Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1973: The scene is out of control

In the audience, the atmosphere became serious and tense.

All of them held their breath and focused their eyes on Jeff, who was on the stage.

After all, this battle between the Eastern and Western scientific circles has aroused widespread concern. Who will win the Nobel Prize for Medicine in the end, Lin Feng and Dr. Miller?

Even some foreign casinos have opened, placing bets to bet on which of these two will win in the end.

As the person involved, Miller was also sweating nervously. Although he was very confident in his invention, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty now. After all, Ai Qingtang's current power is unstoppable.

"The Nobel Prize will definitely not give this kind of medicine that has no formal scientific theories and chemical formula to support its specific effects..."

Miller felt relieved in his heart, and at the same time, as Deputy Dean Jeff was about to recite the name of the final winner, his heart was beating quickly from his throat.

On the contrary, Lin Feng didn't care at all, and even talked with Li Yutong jokingly, as if the award to be announced on the stage had nothing to do with him.

In front of the TV, countless Chinese who watched this awards ceremony through live broadcast and broadcast are waiting for this crucial moment.

"It must be our Xiaofeng!" Mother Lin prayed with both hands.

"Lin Feng! I believe it must be yours." Xu Minjing said firmly with his eyes.

"Boy, don't come back unless you win the prize."

Luo Qingqing also stared at the TV screen closely, secretly thinking in her heart.

"It must be Lin Feng's." Wang Yajun said confidently.

"It's just a Nobel Prize, what's so great, love it or not!" Xiao Nishang said indifferently, but still couldn't help staring at the TV screen, wanting to know the result.

Su Zixuan, Liu Yanru, Yang Lingling, etc. were all in front of the TV, straining their hearts and praying for Lin Feng.

"Audience friends, the exciting moment is finally coming. Who will be the winner?"

Zhou Yun was also inexplicably excited, and her voice trembled a little.

Qingbei University was even more vocal. In every dormitory, everyone stared at the live computer screen and yelled at the same time.

"Lin Feng! Lin Feng..."

"Lin Feng...Lin Feng!"


Even though Lin Feng, who was far away in Sweden, could not hear or feel such a huge support group, it seemed to have worked.

After Jeff, the deputy dean of the Royal Swedish Academy opened the note, amid the intense attention of countless people, he announced the final winner: "The Nobel Prize in Medicine is... Lin Feng, the magic from the East. Boy, let us welcome Lin Feng to the stage to receive the award with warm applause."


There was sporadic applause from below. Many scientists in Europe and the United States simply couldn't accept this. Most of the applause were scientists from Asian, African and Latin American countries.

In front of the TV, countless Chinese people got their wish and heard the good news of Lin Feng's award, and they all cried with joy, embracing and cheering.

This is a Nobel Prize!

Lin Feng only went to college at the age of eighteen!

In the capital, Mother Lin and Father Lin shed tears of excitement and joy.

At Qingbei University, the students cheered excitedly one by one, and ran from one dormitory to one dormitory, yelling, because Lin Feng was their classmate and the pride of Qingbei University.

Some people are cheering to their heart's content, and some naturally frown and even protest loudly to express their dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter? What happened to the organizing committee? Give such an important award to an Asian?"

"I'm only 18 years old. I won a Nobel Prize in Medicine when I'm less than 20 years old? What a joke, you didn't even graduate from college, right?"

"Protest! What achievements does this Lin Feng have that can be compared with Dr. Miller? Just the luxury Aiqing soup in the drink? Are you kidding, does that thing have enough scientific theoretical support?"

"Cunning Huaxia, must have walked through the back door again and stuffed a red envelope!"


After it was announced that Lin Feng was the final winner, there was a lot of discussion and opposition in the audience for a while, and even many respected seniors also stood up tremblingly to protest Lin Feng's award.

"This...what's going on? Lin Feng won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Why are most people opposed to it?"

Alice has been sitting quietly down the stage. When she heard that Lin Feng had won the prize, she was inexplicably happy for Lin Feng, but when she saw so many people opposed to Lin Feng winning the prize, she Can't help but worry about Lin Feng.

After all, Alice can see that many older generations of scientists are in the queue against Lin Feng. These master-level figures have extremely high prestige in the global scientific community. If they insist on opposing it, then Lin Feng’s This prize is a bit hanging...

As another nominated candidate, Miller, after hearing the result, was also unwilling to yell out angrily: "Why? Why is Lin Feng winning the prize? I report it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's affirmative. There is a black box operation. I request a reassessment..."

"Miller is right! There is definitely a black box operation..."

"What Huaxia people are best at is bribery!"

"Re-evaluation, your awards are unfair to Dr. Miller!"

"Dr. Miller's catalytic mold is definitely one of the greatest inventions of this century. If it is further modified and developed, it can even be developed to make humans look immortal..."

"Why? Isn't Ai Qingtang just a drink? If you make a drink, you can win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This is simply the worst joke of the century."


Obviously, when Miller stood up to protest, he immediately responded, and his friends of scientists all stood up to support Miller.

There are nothing more than two aspects. On the one hand, they exaggerate Miller’s achievements; on the other hand, they try to belittle Lin Feng’s invention of Aiqing Tang, and at the same time use Aiqing Tang without any scientific evidence or effect as an attack against Lin Feng. Reason.

"Quiet! Please keep quiet, no changes to the Nobel Prize awards will be allowed. If there is any objection, I believe the judges will give everyone a convincing answer..."

Jeff tried his best to suppress the voices on the court, but he was actually quite embarrassed. After all, many of the older generations who protested here belonged to his teacher's generation.

However, his rhetoric seems to be unable to quell the protests of these people. Coupled with Miller's intentional guidance and benefit, the scene is almost out of control...

(Ps: The second one! The third one will make up tomorrow!)

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