Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1912: Art exhibition

Because the Ye family has been a big family that has developed for hundreds of years in the capital, and there are many major collateral branches. Therefore, when Qin Yanran's grandma was also surnamed Ye, Ye Guilong became excited.

If Qin Yanran is really a member of the Ye family, then everything is much easier.

I don’t know how many of the Ye Family’s bloodlines are below. I want to tell you that their daughter married Ye Guilong, a young Ye Family! After all, these family branches are always thinking about the relationship with the main family.

"Haha! If Qin Yanran's grandma is really from our Ye family, then, does she still want to escape from the palm of my Ye Family Young Master? That Lin Feng, I don't want to fight Qin Yanran with me."

Thinking of this, Ye Guilong couldn't help laughing.

However, the butler Ye Zhicai shook his head and said regretfully, "Shao Long, at the beginning, I was also a Ye Huiqin who had something to do with our Ye family. Unfortunately, I looked around and found nothing to do."

"It doesn't matter? What good news is that? Uncle Cai, aren't you kidding me?"

Ye Guilong curled his lips and said disappointedly.

"Young Master Long, you are in a hurry! Although the good news I said is not this, it has a lot to do with it!" Ye Zhicai said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Don't squeeze the toothpaste, little by little, so troublesome!" Ye Guilong replied.

"Shao Long, I've heard that Qin Yanran and Lin Feng will go to an art exhibition auction held by the Beijing Sheraton Hotel tomorrow. At that time, there will be many famous paintings on display at this exhibition."

Ye Zhicai said, "These paintings come from all over the world, from both China and the West. Some of them are for exhibition, while the other part will be auctioned after the exhibition."

"Oh? Damn it! I can't ask Qin Yanran to come out for a meal, but Lin Feng can go here and there with Qin Yanran every time..."

Hearing what Ye Zhicai inquired about the news about the Sheraton Hotel Art Exhibition Auction, Ye Guilong gritted his teeth with jealousy.

"Long Shao Shaoan, don't be impatient. If you want me to say, you have to go to this exhibition tomorrow." Ye Zhicai said with a smile.

"I'm going to this exhibition too? What am I going to do! I haven't studied those paintings at all, and I don't plan to buy them!" Ye Guilong said suspiciously.

"Young Master Long, you are not going to see and buy paintings this time, but to give them away."

Ye Zhicai smiled and said, "You know, in this exhibition, our master has also taken out some paintings to participate in the exhibition. Young Master Long, you can apply to the master to let you pass for him and go through this cutscene! At that time, there will be a special booth for the calligraphy and painting collected by our Ye family. Moreover, this time I inquired that the Lin family where Lin Feng is located, did not show any calligraphy and painting at all..."

"Yeah! Uncle Cai, this is a good idea, and it can make my dad think that I'm more motivated recently, and I'm paying attention to painting exhibitions..."

Nodded, Ye Guilong wondered again, "But this doesn't explain anything? Could it be that I will show these calligraphy and paintings of our Ye family in front of Lin Feng and Qin Yanran? Uncle Cai, this seems to be useless. what!"

"Shao Long, if it is just ordinary calligraphy and painting, of course it will not have any effect. But... if one of the calligraphy and paintings exhibited by our Ye family was painted by Qin Yanran's grandmother Ye Lao? The effect is quite different. If you say, Shao Long, you will be the main speaker of this painting made by Ye Lao and give it to Qin Yanran, it will better reflect the good intentions of Shao Long."

With a slight smile, Ye Zhicai said.

"Oh? It's such a coincidence? Among those calligraphy and paintings collected by Dad, there happens to be one of Qin Yanran's works?" Ye Guilong was also exasperated when he heard this. The fate!

"Yes! Young Master Long, this is simply a golden opportunity for you! Even when I just inquired about the news today, I found it very incredible! Moreover, this painting is a coincidence of the master. I only bought it from below. It is said that it is Ye Lao's seal pen and it is of extraordinary significance." Ye Zhicai said with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Uncle Cai, you have done a great job this time. As long as I personally bring Qin Yanran to our booth on the day of the exhibition, and then tell her, I specially found such a painting to give her as a gift It's a gift. She saw that it was her grandma's seal of the pen. Isn't that moving?"

Ye Guilong had already begun to sketch Qin Yanran's moved and surprised expression in his mind, and immediately clapped excitedly, "Okay! Just do it, I'll go and tell my dad that tomorrow, let me go to the Sheraton Hotel on his behalf. Exhibition."

At the same time, on the other side, Qingbei University, Qin Yanran spent a whole day in the library today and checked a lot of information ~www.wuxiaspot.com~A lot of them are about some paintings that will be exhibited tomorrow. However, most of these are only for auction before the information is revealed in advance, and there are more paintings that have not been revealed in advance, and you must go to the exhibition to find out in person.

In the evening, Qin Yanran called Lin Feng to tell him the location and time of the exhibition tomorrow, and the two had made an appointment and met at the door of the Sheraton Hotel.

Lin Feng doesn’t have much interest in these paintings, but it’s better to accompany Qin Yanran to see the excitement. After all, in this exhibition, there is also the Shanhe Sheji that Lin Feng saw from the news. Figure.

As for Xiao Nishang, she clamored to say that she was going, but then Lin Feng and Qin Yanran called her again before leaving, but she was still lying on the bed, shaking her head to say not to join in the fun.

Therefore, at about 8:30 the next morning, at the entrance of the Sheraton Hotel, only Lin Feng and Qin Yanran came. It is considered that Xiao Nishang did not use light bulbs this time, and gave Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang a complete one. Time for two people.

"Lin Feng, let's go! I heard that in this exhibition, many Chinese and foreign works will be exhibited! Those who participated in the auction are actually nothing special, but they are not for sale, each of which is the world's finest product. You can't buy it."

Qin Yanran, who has been nurtured by her grandma since she was a child and has a keen interest and talent for painting art, can be said to be familiar with various painter genres around the world and their masterpieces.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the Sheraton Hotel, Qin Yanran became excited when seeing the publicity pictures hanging outside and the crowds inside, pulling Lin Feng and walking into the exhibition.

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