Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1790: The person I called is here!

"Oh my God! What's going on? Obviously these viruses have lost their reproductive properties just now! Why are they reproducing rapidly? Could it be that Doctor Smith's X vaccine is ineffective?"

"Could there be any other deviations in the experiment? Hurry up and take a look at another petri dish..."

"Same! The subsequent petri dishes have the same result. The virus has not lost its reproductive activity..."


In the laboratory, the doctors and experts who were once so energetic because of the joining of Doctor Smith are now all faceless, staring at the fast-producing super virus in the petri dish, once again falling into a desperate situation.

"No! Absolutely impossible! My X vaccine is a virus nemesis and a killer! How could it be so unfavorable?"

Smith Liu did not believe in evil, and immediately took out two petri dishes once again, one containing the ordinary flu virus, the other containing the super virus of this epidemic, and at the same time injected his own X vaccine.

"Is doctor Smith doing a comparative experiment?"

"Yes! He is testing the activity of the X vaccine he brought. If even the flu virus next to him cannot be killed, that is a good thing. It can only mean that the X vaccine he brought has lost its original activity. "

"However, if the flu virus can kill the super virus, but the super virus can't kill it! It can only show that the X vaccine does not work against the super virus..."


Not only Smith Liu, all the expert doctors are staring at the virus data in the two petri dishes. They all expect the former result, and in the end both viruses will survive. This at least shows that Smith Liu's X vaccine has lost its effect only because of improper preservation.

As long as he extracts some more X vaccines, he may still have a chance to deal with the super virus.

Unfortunately, five minutes later, the results of the data in the petri dish came out again. Smith Liu saw that in the petri dish where the influenza virus was cultivated, no virus remained active, but the super virus was still alive, and he immediately became angry. , He pushed down the petri dish in front of him.

Bang bang bang...

The liquid in the petri dish was scattered all over the place. Smith Liu couldn't figure it out, grabbed his hair, and cried frantically: "Impossible! Impossible! My X vaccine must be omnipotent, and its principle is in line with all the types discovered so far. Virus!"

For Smith Liu, this moment is undoubtedly a catastrophic moment. He devoted himself to research and experimented day and night to develop the X vaccine, which was intended to be used for the great discovery of the Nobel Prize. It was successfully killed in countless experiments. Hundreds of types of viruses died, but this super virus was of no use at all.

"Cousin...what...what's wrong? Why is this? Could it be that your vaccine doesn't work?"

Liu Botao, who was bragging about pride in front of Lin Feng, immediately ran into the laboratory after hearing the movement, only to see a mess.

Lin Feng, Xiao Nishang, and other members of the Dragon Group also walked in one after another to see what was going on.

"Lin Feng, what's the matter with them? Didn't Smith Liu say that he is an expert in this field? How come he can even test tube and training surface." Xiao Nishang said with some confusion.

"Haha! Crazy girl, this vaccine has no effect, he was so embarrassed that he fell into anger..."

Shaking his head, Lin Feng had actually expected this result a long time ago, "Bloodthirsty Gu is not an ordinary virus, and it can't be killed by the method they recognize by Western medicine, even if he is from Chinese medicine formulas. The extracted vaccine will not have the slightest effect."

"Yes! If any ordinary doctor can deal with Bloodthirsty Gu, then it doesn't deserve to be called one of the most terrifying Gu worms..." Xiao Nishang nodded.

"No! No! Still no... Can't kill! What is it? Why does my X vaccine fail?"

Smith Liu, who was frantic, turned his head and saw Lin Feng who came into the laboratory, and he became even more embarrassed. Just now he patted his chest and confidently said that he could deal with this super virus, but now he has no way at all. .

"Doctor Smith, you can't blame you. This type of super virus is really too stubborn. At the same time, their reproductive ability is very strong. Otherwise, they won't be infected in just a few days. Most of Huizhou's urban areas..."

As the chief physician of the infectious disease department, Meng Xue stepped forward to comfort Smith Liu Dao.

The other doctors were caught in even more panic, and they said anxiously: "What can I do this time? Even doctor Smith is helpless. I am afraid it will be a huge problem for the whole world of medical science. This super virus is like this. Stubbornness, now it is only spreading within Huizhou City, if the infection spreads... in the whole of China... and the whole world... the consequences are unimaginable!"

These experts and doctors, facing this huge crisis, as well as the frustrated Smith Liu ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, couldn't help but cast their expectation on Lin Feng.

"That's right! Lin... is your name Lin Feng, right? Even Doctor Smith admires your medical skills. I don't know... What is the way you can deal with the super virus before? Is the person you called here?"

As a representative of the municipal hospital, the chief physician Meng Xue immediately walked up to Lin Feng and asked anxiously.

"Yeah! Lin Feng, since you are also a member of the Dragon Team, you are here to perform this mission. Don't hide it. The most important thing is to complete the mission. If you have a way, take it out quickly."

Dragon Group A-level Liu Qingshi also spoke. Although he regretted that Smith Liu did not succeed, this time the task must be completed, so he could only ask Lin Feng for help.

"Lin Feng, where is the person you called? It's been several hours, should I have arrived?" Liu Botao was also depressed, but he still put Pu in front of Lin Feng, because he felt that Lin Feng was calling. It is absolutely impossible for people to have that great ability to deal with the virus.

"Master, I'm useless. My vaccine doesn't work. This virus is too stubborn. You can only do it..."

Smith Liu, who had calmed down, also pinned his last hope on Lin Feng. As a genius doctor, his fanatical thirst for knowledge also made him anxious to know **** this nasty super virus?

"Don't worry, wait! I'll call and ask...see if they are all here?"

With that, Lin Feng picked up the phone and dialed Li Yutong's phone and asked, "Hey! Sister Tongtong, how are you? Are you all here?"

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