Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1747: Lady figure

"Ah! It's the female ghost, exactly the same! It's exactly the same!"

Seeing the blood-clothed female ghost suddenly appearing, Murong Hui yelled out loud immediately.

As for the other people who had entered this haunted forbidden area, their eyes widened, and all the lost memories in their minds were all awakened in an instant.

"It's her! It's her... It was this ghost in blood two years ago..."

"She killed my sister! I will fight her..."

"Run! Run, everyone! Ghost..."


The sudden appearance of the female ghost caught Lin Feng by surprise, and he did not expect that this female ghost would reappear in this place again without warning. Before that, even his spiritual sense had not felt the slightest fluctuation at all.

"No! I want to run...I can't die here..."

The timid Murong Hui, could not help but ran away first. No way, he can't be blamed for this, it's really that this female ghost looks a little too scary, that hideous face, terrifying giggles, and the horror scene in his mind two years ago, he doesn't run Will not work.

"Ahui! Don't run around..."

Seeing Muronghui running back, Li Kai seemed to remember something suddenly, and immediately shouted, and then chased after him.

"Damn ghost! You killed my sister..."

Liao Xiaobing who came with her was not afraid of the female ghost, her heart was already occupied by hatred. Lin Feng saw that she was holding a lighted talisman in the palm of her hand, apparently from some well-known temples, and then rushed towards the position of the female ghost without fear.

"Liao Xiaobing, are you going to die?"

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hand and exclaimed.

"Xiao Xuan, you let me go! I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Even if you don't call me to come together today, I will come over alone in a few days and fight this female ghost to the death."

Liao Xiaobing, who was already completely crazy, had a decisive expression on her face. She shook Xiao Xuan's arm abruptly and shouted, "You go! My sister's revenge, I will retaliate..."

"Liao Xiaobing, don't forget, and me! My sister was also killed by this nasty ghost..."

While speaking, Chen Yuxuan also held a jade pendant of a Buddha statue in his hand, and rushed towards the female ghost angrily.

"This is the peach wood sword I asked the master for. Today, I will avenge my brother!"

He Daze didn't know when, he took out a palm-sized peach wood sword from his pocket, and then, together with Chen Yuxuan and Liao Xiaobing, stabbed at the female ghost fiercely.

"Lin Feng! These people are really... not even afraid of ghosts?"

Xiao Nishang, who was standing behind, was also shocked. She originally thought that after the female ghost came out, everyone would be frightened and fled, but what she didn't expect was that besides Muronghui who ran away, several other people actually Choose to fight the female ghost head-on.

"That's not a ghost, it's just an illusion. There really is a mystery in this forbidden area..."

After being startled by the appearance of the female ghost, Lin Feng immediately knew the truth. The image of the female ghost that appeared suddenly was not a real ghost, but an illusion of a mechanism. As long as someone approaches this neighborhood, the illusion will be opened to confuse and scare people away.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not stop the three of them from looking for revenge on the female ghost. As soon as the three of them rushed in front of the female ghost, the image of the female ghost became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared.

"What's the matter? What about the female ghost? Is my talisman working?"

Liao Xiaobing panted heavily and kept his eyes closed in fright. After opening his eyes suddenly, he found that the female ghost was gone. Although her heart is full of hatred towards female ghosts, she is also a timid girl after all. How can she not be afraid of ghosts?

"Yeah! Where did the female ghost go? Was it really killed by us?" Chen Yuxuan tightly grasped the jade pendant of the Buddha statue in his hand and looked around nervously.

"Come out! Damn it! My mahogany sword hasn't worked yet..."

He Daze was holding the peach wood sword in his hand, trembling a little, but the momentum was still huge.

"Stop calling! The one you saw just now is not a real ghost."

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng stepped forward and said lightly.

"Boss, what's the matter? The one just now was obviously a hideous and terrifying female ghost. All of us saw it, and...Two years ago, we also saw such a female ghost, and everyone seemed crazy. Ran away..."

Xiao Xuan was a little puzzled. Although he believed in Lin Feng's strength, seeing was believing after all. Just now he was not the only one who saw the female ghost, but everyone saw it.

"Yeah! Lin Feng, don't comfort us. We have experienced more than you, so we won't be afraid of that female ghost. I must avenge my sister..." Liao Xiaobing still said firmly.

"That female ghost must be hiding, no matter where she goes! You must find her..." Chen Yuxuan also exclaimed with a daunting look.

"Crazy girl, take that engineer shovel over here... dig it down!"

Lin Feng did not answer their question directly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but walked to the ground where the female ghost appeared just now and asked her to dig down.

"Dig down? Lin Feng, can your spiritual sense see what is hidden underneath?"

Because Xiao Nishang's cultivation base is not as good as Lin Feng's, her spiritual sense here is completely limited, and she can't leave her body at a distance of one meter.

However, according to Lin Feng's instructions, she quickly digged under that location.

"Digging down here...what will appear? Isn't it possible to dig the bones of the dead?" Liao Xiaobing calmed down, feeling the eerie and terrifying atmosphere around him, and he became a little scared.

"Lin Feng, what the **** is going on? Where is the female ghost? Okay, what do you do for digging here?" Chen Yuxuan asked, too, as he was blown away by the wind around him.

"I'll know in a while."

Staring at the ground that Xiao Nishang was digging, Lin Feng looked around again, and after a while, Xiao Nishang's engineer shovel seemed to hit something hard.


"Lin Feng, dug it up. It seems to be..."

Xiao Nishang leaned down and took a little more effort to pull out the dug out. Then he shook in front of everyone, carefully identified it, and exclaimed, "It's an ancient lady. Picture..."

(Ps: Yesterday’s chapter said that the duplicates were all pirated by the QQ browser! Now the QQ browser is also genuine. Just delete the pirated version on the bookshelf and search again for the title "My flight attendant next door". Read the genuine content without error and without repetition. However, it is best to download qq to read, the update speed is the fastest and the reading experience is the best!)

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