, because she discovered that although the Palm Heart Gu had successfully entered Xiao Nishang's body, they had completely lost contact with her. .

"What's the matter? Why is there no movement in my Palm Heart Gu? Why can't I get in touch? This is obviously the Palm Heart Gu that I have been feeding with my blood for seven to seventy-nine days. It's impossible to be contacted. Unless..."

Suddenly awakened, Chang Yu instinctively stepped back a few steps and pointed to Xiao Nishang Road.

"Unless I know how to feed Palm Heart Gu, and even have more know-how than you..."

With a slight smile, Xiao Nishang stretched out her palms gently, and saw that the few black palm guts that Changyu sent towards her just now were curled up in her hands safely.

"This is my palm gu. You can control my palm gu as you want? Say! Who are you? The eldest lady of the Xiao family, I have never heard of you, you have practiced Gu worm."

Chang Yu looked at Xiao Nishang in surprise, because the strength displayed by Xiao Nishang really far exceeded the information she had. In her information, Xiao Nishang's martial arts strength, the eldest of the Xiao family, would never exceed the third level of the acquired.

However, the Xiao Nishang that I saw in front of me now revealed an unpredictable look everywhere, and he could even control the Gu worms she sent out.

Originally, Chang Yu had a dozen other kinds of Gu worms that could be used to deal with enemies, but seeing that Xiao Nishang could control the palm gu that she sent out, she had no idea of ​​continuing to use Gu worms against her. Up.

Because Chang Yu knew that even if other Gu worms were sent out, they would not harm Xiao Nishang at all, but would be controlled by Xiao Nishang just like this palm gu.

"Who am I? Changyu, Changyu! Haven't you been looking for me? The secret world of Changbai Mountain, you designed so many~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not just to save me?"

While talking, Xiao Nishang changed a very thick voice and said with a grin.

"I'm looking for you? Changbai Mountain Secret Realm?"

As soon as Xiao Nishang said that, Chang Yu immediately became ecstatic and shouted: "Old ancestor! You are my ancestor, right? Haha! It turns out that ancestor you have really succeeded in seizing the home, that is Seizing the body of this girl, no wonder... No wonder I said how you can control the palm gu. It turned out that the ancestor succeeded in seizing the house."

"Shang Yu, thank you for your plan, so that I can successfully escape from the secret realm that came to Changbai Mountain." Xiao Nishang deliberately pretended to be mature and nodded.

"Old ancestor, you are finally back. Let's go! I will take you back to our Chang home, let you see how far our Chang home has recovered..."

Through Xiao Nishang's method of using Palm Gu, as well as some of the words she said, Chang Yu had completely believed that Xiao Nishang was what his ancestor Chang Hong looked like after he took the house, and eagerly wanted to take Xiao Nishang back to Chang's home.

"No! Chang Yu, I must keep a distance from you now to avoid causing... Lin Feng's suspicion." Xiao Nishang waved his hand and said.

"Lin Feng's suspicion? By the way, ancestors, I designed to let many masters enter the secret realm of Changbai Mountain to grab the treasure, and in the end the people led by Lin Feng came out. The Saint Gu cover you mentioned..." Chang Yu heard the words , Asked immediately.

"That's right! The Saint Gu cover fell into Lin Feng's hands, so now, I want to hide by his side, and do everything possible to recapture the Saint Gu cover." Xiao Nishang said deeply.

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