Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1736: Inspect the base of the Great Holy Gang

Lin Feng watched Qin Yanran's running water fall from his cheeks, and he didn't feel at all in his heart. However, even if he is a cultivator, it will not help. Almost everyone's physique is determined innately, and it can be changed unless there are some anti-natural methods.

For example, the chaotic lotus seed that Lin Feng was still planting, or it was changed by other methods like Luo Qingqing.

But from the very beginning, Lin Feng probed Qin Yanran's physique, but he was the least suitable for cultivation.

What is mixed physique? Generally speaking, the elements in the body are composed of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and yin, yang, ice, thunder, and wind. As long as a single element accounts for more than 20% of the body, it can be said to have The most basic cultivation physique.

And if no element accounts for more than 20%, then this kind of garbage physique is called a mixed physique by the cultivation world.

It is a pity that Qin Yanran’s physique is just such a mixed physique. Lin Feng discovered through a glance at her spiritual sense that in Qin Yanran’s body, almost all of them are physiques of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and even ice thunder and wind. Accounted for, and it's still about 10%.

In other words, Qin Yanran's physique is not only a mixed physique, but also the most **** among the mixed physiques, with all types of elements.

This kind of physique, basically even if it uses some elixir that can slightly change the constitution, it is almost impossible to cultivate.

It can be said that it belongs to the type that lacks the ability to return to the sky. That's why, from the very beginning, Lin Feng planned to hide Qin Yanran from the fact that he was a cultivator in order to avoid such a psychological gap in Qin Yanran's heart.

However, what Lin Feng didn't expect was that the sensitive Qin Yanran discovered the clues of it himself. Lin Feng didn't want to keep hiding from her anymore, so he told her everything together.

"What? I am a miscellaneous physique? And still that kind of hopeless miscellaneous physique?"

Hearing Lin Feng briefly talk about the physique of the cultivator, Qin Yanran also sat on the stone bench next to him with a dazed expression, and looked up at the bright crescent moon in the night sky. Tasted.

Some things are determined innately, and you cannot change them because of your hard work. This is often the most helpless thing, and now Qin Yanran is facing this kind of result, which, for her, almost broke her heart.

After all, since childhood, Qin Yanran has always been able to learn quickly in any field of interest with excellent grades and talents. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a small genius.

But now, when facing the matter of comprehension, Qin Yanran stupefied that her "genius" had become the most **** waste material.

With such a gap, one can imagine the tragic scene decades later, Qin Yanran couldn't help but lay on Lin Feng's body and started crying bitterly.

"Woo...Lin Feng, if I become an old woman in a few decades, would you not want me?" Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng with tears.

"No, Yanran, I won't let this happen. Even though you can relax your mind, even though you can't cultivate, but... I can still develop many elixir to keep your appearance, even Extend your life! In history, there are many examples of people who can’t cultivate themselves through various elixir to achieve the same immortality and longevity as those who cultivate..."

Lin Feng had already considered this point. He now also ordered the Great Holy Gang to purchase the medicinal materials for refining these elixir at high prices worldwide. With Lin Feng's current level of cultivation, as long as these medicinal materials are available, combined with the effects of some divine water, at least some beauty pills, bulao pills and longevity pills can be refined.


Although Qin Yanran was very unwilling to accept this fact, her physique was determined by nature, and Lin Feng had nothing to do, and she could only reluctantly accept this fact.

However, Qin Yanran's heart is not as weak as she looks. She secretly clenched her hands and vowed that as long as there were other ways, she would also become a cultivator like Lin Feng.

The night is very light and very slow!

Qin Yanran just cried and fell asleep on Lin Feng's shoulder.

The door of the dormitory building had already been closed, and Lin Feng couldn't bear to wake Qin Yanran like this, so he hugged and hugged Qin Yanran directly, and went to the hotel outside the school to open a room.

"Huh! This smelly Lin Feng, took Yanran to open the house?"

In the female dormitory building, when it was closing time, Xiao Nishang's spiritual consciousness swept toward the dormitory next door and found that Qin Yanran hadn't come home at night. Suddenly in his heart he guessed that Lin Feng took Qin Yanran out, and his heart was sour.

However, Xiao Nishang thought of Lin Feng too irritably. Lin Feng took Qin Yanran out for the night ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but didn't do anything extraordinary. In fact, it was because Lin Feng had promised Qin Yanran's mother, Chen Luping, that she would protect Yanran.

"Yan Ran, don't worry. I will definitely help you cultivate..."

Just watching Yanran crying tired and sleeping peacefully, Lin Feng was also thinking, what exactly is there to make Yanran who can't practice physically become a cultivator?

Because Lin Feng’s inheritance memory comes from all the historical figures who have obtained 24 Dinghai God Orbs. Although the memory is all-encompassing, it can’t solve all problems. Comprehension actually means that I have unlimited possibilities, even if It was a physique like Yanran who was convicted of being unable to practice the death penalty, and it might be another day.

The next day, when the genius had just turned on, Lin Feng had already woke up. Seeing Qin Yanran's sleeping Zhengxiang, he did not wake her up. After leaving a note, he left the hotel and took a taxi. He rushed to the secret base address of the Great Holy Gang.

Because I have agreed with Xiao Yulong, come over today to inspect the headquarters of the Great Holy Gang. However, in order to prevent his whereabouts from being leaked, Lin Feng did not drive his Maybach over. Instead, he changed taxis several times along the way. When he reached a place five kilometers away from the base of the Great Holy Gang, he made a decisive move. car.

After finding a corner and putting on the mask of the Great Sage, Lin Feng used the invisibility talisman before rushing to the base of the Great Sage swiftly.

But having said that, the address of the headquarters of the Great Sacred Gang was chosen too far. It was already outside the sixth ring of the capital. It was really hard for Lin Feng to come all the way.

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