Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1746: Exploring the Forbidden Land (Part 2)

"I'll go! What demon wind is this?"

As soon as this yin wind blew, everyone immediately swayed, and there was an uncomfortable feeling that was indescribable, as if it was the kind of feeling that was pinched in the throat and almost unable to breathe. Even Xiao Xuan, the strongest martial artist among the others, couldn't help his expression change.

"Isn't it? This hasn't gone in yet? It's so scary? It seems more scary than when we came last time..."

Muronghui was the most timid, and his legs began to tremble.

"Ahui, what are you afraid of? There is a boss here! Also, didn't the boss drew a palm thunder for us? No matter what, I am here! If you really encounter a monster, I will **** a boy, absolutely. Able to push them back..."

Li Kai stepped forward, patted Muronghui on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Everyone is following me, take their own lighting tools, we will go inside to see! What monsters and ghosts are there?"

This overcast wind is not a big deal to Lin Feng. Generally speaking, this kind of place that has not been popular for a long time is more or less full of Yin. Before Lin Feng had been to the secret space of Changbai Mountain, as well as the inside of Tianma Peak, they were all the same, full of terrible Yin Qi.

For the human body, as long as Yin Qi invades the body, it will cause various health problems and even cause some hallucinations.

However, after entering the forbidden area this time, Lin Feng realized some preparations, and gave everyone a piece of ginkgo leaf just picked from the campus. There is a trace of Lin Feng's breath on these ginkgo leaves. In this way, even if these people are separated from him, Lin Feng can quickly find them with the breath of ginkgo leaves.

"Lin Feng, it's not easy! The yin inside is very strong, it seems... as expected, there is a ghost!"

Xiao Nishang stepped into the forbidden ground, and the spiritual sense swept away and encountered obstacles. The dense Yin Qi made her spiritual sense difficult to unfold, and the eyes of the cultivator were completely blind here.

"Well! Crazy girl, it's a bit difficult. I'll lead the front, you stand behind..."

Originally, Lin Feng thought that there were just some little ghosts in it! However, after entering the forbidden area, his spiritual consciousness was also greatly hindered, and he became more cautious.

The group of people cautiously stepped into the forbidden area in the middle of the night. Lin Feng was exploring the way in the front, and Xiao Nishang was guarding at the end. Everyone entered the haunted forbidden area like long snakes.


Inside the forbidden area, the yin wind was blowing in the ears, but the surroundings were very quiet, and there was not even a sound of birds and insects.

Not far in front is the unfinished building in the forbidden area, because no one has set foot on this forbidden ground for a long time. The traces of the years on the unfinished building are simple and sad. At first glance, it seems that they will be pulled into that long distance. In his memory.

Crunch! Crunch!

"Ah! What sound..."

Along the way, there were some broken tiles on the ground, which were accidentally trampled by Murong Hui, and the sudden sound shocked everyone.

"I said Ahui, can you stop being so surprised and be careful!"

Xiao Xuan feared, followed behind Lin Feng, but was frightened by Murong Hui behind.

"Brother Xuan, I didn't want it either! But it's too scary here, do you remember this road? When we walked here last time, we suddenly heard a scary scream..."

Muronghui, with a pale face, pointed to a path not far in front, and said tremblingly.

"That way?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but looked over there.

Including Li Kai, Ye Bowei, Liao Xiaobing, He Daze, Chen Yuxuan, etc., they also entered the forbidden area last time. When reminded by Muronghui, they suddenly remembered the scene two years ago, searching for the scene in the memory. It seems to be true. Like Muronghui said, everything only becomes strange when it comes to this road...


When everyone was remembering, suddenly, as they were two years ago, there was an inexplicable scream in their ears.

"Just... just this scream... here again! Ah!"

When Murong Hui heard this sound, he shivered all over and yelled.

"Yes! It's the voice, my God! Why is it here again..."

Even Xiao Xuan couldn't help his face suddenly turning pale.

"No... Really a ghost?"

At the back of the team, Xiao Nishang couldn't help feeling a little nervous, even if she was a cultivator, she was also a girl! For things like ghosts, he is still a little scared.

"It's this voice! It must be that ghost, it killed my Wenli..."

Hearing this voice, Li Kai was not scared at all. Instead, he became particularly angry, spreading his teeth and claws, as if he was about to rush out in the next second to fight the voice to the death.

"Same voice?"

Lin Feng walked in front, he also heard this scream, and he heard Muronghui say that when they came two years ago, they were also in this position and heard this scream.

This makes people a little strange, but Lin Feng's spiritual sense leaned toward the surroundings, but was blocked by layers of Yin Qi and energy, and he couldn't see the situation behind him clearly.

"This is really tricky. The situation here is really not easy."

Putting away the small gaze at the beginning, Lin Feng whizzed and took out the Fengtong sword from the Shenshui space, always paying attention to the surrounding movement.


Moving on, everyone holding the lighting equipment carefully looked at the surroundings, but from time to time there was a strange cry in their ears.

"No! No! Boss, shall we go back? Otherwise... It is likely that we will die here as well as we did two years ago..."

For Murong Hui, every step he took was simply suffering. He is the least courageous, and there is the shadow of the time two years ago, especially now that everything he has experienced now seems to be repeating the script two years ago.

"What a joke, Brother Hui, we are all here, even if we are dead, I have to find out the truth of Wenli's death." Li Kai was on the side, cheering Muronghui, "There is a boss! Nothing will happen Yes, look at the thunder in the palm of your hand..."

"Brother Kai, it’s not that I’m scared! I’m really scared! By the way, look at the unfinished building in front ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ last time we came, you still remember that the team was first lost and ran away because What? It's because... when I walked to the front, I suddenly saw a hideous female ghost in a **** dress under the unfinished building?"

Some scenes and pictures that were forgotten because of too much fear, after experiencing the recurrence of this scene, Muronghui suddenly remembered all the details of the pictures that entered this forbidden area two years ago, completely remembered. .

"Stop talking nonsense, there was no such thing..."

Just as Li Kai was about to interrupt Muronghui’s words, this blank memory was suddenly stirred up in his mind, and it was not just him, but all the people who entered the forbidden area two years ago, Xiao Xuan, Ye Bowei, Chen Yuxuan, Liao Xiaobing and He Daze, they all remembered.

"Yes! It's that place, a blood-clothed female ghost suddenly appeared, and then we were scared to run..." Xiao Xuan said sharply.

"I remember! It's that female ghost..." Ye Bowei also yelled.

"My sister got scared to run after seeing the female ghost!" Liao Xiaobing also widened his eyes and cried.

And at this time, when the lead Lin Feng walked forward gently fell, and the people who had just awakened the terrifying memory in their minds were so terrified, their eyes widened with fear, and once again saw nothingness. Downstairs in a rotten tail, a female ghost with a hideous face and a blood coat slowly appeared.

(Ps: Recommend a friend's new book "The Overbearing Evil Soldier": Return to China in a low-key manner, but also need to act in a high-profile manner. The great powers fight for the front, and one person completely abuses the global elite.)

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