Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1737: Dasheng Group

Today, the red flag is on display!

Today, singing and dancing are welcome!

Today, in front of a new group building outside the Sixth Ring Road, various song and dance troupes and a large number of members in black suits were invited to stand in front of the building early in the morning, seemingly waiting to welcome some big people.

The surrounding residents have also poked their heads to watch the excitement. This group seems to be quite powerful, but has never even heard of the name.

Dasheng Group?

There is such a golden sign in front of the building, but no one has heard of what this Dasheng Group does. Is it food? Electronic factory products? Or something else?

"Isn't this the headquarters of a large state-owned enterprise before? Then I heard that the group went bankrupt, and this building was also sealed off. Why did it suddenly change to a company I haven't heard of?"

"I'm not sure, but I started to play around a few days ago, but I didn't expect it to open so soon."

"The Great Sage Group, sounds very domineering. Is that the Great Sage of Sun Dasheng?"

"Follow him! Anyway, we watched the excitement, it's very festive..."


The two brothers, Xiao Yulong and Xiao Zhuo, don't wear any masks anymore, they just show their true colors and completely dominate the work of the entire Great Holy Gang. After all, both of them are now the cultivation base of the acquired peak, and they have Lin Feng, the elder of the dragon group, as the backing, what are they afraid of?

Including the entire Great Holy Gang, with the help of the Dragon Group, it was completely exposed to the sun and became an authentic large group, and all its assets were washed away. Even including some special areas, there are also special action orders given by the Dragon Group through the state.

Therefore, this time, in order to welcome Lin Feng to inspect, and at the same time as the ribbon-cutting opening ceremony of the entire Dasheng Group, the Xiao brothers made a grand event, and they were clamoring early in the morning, and even the song and dance troupe was invited.

Even some of the aunts of the neighborhood committees around them voluntarily ran over and used their large speakers to jump up in the square dance.

"Yulong, what's the matter? Why did those aunts come to us to dance the square dance?"

Xiao Zhuo walked out of the building and saw the square outside. He was immediately taken aback, especially these aunts who danced in the square, questioning his brother Xiao Yulong.

"Big brother, I am not very clear. It seems to be... These aunts heard that we are going to be a little festive today, so they took the initiative to ask for help." Xiao Yulong also said helplessly.

"Proactive? These aunts are enthusiastic..." Xiao Zhuo gave a dry smile.

"That's not right! Big Brother, our Great Sage Gang... No! It should be called the Great Sage Group now. The employees of our group have inherited the Lei Feng spirit that the Great Sage said. After arriving in Beijing, they respect the old and love the young. Didn’t we move here in a few days to reorganize this building? By the way, we also helped the lonely old people around us to do a lot of good things..."

After spreading his hands, Xiao Yulong said with a smile, "So, these aunts have a very good impression of us, and they all actively ask to help us!"

"It turned out to be like this! That's good! I believe that Dasheng sees these words, and knows that we have not lived up to his expectations of us. Our Dasheng Group is not only to help Dasheng build a huge power and intelligence network, but also We must set an example for the martial artist in the new era." Xiao Zhuo said seriously.

"Yes! That's it. Who said that our warriors in the 21st century society will only fight bravely all day long? We will also contribute to a harmonious socialist society."

Xiao Yulong smiled and nodded in agreement, as if he had a bright red scarf tied around his neckline.

There were noisy square dances and various singing and dancing performances. In front of the building of the Dasheng Group, many onlookers gathered. At this moment, Lin Feng wore a great sacred mask and walked over looking for a sound.

Hearing the noise and seeing this posture, Lin Feng was also taken aback, secretly asking the Xiao brothers what is going on? Is it possible that this is to set up a stage to sing a big show?

"Brother, look at it! The Great Sage is here..."

The sharp-eyed Xiao Yulong saw Lin Feng appearing in the crowd for the first time and called out.

"Quick! The two of us took the main members to greet the Great Sage, and you immediately made the welcoming team more warm..."

Xiao Zhuo said solemnly immediately, and rushed towards Lin Feng with the key personnel. At the same time, the music and dance in the square got instructions from Xiao Yulong and became more lively.

"Participate in the Great Sage!"

Although there were many people watching, the Xiao brothers and the backbone of the Great Holy Gang did not shy away from it. When they came to Lin Feng, they knelt down on one knee and welcomed them.

"Hey! Look at it quickly...the bosses of the Great Sage Group, how come they all kneel to that person over there?"

"Huh? That person wears the mask of Dasheng Sun, isn't it... this Dasheng Group belongs to him?"

"The figure looks very young! This is incredible..."


Because most of the young people went to work, the onlookers were middle-aged and elderly people, especially those street aunts who danced square dancing. Seeing the real head of the Dasheng Group came, they immediately worked harder.

They even jumped and jumped over to Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ An aunt who took the lead broke away from the team and happily shouted at Lin Feng, who was wearing a great mask: "Welcome! Welcome! A warm welcome..."

"Xiao Yulong, what's going on? Can you really save money for me? Called some aunts to dance the square dance?" Lin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw this, but the situation on the scene was indeed full of joy.

"Great Sage, this...this is not our invitation, but the aunts came voluntarily..." Xiao Yulong also said with a slight embarrassment.

It was the old lady who was familiar with herself. She came forward and took Lin Feng’s arm and said with a smile: "This boss! You really know how to play, what is your name, the Great Sage Group, but you brought one The mask of the Great Sage. Don’t blame us old ladies for coming to join in the fun!

There is nothing else to say, the employees of your Dashen Group are all like this...Dingquack! I am the director of the neighborhood office. In the past half month, your Dasheng Group employees have helped the elderly aunts in our neighborhood how busy they are. And I want to thank you even more. A few days ago, Uncle Qin, a widow and lonely old man, had cancer. I came to your Mr. Xiao. Without a word, I donated 100,000 yuan to us..."

Barabara! The aunts of this street office, knowing that Lin Feng is the boss of the entire Dasheng Group, they pulled him to exaggerate, and the square dance behind them became more unrestrained...

(Tonight I have a gathering with a few good friends and writers, so I got up early and finished writing, and the third shift was posted! I went out in a while, hehe! There is a taste of the author of "I am a big star"! He is also a guest appearance by me Heroine San Yu...)

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