Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1910: Qing Qing Zi Jin

The domestic players breathed a sigh of relief.

And for a long time, I am afraid that the players of Bangzi will never dare to look down upon the players of China. Even more, there is no such thing as the Bangzi country players shouting that the shaved brows are the Bangzi countrymen. In short, the Bangzi country players have completely become a big joke in this China-Korea pk gun **** contest.

As the protagonist of this competition, Lin Feng only came out in the last two hours and created a legend. However, when the CF Game Project Department wanted to ask Lin Feng to be an ambassador, it couldn't find anyone.

Including Xiao Nishang is the same, coming and going without a trace, in the CF game world, the two only left a legend similar to the legend of the Condor Heroes.

Aiqing soup continues to sell hot and heat up throughout the country. Under Lin Feng's orders, Li Yutong has expanded a lot of production lines and production capacity, which has increased the output of Aiqing soup.

Moreover, because Aiqing soup is only sold in China, it is not sold abroad at all, so many foreign women who know the product of Aiqing soup actually start to let many domestic friends purchase Aiqing soup.

They were all purchased items box by box, so that during the airport security check or something during this period, boxes of Aiqingtang were frequently seen by the security staff who unpacked them and checked them carefully.

As a result, someone specially started to buy Aiqing soup for foreigners, hoarding a part of the Aiqing soup, and then began to sell it on foreign eBay websites like Taobao. The sales were very gratifying. At the beginning, only part of it Foreigners bought it for a trial, but as soon as it worked, it spread out immediately.

Dasheng Group has never advertised Ai Qingtang abroad. The massive advertising fees are basically spent on many domestic TV media and billboards. Because foreign countries have not yet expanded their sales channels, they have not yet invested in advertising.

However, just relying on such word of mouth, the good name of Ai Qing Tang has gradually spread in the United States, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia and other countries.

Western women may have a little less trouble with menstrual cramps, which are not as painful and frequent as Chinese women.

However, in many countries in Central Asia and Southeast Asia, the physique of women is similar to that of Chinese women, so when Ai Qingtang arrives, they are very popular. Even some women in Southeast Asia think that this red Aiqing soup is a magic potion that has the magical effect of curing dysmenorrhea.

At the same time, as a small part of Aiqing soup spread through this informal channel in developed countries such as the United States, it also gained a very mysterious title called "Oriental Magic Medicine." Many American women who suffer from dysmenorrhea will stock up on a box of Aiqing soup in advance.

"Haha! Xiaofeng, have you seen it? This news actually reported the popularity of our Aiqing soup in the United States. But we have not officially started selling in the United States. We are all brought in from domestic human flesh. The advertisement hasn't hit, but it's already so popular..."

Lin Family Villa, in the lobby!

Seeing the news on TV, Mother Lin said cheerfully to her son Lin Feng.

"Mom! Of course, after all, women in any country in the world will suffer from dysmenorrhea. It's just that the physique of foreigners is slightly stronger, and the level of dysmenorrhea is not as serious as that of women in China."

Lin Feng has also received enough feedback from the Dasheng Group for the various concerns and progress that Ai Qingtang has made at home and abroad in the past few days.

Basically everything was under Lin Feng's control, and even some exceeded his expectations, and his influence continued to spread.

Today is also a rare experience. On Saturday, when he was on holiday, Lin Feng returned home to accompany his parents.

The business of Hero Restaurant Wangfujing Branch is also booming. It seems to have become the best restaurant in Beijing. When many families and chaebols receive guests, Hero Restaurant has always been the first choice.

As a result, the Hero's Restaurant is full almost every day, and it is difficult to reserve a place even a week in advance.

On TV, after finishing the news about Heroes' Restaurant, the host broadcasted another news about the National Grand Theater Dance Company.

When the little swan dancing on the screen danced on the stage, Lin Feng glanced lightly, but suddenly frowned, and then immediately stared at the screen closely.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you? Does it need to be so serious to read the news?" Mother Lin asked strangely.

"No! Mom, I'm watching those dancing little swans!"

Lin Feng's mouth was responding to his mother, but his eyes were still staring at the screen, and he said in an unbelievable way, "Is it really her? I thought I was wrong! But how could she be at the National Grand Theater? Your dance company?"

While they were talking, the TV picture changed again. The dancers were still dancing the little swans, but in a blink of an eye it immediately became that they were performing an ancient dance.

The voice-over of the news anchor, accompanied by dancing and ancient music, introduced: "Recently, the National Centre for the Performing Arts Dance Troupe has ingeniously rehearsed dances based on the ancient Chinese "Book of Songs" as its material source ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is now available Touring in many countries..."

As for what the news anchor said next, Lin Feng didn’t listen at all. He stared at him standing in the center of the scene at this time, wearing a blue tulle, in a slightly sad and sad stage effect. In the middle of dancing, a frown and a smile, and between every movement, Lin Feng was unconsciously fascinated by it.

In my ears, there was music and singing from the TV, singing with an ancient melody.

"Qing Qing Zijin, take care of my heart. Even if I don't go, Zi Ning will not hesitate?

Qing Qing Zi Pei, I think leisurely. Even if I don't go, Zining won't come?

Xi Xi pick up in the city of Xi Que. No one in one day, like March Xi. "

This is the content of "The Book of Songs·Zheng Feng·Zi Jin", but now it has been completely rehearsed into a beautiful and vivid dance.






They are all perfect. The most important thing is that the figure dancing dance music in the center, between the gentleness, seems to be a mountain spring flowing, and when it is wild, it seems to be a mountain torrent erupting.

There is quiet beauty!

You have the temperament to move!

Just when Lin Feng could see the magic, the TV news crunched and switched to the next news about giant pandas.

At this time, Lin Feng completely recovered, and he became even more puzzled: "Luo Zijin! It must be Luo Zijin from Tianshan School. She... isn't she in Tianshan? How come to the capital and still be in the country Is the theater dance troupe dancing?"

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