Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1789: Why doesn't it work anymore?

"Master! Just accept me, right? I must respect my teacher and study with great concentration..."

Everyone around was still in shock, but Smith Liu really put aside all his faces, holding Lin Feng's thigh and crying all the time.

"Okay! Okay! Smith, if you really want to be my apprentice, no problem. However, before you start, you must test your ability. If you can't even meet the most basic requirements, yes Not worthy to be my apprentice."

Lin Feng, who was a little impatient by Smith Liu, suddenly thought about it and said with a smile.

"Okay! Master, how are you going to test me?"

Seeing Lin Feng was really moved by himself, Smith Liu looked surprised, wiped the tears from the performance on his face, patted his chest and said, "I will definitely pass the test."

"This test is not difficult, have you seen it? This time the epidemic in Huizhou City, as long as you control these diseases, you can barely count that you have passed my test."

Lin Feng pointed to the location of the intensive care unit and said, "There are ten patients in there. If you cure them all first, even if you pass."

"It's simple, Master, look at me. I came here this time, originally because of this super virus..."

I thought that Lin Feng would use any problems to make things difficult for himself! As a result, it was so simple, Smith Liu was overjoyed, stood up suddenly, turned to the doctors and experts and walked over.

"Cousin, what's going on? You...what is the relationship between you and that kid named Lin Feng? Why are you... why do you call him a master?"

Upon seeing this, Liu Botao rushed forward and asked his cousin Smith Liu Dao with a weird look.

"Tao! You don't understand, Huaxia TCM is really great. And this Master Lin Feng's TCM medical skills is even more impressive to me, so no matter what, I must worship him as a teacher and learn from him. The essence of all medical skills."

Hehe, Smith Liu immediately turned to the doctors in the expert group and said to Meng Xue: "Meng! Without further ado, let's go to the laboratory immediately! The colony vaccine I brought will definitely be able to control this. Kind of super virus."

"Good! Doctor Smith, with your help, we can rest assured."

Meng Xue was also a little confused, she was a little confused about the status, but since Smith Liu decided to take action, they naturally increased their confidence, and a group of people immediately entered the laboratory again and began experimenting with these colony vaccines brought by Smith Liu. The role of.

"Hey! Lin Feng, what's going on? How did you know this Smith Liu? Looking at the faces of the doctors and experts, it seems that this Smith Liu has a great reputation in the international medical community!"

Seeing that all the experts had entered, Xiao Nishang came forward curiously and asked Lin Fengdao.

"Hey! Crazy girl, I don't know his reputation, but this time he is bloodthirsty Gu, he definitely can't handle it." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"What about you? How are you going to get it? Although your Shenshui is effective, it can't be cured by just letting them drink a sip of water? This way, it's too obvious, and you don't. Such a great effort! There are millions of people in Huizhou City..."

From the very beginning, Xiao Nishang had never thought of how Lin Feng would deal with this stubborn bloodthirsty Gu. However, Lin Feng did not preach in secret: "The person I called hasn't been here yet! You will know when it comes..."

"Huh! What are you selling? Whom did you call?" Xiao Nishang stared and said with his arms akimbo.

But at this time, those people from Liu Botao and Dragon Group were all stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Xiaotao, who is this Lin Feng? Why would Smith and Liu want to recognize him as a teacher after he came? Is he... a successor of Chinese medicine?" Liu Qingshi, the leader of the A-level team, does not dare now Little look at Lin Feng.

"Sanshu Gong, how do I know how he jumped out! However, even the cousin will flatter him like this, I'm afraid... he has some real skills! Damn, I was thinking about relying on my cousin to be there. A handful appeared in front of Xiao Nishang..." Liu Botao clenched his fists, a little unwillingly.

"What's wrong with this? Xiaotao, it's not too late. Lin Feng looked like a fledgling kid, even if he had some real abilities? The leader of this operation is me, and I will report my credit and contribution. , Isn't it what I said?"

Then Liu Qingshi smiled slightly and said, "Also, wait for Smith Liu to work out a way to deal with those super viruses, and the credit is also ours. What does it have to do with Lin Feng. Obviously you called Smith and Liu! "

"Yeah! Sanshugong, I only reacted when you said this. These virus vaccines are all Western medicine methods. As my cousin said just now, Lin Feng is only a very good Chinese medicine doctor. Although my cousin wants to worship He is a teacher, but he is not necessarily better than his cousin..."

Hearing Liu Qingshi's words, then Liu Botao got a lot of energy again, and then he slipped into the laboratory again, found Smith Liu who was doing the experiment and waiting for the results, and asked, "Cousin, how about the experiment? Is it big?"

"Tao! Don't worry, everything is normal in the experiment. This virus doesn't look very strong! The final result will come out in about five minutes. I just need to adjust X based on the final result data. The dosage ratio of each formula of the vaccine is fine."

In the laboratory, all doctors and experts, with Smith Liu as the core, began to inactivate the virus ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The anti-virus that Smith Liu extracted from a formula of Chinese medicine Specially effective ingredients, he called X vaccine.

"Although Lin Feng's Chinese medicine is very good, Chinese medicine is only good at one-on-one individual treatment. The development of this virus vaccine is not comparable to our western medicine. However, this X vaccine is a formula I learned from Chinese medicine. What was discovered and refined..."

While waiting for the results of the experiment, Smith Liu said confidently.

"That's good! No matter what, cousin, this time you have done the most to deal with these viruses. It has nothing to do with that Lin Feng, he just knows a little bit of Chinese medicine... if he can really deal with this. Planting a virus, it should have been done a while ago. Why is it called someone?"

After getting the affirmative reply from Smith Liu, Liu Botao walked out of the laboratory arrogantly, walked in front of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, and asked: "Lin Feng, listen to my cousin that your TCM skills are amazing. So why didn’t you do it just now? You have to pretend to be a ghost, by the way, the person you called? Why the person you called hasn’t come yet? Ha ha! Whether my cousin wants to worship you as a teacher to learn Chinese medicine, in short, as long as My cousin killed those viruses, so the mission contribution this time has nothing to do with you..."

Just when Liu Botao screamed at Lin Feng once again, Smith Liu’s grumpy voice suddenly came from the laboratory: "Asshole! What's the matter? Why doesn't it work? My X vaccine is absolutely 100% killer. Kill all the viruses! Why doesn't it work anymore? Why does the reproduction of viruses accelerate..."

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