Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1990: The end of the world?

The Bianan religion has actually been secretly lurking in various countries around the world.

Although the intelligence organizations of various countries have discovered such mysterious organizations, they are often not regarded as the same thing.

In addition, the unique Gu worm of Bi'an Sect has made the staff of important institutions in many countries successfully replaced by Bi'an Sect.

It can be said that this century-old conspiracy of Bi'an Sect had been quietly arranged decades ago.

They believe in evil gods!

They obeyed the instructions and orders of the evil god!

They sacrificed the most precious thing on earth to the evil god!

And now, they are going to represent the evil gods to harvest everything on earth.

"Gosh! How could this be?"

"Ah! Why are there so many people around us who are believers of Bianjiao?"

"Run! But, where can we go?"


The armed forces of various countries were activated in the first place, and began to round up these believers who suddenly appeared to demonstrate.

However, it was of no use, because they discovered that these believers of the Began religion were all ordinary people under control, and had lost their consciousness at all.

This is particularly terrible. Everyone was so scared that they hid in their homes, locked doors and windows tightly, and watched the terrifying news one after another on the TV. They didn’t dare to go out and fall into one step. In deep despair, the end of the world is coming!

At this time, on the nameless island, after the Shengren of the Wa country was slapped to the head, it was announced that the Bian Sect had officially rebelled around the world. The Master of Tsing Yi gave a quack laugh at the camera, and in his At the foot, is the Superman Sam who was once placed high hopes by countless people.

"Damn! Devil... You are the biggest demon, and God will take care of you! He will drive you to hell..."

Superman Sam tried his best to struggle, but he couldn't get away at all. He was hailed as the most powerful man in the world! One hour ago, he was still the savior in the eyes of six billion people around the world!

But now, why did it become like this? I was trampled under such humiliation, and it was broadcasted to more than six billion people around the world.

"No! You kill me! Kill me..."

He would rather die than Superman Sam would not endure such humiliation, but the leader of Tsing Yi was like a cat playing with a mouse, and he was not willing to kill Sam at all.

As for the other werewolves and vampires, they were already shivering. They have experienced countless dangerous tasks, but they have never felt so powerless and fearful as they do now.

The strength of the Great Master Tsing Yi is no longer in the category of human beings, and this weird vine makes them have no resistance at all.

Under such power, are they superpowers or ordinary people, what is the difference?


Don't say they can't move now, they don't have this ability at all. Even if they can escape, where can they escape now? The whole world is already the territory of Bi'an Sect. Soon, with the hard and soft power of Bi'an Sect, it is no longer just empty words to conquer the world.


In the United States, at the moment when Biganism broke out, the president ordered that the whole world enter a state of SSS alert.

What is the meaning of the alert status of sss level?

There was a note on the affidavit of the president of the United States that when the world is in the most dangerous moment, the president of the United States has the responsibility and obligation to turn on the sss-level alert state, and lead human beings around the world to seek a chance.

And now, undoubtedly, it has reached a moment when human beings all over the world are at stake.

It is not just the Archbishop of Tsing Yi who kidnapped countless scientists on the unnamed island, but is now under many unknown attacks in the secret database of important countries around the world.

Cardinal Master!

The Great Master in White!

Grand Master in Yellow!

Grand Master in Purple!


All the twelve masters of the Bi'an Sect were dispatched, and they led their followers respectively, according to a strictly planned plan, on the battlefield to conquer the world.

Even the Huaxia government, which has the strictest internal defense, has found several powerful troops from the other side of the country.

With decades of accumulation of manpower, financial resources and material resources, Bi Anjiao has one trick hidden and one trick to fly, and actually wants to swallow the whole world directly into his stomach like a snake swallowing elephant.

"Hahaha...Thank our great evil **** for giving me such a powerful power through the altar. Then let me lead the religion of the other side and conquer the entire earth! Let all earth human beings become the most pious believers of the evil god, let They continue to offer pure souls!"

The master of Tsing Yi looked up and laughed. His expressions and laughter were always conveyed to all parts of the world.

But now, what he brought to people all over the world was panic and incomparable fright.

At this time, in the auditorium not far away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the top scientists also realized the seriousness of the problem.

The whole world... may fall!

note! This is not acting, let alone a joke!

All the special forces of the United States have been dispatched for the first time, but the believers of the other side are not afraid to die one by one, and they are equipped with some modern equipment even more than the United States. They came prepared again, and immediately let the unsuspecting Mi Army retreat.

Even the United States, which is known as the world’s number one superpower, is like this. Other countries have fallen into devastation in just one or two hours. The believers of the Began religion are madly conquering. Their ardent beliefs do not They stopped passing their loyal prayers to the evil god, and forced everyone they met to devote their souls to the evil **** altar.

"Lin Feng! Lin Feng! Where are you? The situation is very bad now..."

Li Yutong in the auditorium saw the news and images from the outside world, and was even more anxious. He didn't care about the possibility of being discovered by the master of Tsing Yi, and immediately communicated with Lin Feng with spiritual knowledge. She knew that Lin Feng must be nearby.

"Sister Tongtong, I am here! However, I am still not sure about the strength of the master of Tsing Yi, and...I am looking for his weakness..."

Because Lin Feng was lurking under the water, he only saw the scene of the Master Tsing Yi ravaging the Superman squad, but he couldn't see the rest of the earth at all. I don't know how many wars have occurred. That's why he was so complacent. He stayed in the water for the first time. He wanted to make a decision and then move. He first found the weakness of the master of Tsing Yi.

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