Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1911: Water resonance

That's right, Lin Feng repeatedly confirmed that the girl who was dancing on the TV news just now was not someone else, but the Tianshan Saint Luo Zijin he saw when he was in Tianshan.

White as jade, pure as water.

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

Actually, Lin Feng and Luo Zijin really haven’t been in contact for long, but he doesn’t know why. This time he suddenly saw her on TV, but it seemed that he didn’t know when a deeply buried seed started. Sprouted.

I imagined that in the Tianchi Lake in Tianshan, Lin Feng was lurking under the water, but he saw Luo Zijin in the pool.

So white!

So holy!

So beautiful!

After Lin Feng recalled this feeling, he couldn't get rid of it anymore.

Moreover, Luo Zijin had an unparalleled attraction to Lin Feng.

Actually, Lin Feng himself didn’t know why this happened. If he hadn’t seen Luo Zijin, he would never remember the existence of this person, but seeing her again, it seemed that the cells all over his body were breathing in resonance again. stand up.

"What the **** is going on? Why, I have such a feeling for Luo Zijin? Could it be that I am really a big carrot like the crazy girl said?"

The body's feeling is not deceiving, so Lin Feng couldn't help wondering whether he was really born to be romantic?

With so many good girls around, he would still think of Luo Zijin, which made Lin Feng feel a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

However, people are actually a complex of contradictions.

Lin Feng would indeed feel ashamed and blame himself for this kind of feeling and behavior, but on the other hand, at the same time, because of the excitement and soul-fitting feeling just now, an inexplicable sense of pursuit would sprout.

"No! I'm going to figure out why Luo Zijin suddenly came to the capital?"

Say it!

Lin Feng immediately left the living room and returned to his room. He called the Xiao brothers and asked them to check the National Centre for the Performing Arts Dance Troupe for themselves to see if there was any Luo Zijin. exist.

The current intelligence network of Dasheng Group, under the development of the Xiao brothers and others, can now be said to be able to spread all over the country, collecting all kinds of information and intelligence all the time.

At the National Grand Theater, they also infiltrated some intelligence organization personnel, so in less than half an hour, the Xiao brothers gave Lin Feng a rough information.

According to the information provided by the Xiao brothers, the National Centre for the Performing Arts has indeed such a dancer named Luo Zijin, and the photo provided is correct, it is the one that Lin Feng knew, not the same name and surname. .

However, one point pointed out in the report also aroused Lin Feng's suspicion.

Luo Zijin suddenly joined the National Centre for the Performing Arts a few months ago, and she herself urged to join the troupe and become a dancer in the troupe. However, at the beginning, the theater teachers didn't accept her at all.

However, when they saw Luo Zijin dancing for the first time, they were immediately impressed by her beautiful dance style and temperament. Not only accepted Luo Zijin immediately, but also gave her the position of the lead dancer of the dance troupe.

"It's good that the Saintess of the Tianshan Mountain is not right, so she went to the National Grand Theater to be a dancer in the dance company?"

On this piece of information, there was only a little bit of ins and outs, and there was nothing special, but it made Lin Feng even more puzzled.

Moreover, the intelligence also showed that Luo Zijin should be following the National Theatre’s dance troupe and touring in major countries around the world. For the time being, it is in Australia. This round of tour is back, at least next month. Thing.

This made Lin Feng even if he wanted to go to the National Grand Theater to find Luo Zijin and ask for a clear answer, he couldn't help but keep this question in his heart.

However, in fact, even if he did not see Luo Zijin on TV by chance this time, it is very likely that Lin Feng would have to visit Luo Zijin in the future.

Because Luo Zijin's physique is innate water physique, if Lin Feng really wants to turn on the body of chaos, he really must find a way to get the characteristics of innate water physique from Luo Zijin's body.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly realized that the attributes of his body are also water attributes. Therefore, when he watched Luo Zijin's figure on TV just now, he was so attracted to him.

This is the water constitution in Lin Feng's body, and the resonance with Luo Zijing's water attributes.

Or in other words, it was Luo Zijin's water-based physique, which seemed to have begun to show a unique attraction, forming a sympathy for Lin Feng.

"It seems that after the tour group of the National Centre for the Performing Arts comes back, I am really going to find this Tianshan Saintess."

After understanding why he was attracted to Luo Zijin, Lin Feng felt a little relieved. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At this time, at the Yejia in Beijing, when Wangfujing opened last time, Ye Guilong, who was completely robbed of the limelight by Lin Feng, was still very unconvinced in his heart.

He was really fascinated by Qin Yanran, so even if he knew that Qin Yanran was Lin Feng's woman, he still thought about how to grab love from Lin Feng's hand.

However, after seeing Lin Feng's status and abilities that day, even if he was the youngest of the Ye Family, he couldn't help but feel a little unconfident.

"Damn it! When did the Lin family come to the capital, it is obviously not an old-fashioned ancient martial arts family, how can there be such a big face? I have never heard of it before!"

Today is Saturday, but Ye Guilong is staying at home with a gloomy look, unhappy.

He was really unwilling to be reconciled, and he would be beaten by Lin Feng, no one who had never been known before.

But at this time, butler Ye Zhicai ran over with a smile on his face and said: "Young Master Long! Young Master Long! There is good news..."

"What good news? Uncle Cai, I will ask you to find out the relationship between Lin Feng and the Lin family. How did you find out?" Ye Guilong gave a dry smile and asked.

"Shao Long, the details of the Lin family don't seem to be as simple as it seems. I still need to check this slowly, but... today I found two important pieces of information. First, the original Yanran The young lady is not only from the Qin family, but her grandmother is also Ye Huiqin, a famous painter and calligrapher in our country..."

The housekeeper hadn’t finished this yet, Ye Guilong immediately said, “Lao Ye? Also named Ye, is it related to our Ye family?”

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