Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1748: Ancient battlefield

"Lady's picture? How can there be a lady's picture under this ground?"

Ye Bowei looked at the picture of a lady dug out by Xiao Nishang with a look of surprise. It was obviously dug out from the ground, but after unfolding, it was intact, and it even looked like it was just drawn. .

The whole paper is very fresh and bright, and the graceful ancient court maid painted on it is vivid and lifelike, which makes people watch as if they are about to come out of the painting.

"Viagra! I think the question you are asking is very unqualified. What do you mean there is a picture of a lady in this place? What you should ask is, how does the boss know that there will be a picture of a lady under this position! "

Seeing that his younger sister Xiao Nishang really dug up a picture of a lady, Xiao Xuan was also shocked. After all, he observed the color of the surrounding land, and it was certain that at least there had been no signs of excavation in the surrounding area for several years.

This means that 80% of this picture of a lady has been buried underground for decades or even hundreds of years. Moreover, Xiao Xuan, who has some research on antique calligraphy and painting, can see that the style and materials of this portrait of a lady have a very obvious style from the late Ming to the early Qing.

"Wait! I... how do I feel that the court maid painted on this picture of a lady is so familiar?"

As a girl, Liao Xiaobing stared at the lady in the picture carefully, and immediately frowned, but couldn't figure out where he saw the lady in the picture.

"Yes, yes... I have this feeling too! Take it over, I take a closer look..."

Ye Bowei took the picture of a lady from Xiao Nishang's hands and stared at it a few times.

But at this moment, Chen Yuxuan, who was on the side, stared at the lady's picture with widened horrified eyes, and yelled: "It's her! It's the ghost in blood, look...this lady's appearance, isn't it? Is it exactly the same as the blood-robed female ghost with a hideous face just now?"

"Ah? What?"

Hearing what Chen Yuxuan said, Ye Bowei was so frightened that he quickly threw the picture of the lady in his hand, his face was pale with fright, and he tremblingly said, "Okay... it seems to be the same person. Would you like to be so scary? ?"

"Yes! That's the female ghost, **** it! Could it be that this painting is the parasitic place of the female ghost?" Liao Xiaobing rushed forward, picked up the picture of a lady from the ground, and planned to move It was torn in half.


Lin Feng immediately stopped her, snatched the picture of a lady, shook his head and said, "There are no ghosts in it. The ghost in red that you saw just now is just what this painting is about. It’s nothing more than a trace of spiritual power, completely different from ghosts."

Taking this picture of a lady in his hand, Lin Feng closed his eyes slightly, and felt a sense of unwillingness before the death of a woman. It was the spiritual power of this injustice, but there was no soul to pin it on, so he finally put it on Come to this picture.

Generally, when someone in the family passes away, they usually burn some of the items that he used during his lifetime together to avoid this phenomenon of spiritual sustenance before death.

However, this kind of mental power is really too small, and if it is placed in normal, there can be no abnormality at all. However, this place is completely different. Few people have come here for hundreds of years. In addition, it used to be a mass grave, which was so gloomy that the picture of a lady buried here has been mutated. The illusion was born.

As long as there is yang near here, the effects of yin and yang are coordinated, just like the positive and negative poles of a battery, which will trigger this lady figure to produce the illusion of a blood-clothed female ghost. This blood-clothed ghost is not a real ghost, but it is also the mental idea of ​​a woman who is unwilling to die.

After Lin Feng explained this explanation carefully to everyone, everyone slowly relaxed. However, in such an environment, one must be cautious. Although the blood-clothed female ghost did not cause any harm, but looking back, everyone found that they seemed to have lost two companions.

"No! Ahui and Brother Kai are gone, boss! Just now when the blood-clothed ghost came out, the two of them ran away... I don't know if they ran to the exit."

Xiao Xuan found something wrong and immediately reported to Lin Fenghui.

"The two of them are lost. Just now, I paid attention to searching for the origin of the female ghost in blood, but ignored them."

Lin Feng originally thought that the two of them would not be able to run far, but when he looked back, he swept around according to his spiritual sense, but found no trace of them at all, and instead, the surrounding Yin Qi became more and more. It's heavy.

"Crazy girl, why didn't you take good care of them just now? Didn't you let you stand behind?" Lin Feng glanced at Xiao Nishang.

"How do I know that the two of them are running so fast, I want to chase them too! But isn't my spiritual sense out of use? After a few steps, I can't see their eyes anymore. It's weird! This ghost place , Obviously not very old, how can people disappear in the blink of an eye?" Xiao Nishang stuck out his tongue and said.


Without finding the two of them, and encountering even greater changes, Lin Feng couldn't help being more cautious, and told Xiao Nishang, "I'm afraid something will happen in a while, we have to be more cautious."

"What's weird? Lin Feng, are we going to find them two?" Xiao Nishang asked again.

"I'm afraid it's not a good time now. If we disperse at this time! I'm afraid it will be just right! It doesn't matter, if it's Ahui alone, it's a little bit susceptible. But with Brother Kai with him, it should be a good time... "

Lin Feng's eyes shone, and his spiritual sense felt an eager oppression from around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then immediately yelled at everyone: "Come on! Everyone is hiding to me. Behind the scenes, crazy girl, you are still holding the battle at the very end, pinch your body tactics, pay attention! This time, don’t let anyone fall behind..."

"Come on? God! What is this? By the way, it was the same two years ago. After encountering a female ghost, we ran around and found out that we entered an ancient battlefield..."

Xiao Xuan's eyes were still full of confusion at first, but when the dusty memory was opened in a flash, all the details two years ago were remembered, and the ancient battlefield suddenly appeared in front of him, vividly. Exactly the same as two years ago.

"Ghost! So many ghosts..."

Ye Bowei yelled like crazy, Lin Feng quickly turned around and held him down, and at the same time immediately drew a huge array of defenses around everyone, cutting himself and others and the entire battlefield apart.

"Lin Feng, is this another phantom mirror?" Xiao Nishang also saw this scene for the first time, guarding the back of the team, pinching his body, and shouted.

"I don't know yet! Hold on, crazy girl!"

Lin Feng was also sweating profusely, and the scene in front of him was a little too unexpected.


Qiang Qiang!


Jin Ge Iron Horse!

The night seemed to turn into daylight in an instant. Everyone seemed to instantly go back hundreds of years ago. The scene before them was like a holographic movie. Countless soldiers fell by their side. There were still many soldiers in front of them. Tragic, countless corpses, instantly turned into bones.

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