Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1974: Rejuvenation

In front of the TV, many Chinese also saw this scene through the broadcast screen.

So many highly respected scientists have so openly expressed their protest against Lin Feng's Nobel Prize.

Immediately, everyone was filled with indignation.

"Let me go! What's the matter? Why can't we Chinese people win the Nobel Prize in Medicine?"

"What's wrong with Aiqing soup? After the old lady drank it, Yueyue didn't hurt anymore. It was much better than your spicy chicken invention."

"If you can't eat grapes, say the grapes are sour! Are you all the navy that Miller invited?"

"Huh! If I were at the scene, I would definitely hack to death those old guys who were talking nonsense..."


Even the Chinese people who looked at Lin Feng before and felt a little unpleasant, after seeing this scene on TV, the sense of national honor made them protest.

Although their voices could not be conveyed to the award ceremony in Sweden, the more influential Chinese immediately expressed their emotions through their own channels.

For example, all Chinese restaurants in Sweden have raised a Chinese national flag at this moment. Many Chinese Internet companies have issued various themes and news on their product interfaces at the same time. Cheer and cheer for Lin Feng, and be the most solid backing for Lin Feng.

At the scene, there are even some Chinese scientists who, although they have acquired the nationalities of other countries, have expressed strong indignation and dissatisfaction with today's events.

After all, even those committee members of the awards have already recognized Lin Feng. What qualifications do they have for the guests who came to the awards ceremony to object?

However, the most dissatisfied person is Dr. Namiller. Seeing that there are so many scientists supporting him, he also boldly stepped up to the stage and said to the Nobel Prize judges on the rostrum: "Everyone! Is the information on the catalytic enzyme that I provided is not detailed enough? This is an invention of absolutely trans-epochal significance. How could it be compared to Lin Feng's Aiqingtang who only aims to solve her daughter's dysmenorrhea?"

Miller's tone was a bit bad, very aggressive, or even a little aggressive, which was obviously unconvincing in his heart.

However, the judges were not moved at all. Even a female judge who appeared to be in her forties, smiled, and then came to the stage, seemingly to explain Lin Feng's award. Come.

But, for this female judge, Miller frowned, because he never had the impression that there was such a young female judge in the Royal Academy of Sweden!

Correct! You are not mistaken, the female judge in her forties is indeed considered young at the Royal Swedish Academy. After all, the seniority of these scientists must be old enough to be able to serve as the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy. It seems that the face in their forties is naturally very young.

What's more, what makes Miller even more surprised is that it seems... almost none of him sitting in the judging row today knows him, and he is almost all 30 or 40 years old.

"God! What the **** is going on? Could it be that... the Royal Academy has a collective exchange of blood? Let a new generation of young scientists be judges? But this is not right! These people are very face-to-face, I simply I have never seen it before, not even an impression! This..."

Seeing this scene, Miller was completely trapped and couldn't imagine what happened in it.

And like Miller, there are those older generation scientists who have been clamoring the most.

None of the female judges who came up on stage knew each other.

"Who is this woman? Why does she serve as the judge of the Nobel Prize?"

"It's strange! What happened to the Nobel Prize jury this year? I didn't even know anyone."

"Couldn't it! The Dongfang boy bought it all? Changed into his own?"

"Protest! Miller's catalytic enzyme has a very important symbolic significance for human longevity and eternal youth. He is the most qualified person to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine..."


Listening to these protests in the end, the female judge who appeared to be in her forties smiled slightly, and then shouted into the microphone: "Please keep quiet, everyone! Allow me to introduce myself..."

In a word, it quieted the noisy sound of the scene a lot.

However, this is not enough. The female judge seems a little bit majestic and has no influence at all, and no one intends to listen to her seriously.

However, she was not angry at all, just faintly continued to introduce herself into the microphone: "Gentlemen and ladies, good afternoon! I am very happy to meet you here, my name is Annevie Heather..."

At first, everyone who looked down upon this female reviewer was all contemptuous. As soon as she heard her self-report of her family, all of her hairs were erected.

"What? What did the woman say about her name?"

"Annieway Heather! This...it's impossible! Isn't Senior Aniewei who is over 90 years old and is currently spending the rest of his life in a nursing home?"

"Yeah! Is this the granddaughter of Senior Anne Wei? It should be the granddaughter! It is not impossible that the granddaughter and the grandmother have the same name and surname~www.wuxiaspot.com~..."

"No! I have seen a photo of Senior Anniwei when she was young. Look at her left eyebrow, there is a red mole, it is obvious! This is the facial feature of Senior Anniwei, she... Is she really Anne? Senior Wei?"

"This is incredible!"


Many veteran scientists in their sixties and seventies still have to call this Annie Wei a teacher of their seniors, let alone those of juniors.

Moreover, there are many young scientists who don't recognize Anne Wei Heather at all, and start to ask in a strange way: "Which Anne Wei? Is she a female star?"

"Fool! Anniway Heather! Anniway who laid the foundation of modern chemistry!"

Someone reminded those who didn't understand it suddenly, and then they awed in awe, but then they became bewildered and said: "Impossible! That Anniwei has not long since retired from the stage of scientific history and devoted herself to pension No? Even if you are still alive now, you are at least over ninety years old!"

"It's her...in her nineties, but... she looks the same as she was in her forties. God! What the **** is going on? What kind of magic is this?"


That’s it, the world’s leading scientific community, and the genius female chemist Anne Wei Heather who laid the foundation of modern chemistry, is clearly in her nineties and is about to enter the woods, but she has stood vigorously at this Nobel Prize Above the awards stage.

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