Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1749: Battle Corpses

"God! Why did the sky light up at once, where is it?"

Ye Bowei was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Lin Feng, staring at the soldiers on the ancient battlefield in front of him, already dumbfounded.

"We... Are we crossing?"

Liao Xiaobing was also stunned, not daring to move.

"This is an ancient battlefield, my God! What the **** is going on here?" Chen Yuxuan couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed it fiercely, and found that it was still like this.

"It's magnificent! It turns out that the ancient cold weapon era really fought face to face like this."

He Daze himself was an ancient military enthusiast. He was completely attracted by the scene before him, but he forgot to be afraid.

"Boss! What the **** is going on? Why did we suddenly enter such a scene so well? And, I remember it seems to be... two years ago, it seemed to be the same. It's just why... Forgot?"

Xiao Xuan tried to keep his mind sober, leaning against Lin Feng, and asked.

"I know!"

Opening his eyes, Lin Feng looked at the dead soldiers in front of him, nodded slightly, and said, "This is a phantom array. It turns out that the entire forbidden area is a phantom array. Once someone breaks into it, It is possible to activate..."

"The Mirror Array? What kind of illusion array is it that can reproduce the battlefield hundreds of years ago?"

Xiao Nishang was also stunned by the magnificent sight in front of him, especially watching the soldiers graciously go to death and died under the iron hoof of the Qing army entering the pass. He couldn't help but boiled with enthusiasm. Go to the real battlefield.

"This is a battle of corpses! Crazy girl, this is indeed a battlefield where the Qing army broke into the capital hundreds of years ago. I guess it should be the soul of a certain general who died in battle at that time. , That's why such a large formation of corpses..."

In Lin Feng’s memory, it seems that only during the Seven Kingdoms War in the Warring States period, there was a large battle corpse formation of this size. As for the later dynasties, although there were some relatively large battlefields, there were many deaths, but However, due to various reasons, a large formation of corpses was not formed.

"Then what are we going to do now? Could it be that we have been waiting for the end of this fantasy world?" Xiao Nishang asked again.

"Can't just sit and wait! The power of this battle formation is too powerful. The huge formation formed by gathering hundreds of years of yin energy and this special underground terrain cannot be broken by my cultivation base. "

After carefully exploring the battle corpse formation, Lin Feng smiled bitterly, only to realize that this time he was really careless, and some of them were too high on the strength of the peak cultivator in this district.

"What? The ghost of the ancient war-dead general? That's not okay. Tell him to come out. Who will let him kill my sister..."

Liao Xiaobing was in the protection circle drawn by Lin Feng, and when he heard Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang's dialogue, he became even more angry, and wanted to find the ancient general's wronged soul to revenge.

"Don't go out! It is safe to stand in this circle. Once you go out, the soldiers who look like phantom mirrors will affect you, and even actually attack your body..."

Lin Feng hurriedly shouted, and then asked Chen Yuxuan to stop Liao Xiaobing.

"Can't go out? Then...Are we really going to sit and wait for death?" Xiao Nishang frowned.

"By the way! Boss, as well as Brother Kai and Ahui, if they are also caught in such a big formation, what can they do? They don't have the protection of the boss?" Xiao Xuan immediately remembered Muronghui and Li Kai are separated.

"No! Both of them, I don't know if I can stand it... No! I have to find them..."

Thinking of Muronghui and Li Kai, Lin Feng's heart also moved, and he immediately said to Xiao Nishang, "Crazy girl! You are here to guard everyone, remember, as long as you don't leave this protection circle, nothing will happen. I will immediately Go get Kai and Ahui back..."

"Hey! Boss, you are gone, what shall we do? Leaning on Brother Xuan's sister, does it really work?"

Ye Bowei was shocked when he saw Lin Feng was about to leave, and said quickly.

"Viagra! What are you talking about? Why doesn't it work for me? If Lin Feng can do it, I can do the same. Leave your safety to me."

Xiao Nishang glared at Ye Bowei, then looked at the palms of him and Xiao Xuan, and said, "Also! Do you and my eldest brother still have the palm thunder drawn by Lin Feng on the palms? What if you really encounter something later? Things, remember to use this trick, you can save your life!"

After all, Xiao Nishang immediately replaced Lin Feng's position just now, using his Dantian vitality to supply the consumption of this protection circle.

At this time, not far from them, Muronghui, who saw the blood-clothed female ghost suddenly ran away just now, found in horror that he had obviously been running back on the road for a long time, but the surrounding scene had not changed. .wuxiaspot.com~ It seems to be standing still.

"What's the matter? Is it because you encountered a ghost in the legend hit the wall?"

When he thought of this, Muronghui became even more frightened, and at the same time regretted why he was insane after being scared for a while, and even broke away from the big army. Recalling the time two years ago, it seemed that all the members who left the large army alone died in the forbidden area, and Muronghui's face became even more frightened.

"It's over! It's over... Am I going to be completely dead now?"

Seeing the darkness in front of him, the wind gusts, and the fact that he couldn't distinguish the north, south, east and west, Murong Hui fell into deep despair.

"Ahui! Don't run around! Ahui...where are you?"

Just when Muronghui's legs were weak and he was too scared to run, Li Kai's voice got closer and closer to him in the darkness.

"It's Brother Kai! Great, relatives! Brother Kai, I'm here... come here! I'm almost scared to pee by myself..." Muronghui also hurriedly ran in the direction where Li Kai's voice came from. .

But what is strange is that the two obviously ran towards each other, but they felt that the distance was getting farther and farther.

"What's the matter? Ahui, where are you? Why do I hear your voice, but I can't get close to you at all? Every time I'm about to approach, it slowly gets farther away? Don't run away. ?"

Li Kai was looking for a long time and couldn't meet Muronghui, but he was anxious, and shouted.

"Brother Kai, I don't know what's going on? It's like this from the beginning, I'm afraid...we hit the wall by a ghost, right?" Muronghui cried out crying.

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