Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1761: Get qualified

The next day, at the Dragon Group headquarters, Lin Feng and Yuan Lin rushed over at the invitation of Elder Wang. However, when entering the final elder's secret room, it was Lin Feng himself who came in first, letting Yuan Lin wait outside.

"Elder Wang, how is it? I have taken care of the forbidden area. This time, you have to assign the forbidden area to me as agreed. I just used it as the headquarters of the entire Lin International Investment Company and Dasheng Group... …"

Lin Feng happily, after seeing Elder Wang, said unceremoniously.

"Lin Feng, tell me what the **** is going on? Why are the female workers who were found dead in the 1960s and 1970s, and the students who entered the forbidden area two years ago, are all resurrected. , Your face is not old?"

This time, Elder Wang had no intention of joking with Lin Feng, he was anxious to know the truth. In particular, after the resurrection of the female workers, their faces are still not old, and they are still the faces when they disappeared. This makes them especially concerned about the old guys who are about to enter the soil.

Yesterday, because of the sudden incident, almost the entire Dragon Group elite in the capital was dispatched to help Lin Feng cover up the incident. Those female workers who died and were resurrected are still communicating ideas and brainwashing in the base specially arranged by the Dragon Group. The family members of these female workers also need to communicate further.

However, the facts revealed behind this are very terrifying. If there is really a technology that can keep people looking everywhere even after nearly fifty years, it will undoubtedly trigger a global chase frenzy.

"Elder Wang, I know what you are thinking. But, I can only tell you that this is just an example. And, if you want to achieve immortality through this method, in fact...the current technology has also reached it. "

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Elder Wang's serious face, deliberately selling Guan Zidao.

"What technology? Impossible! I haven't heard that there are technologies that can make people immortal. Even some genetic DNA projects that prolong life have encountered many difficulties." Elder Wang immediately denied.

After all, for those of them who are about to enter the soil, the most concerned technology is undoubtedly related to extending their life.

"Freezing technology! Elder Wang, you should have heard of it. Not long ago, a female editor imitated science fiction and put her head in the United States and frozen it. I hope to wait for hundreds of years when human science and technology develop. , And then resurrect yourself..."

Lin Feng shrugged and said easily.

And after hearing what he said, the expectations on Elder Wang’s face were instantly lonely: "Lin Feng, what do you mean... all those female workers were completely frozen? So, talent Keep your face not old, even if fifty years have passed, after the resurrection, it will be exactly the same as before?"

"Yes. Although the current science and technology do not seem to be able to do this. However, in less than ten years, this kind of technology for freezing people will be very mature. But this kind of technology is not In essence, it increases the life span of people, but freezes life and leaves it to be thawed after the development of technology in the future..."

Lin Feng was talking while observing the uncertain expression on Elder Wang’s face, then stepped forward to pat his shoulder and said, “But! Elder Wang, don’t be discouraged. What you want can really be extended. The technology of longevity, I have it here!"

"Wh...what? Lin Feng, can't this matter be a joke? Human life span has always been the biggest difficulty in science and medicine. Even now biological research has reached the point where the human genetic DNS map can be sequenced. , But still haven't broken the genetic code for the ultimate lifespan?"

Hearing Lin Feng uttering such words so easily, Elder Wang would inevitably question Lin Feng's credibility.

"Believe it or not, but, anyway, this is the focus of our Dasheng Group's next development, which is medicine. It is not only medicines that can help humans increase lifespan, but also some to enhance national health, and even beauty and beauty. The medicine for youth is what I want to do."

Faced with Elder Wang, Lin Feng bluntly expressed his vision for Dasheng Group's future industry. Then, stretched out his hand, smiled and said to Elder Wang: "So, Elder Wang! You quickly ask the people below to give us Dasheng Group a special approval of the highest specification pharmaceutical license. By the way, it should include the genetic embryo level. Including, whether you can get the longevity medicine, it depends on our Dasheng Group..."

It turned out that after talking around the corner, Lin Feng still came to ask for a license for the medical industry from Elder Wang. Although it was the elder who said that he was in the dragon group, he was considered to be the highest level of the super family. In terms of privileges, any industry had the right to enter, but after all, it was Wang Tao, a special elder in charge of the dragon group, who ultimately issued the rights.

"Come on! You kid, drew me such a big piece of pie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn’t even buy the flour, so now I’m asking for money to open a shop, right?"

Hearing Lin Feng’s last request, Elder Wang was really a little bit dumbfounded, but this is also the right Lin Feng should have, and he immediately went to the confidential computer in front of him to delegate the highest pharmaceutical license for the pharmaceutical industry to Dasheng Group. .

"It's done, Lin Feng, let you, the registered legal person of Dasheng Group, go to the Medical Supervision and Administration Bureau of the capital in a few days and apply for it."

After finishing all these operations, Elder Wang also relaxed and happily pointed to Lin Feng and said, "Our elders' old bones are all waiting for your life-saving medicine. I hope I can get there. time……"

"Hey! Elder Wang, you can rest assured, I'm Lin Feng, do you not worry about it? It will definitely make you live a long life... No! It should be long live, just like the turtle bastard, let you You can't die if you want to die..."

After getting the medical license, Lin Feng was also satisfied and joked with Elder Wang.

"By the way! Lin Feng, I heard that you brought out an extra person from the forbidden area this time? It's called Yuan Lin? Isn't this in the list of missing persons? You brought him with him today. ?"

Regarding the forbidden area, Elder Wang has also attached great importance to it since yesterday. He has carefully scanned the list of persons who have re-verified their identities and registered household registration identities through the aftermath of the Dragon Group. Among these people, there was a person called "Yuan Lin" that caught his attention, so he asked Lin Feng to bring this Yuan Lin to him today.

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