Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1762: S-level tasks

"Well! Bring it, Elder Wang, I will tell him to come in now."

After that, Lin Feng opened the door of the secret room and let Yuan Lin, who was waiting outside the door, come in.


Yuan Lin's body of the king's corpse is extraordinary. Although he has not practiced any cultivation techniques, the physical strength measured by Lin Feng yesterday for Yuan Lin far exceeds the innate peak strength of ordinary warriors.

Moreover, Yuan Lin had cultivated in the ghost state for hundreds of years, and he already had the strength to build the foundation of the cultivation stage. It can be said that Yuan Lin has not been able to find a good cultivation method for the time being, but his overall strength has far surpassed Lin Feng, reaching the late stage of foundation building.

Therefore, when Yuan Lin's tall man of about 1.9 meters walked into the elder's secret room, Elder Wang couldn't help but marvel.

"Lin Feng, this is the Yuan Lin you are talking about? What a mighty martial art! It's a pity that I didn't see a trace of martial arts power in him. However, he is obviously a good material for martial arts! If so! If you have been practicing ancient martial arts since you were a child, it is estimated that you are already innate peak, right?"

When Elder Wang saw Yuan Lin's body, he was overwhelmed with excitement. For most of his life, he has seen countless good martial arts seedlings, and he has never seen someone as powerful and promising as Yuan Lin. However, he still regrets that although Yuan Lin looks strong, he is not a warrior.

"That's wrong with you, Elder Wang, didn't you have the slightest breath of warrior when you looked at me before?" Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then winked at Yuan Lin.


Yuan Lin roared, and suddenly he burst out with a power similar to the power of a martial artist. A powerful power of vitality came oncoming, so that the elders of the innate realm couldn't help the whole person go back. I took back several cloths.

"This, this... such a powerful aura, even if it is Elder Song Hongyi, it is impossible to emit such a powerful energy and blood? God! Lin Feng, what is this Yuan Lin's background?"

When he was shocked, Elder Wang thought that even if this warrior Yuan Lin was the same as Lin Feng, he would at most explode with the same initial breath as his own.

But now, the power Yuan Lin showed was the kind of crushing force that could completely kill all of their members of the elder regiment, even more terrifying than the power seen in Lin Feng, how could he not be shocked? ?

"Elder Wang, he is actually..."

For Elder Wang, Lin Feng didn't have to conceal his true identity about Yuan Lin, and the origin of the forbidden area was actually recorded in Long Form, where General Yuan was buried.

But that's the case. When Elder Wang heard about Yuan Lin's true identity and the method Lin Feng had vaguely used to resurrect his soul, he was even more shocked that he could not stand firmly, and sat on the ground, pointing to Yuan Lin and screaming. Said: "He... he is the General Yuan from hundreds of years ago? This, this... how is this possible? The dead have really come back to life?"

"I'm not a talented person at the beginning. I am really the original Yuan. However, after hundreds of years of changes, I have been born again, and now I am just a general of Yuan Lin under the lord."

Facing Elder Wang's questioning, Yuan Lin said calmly without changing his face.

"Lin Feng, you... did you really subdue him as a subordinate? So... what is his strength? Innate peak or..." Elder Wang's mouth was almost too shocked to close.

"Innate! At least, it is not a problem at all to kill a few Japanese gods in seconds." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What if you compare it to you?" Elder Wang asked again.

"If I use weapons, draw! If I don't use weapons, I will lose!"

What Lin Feng said is definitely not an exaggeration. Yuan Lin’s strength is already in the foundation stage. It’s just that he doesn’t have the slightest method of cultivating the human body yet, and he doesn’t have any weapons at hand, so Lin Feng is practicing Qi. Peak cultivation base, relying on the Fengtong sword, compared with him, is even more powerful.

However, if Lin Feng didn't use Feijian, he would not be Yuan Lin's opponent if he only relied on some spells.

Fortunately, according to Yuan Lin's character and the kindness that Lin Feng gave him a new life, Yuan Lin will never betray Lin Feng.

"Great fortune! This is really my great fortune in China! Lin Feng, in this way, this Yuan Lin under yours is our biggest killer in China. Hahaha..."

After fully understanding Yuan Lin's general strength, Elder Wang also laughed. For the entire Huaxia Nation, one more person was added to the peak combat power, which was comparable to the development of an atomic bomb.

"Okay! Elder Wang, do you have anything else to do when you come to me? If not, I will withdraw first... I still have a lot of things to deal with in the Dasheng Group..."

After getting the land use right of the forbidden land and the admission certificate for the pharmaceutical industry, Lin Feng planned to leave. However, he was stopped by Elder Wang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouted: "Wait! Lin Feng, calling you over this time, there is an important matter that is very urgent."

"What is the important thing?" Lin Feng asked back.

"Did you watch the news this morning? The sudden heavy rain and precipitation in the eastern part of Huizhou has caused very large losses and disasters." Elder Wang said with some worry.

"Huh? When I first came, when I checked the news on my mobile phone, I seemed to see some. There was also a sad news on it. A pig farmer’s thousands of pigs could not be rescued, but he could only cry with himself. Say goodbye to the pigs and lose tens of millions..."

Hearing Elder Wang talked about the heavy rains and floods in the eastern region, Lin Feng couldn't help but sighed, but turned around and asked, "However, this is completely a natural disaster! What does it have to do with our Dragon Team? The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Geological Bureau went to study, and do a good job in weather forecasting and flood prevention!"

"Don't you think that at this time, such an abnormal large-scale rainfall in the eastern region is not surprising?" Elder Wang asked rhetorically.

"Could it be that? Elder Wang, do you suspect that there is a hostile foreign force in our country?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Yes! Although we haven't investigated the forces behind the ghosts, there is no doubt that the flood this time is definitely man-made."

As Elder Wang said, he clicked on the computers in front of him and said, "So! Several of our elders have decided to define the task of this flood disaster as S-level, and send you to check it out."

"I'm going again? Isn't Elder Xiao still not getting a regular job? I think I should give him this precious S-level regularization task..."

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