Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1991: Dasheng debut

"It's too late! Lin Feng, at this time the whole world is already in dire straits..."

Li Yutong hurriedly transmitted the voice, but after she had spoken to Lin Feng without a word, the Master Tsing Yi suddenly turned his head and looked over.

"Huh? How can there be fluctuations in spiritual consciousness here?"


The arch patriarch of Tsing Yi frowned, and immediately flashed into the auditorium.

The strange thing is that the protective formation that can stop all kinds of explosions can't help this Grand Master Tsing Yi. As soon as his figure touched the light curtain, he swished in.

"Not good! Sister Tongtong's voice transmission was discovered by him..."

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's heart also stunned. He didn't expect that the master of Tsing Yi could discover Sister Tongtong's voice transmission so quickly, at least his cultivation base would be two levels higher than himself!

"Sister Tongtong, the master of Tsing Yi has entered, it's dangerous! Run!"

Seeing that Li Yutong was in danger, Lin Feng could no longer take care of his own safety, regardless of his Tsing Yi Grand Hierarch's level, but for a moment, Lin Feng was flew out of the seabed with his flying sword in this way.

Inside the auditorium.

The Grand Master of Tsing Yi stared wide-eyed, scanned the scientists present one by one, and then quickly froze the two people in almost a few seconds.

Li Yutong!


In the bodies of these two people, he discovered the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy, and what is even more commendable is that these two women are both beautiful and beautiful, and they are actually special physiques.

"Hahaha... come here! Today's luck is really good! Actually there are really cultivators on our planet, or two cultivators with special physique and such a low level of cultivation! Hahaha...In that case, I will give you an honor to be the furnace of my cultivation!"

With a grasp of both hands, Alice and Li Yutong in the crowd were drawn by him uncontrollably.

"Devil! Don't think about it..."

Alice became angry, and the two rays of thunder in her hand burst suddenly, and slammed into the master of Tsing Yi.


This is not the ordinary Thunder Pill in the hands of the Superman before, but the super powerful Thunder Pill with the Thunder attribute physique.

"What a powerful thunder attribute, it's a pity, you are just a cultivator who has just been practicing aura. No matter how strong your talent is, your current strength is not worth mentioning at all in front of me! quack... …"

The Master of Tsing Yi fiercely fiddled with the cloak with both hands, and abruptly caught Alice's two thunder pills, causing a little explosion on his clothes, but in the end he was unharmed.

"Oh my god! The thunder pill just now, I'm afraid it will explode, no less than a missile, right?"

"This person can resist such a strong explosion with his body, incredible! He is not a human! Not a human, he is a devil..."


The scientists around were completely stunned. They had done countless scientific experiments, but they had never seen such a situation. It was completely beyond the scope of their scientific knowledge.

And Li Yutong's situation was not much better. Although she was a cultivation base during the foundation period, she didn't even have a powerful attack method.

Just when she tried to escape towards the exit, the Master Tsing Yi dealt with Alice, turned her head and sucked her back.

"Quack... a pure Yin physique, just to help me break through the bottleneck of this Nascent Infant stage! Quack..."

As soon as the master of Tsing Yi said the words, Li Yutong's expression suddenly changed.

Yuan Ying period!

The unreachable Yuan Ying period!

She and Lin Feng are only in the foundation building period, and they are like ants in front of Yuan Ying period.

At this time, families in many countries all over the world hid in their houses, watching the live broadcast on TV, and fell into a completely desperate expression.

The despair on their faces is basically the same as that shown by Li Yutong on TV.

"It's over! Even the scientists in the auditorium will be brutally murdered..."

"God! What did we do wrong? You are going to send such a demon to harvest our lives. Please forgive us! God!"

"We're going to die! This Bi'an Sect is too strong, especially the master of Tsing Yi, who is like a god."


The TV broadcasts the images in the auditorium, and countless people are plunged into a deeper abyss of despair. They can no longer count on any special planes. The power of this sect of the other shore is so powerful that it makes people feel terrible.

But at this time!

When the scientists in the auditorium showed fear!

When I was soaking in the cruel laughter of the Great Master Tsing Yi everywhere!

When more than six billion people all over the world are completely desperate after playing!


Suddenly, there was a bang!

Outside the auditorium, the original magical and strong protective formation was blown out by a punch.

Hearing this sound, the reporters who had been broadcasting the Nobel Prize in the auditorium, out of professional habit, all aimed their cameras at the door where the sound was made.

The U.S. side also immediately invoked the satellite authority, and simultaneously transmitted the images in the auditorium through these cameras, and displayed them in front of the president, as well as in front of countless people around the world.

"What's the matter? Did someone break the strange light curtain at the door?"

"Gosh! Is there another superhero added?"

"Justice will inevitably defeat evil! I believe that the superman of our country must have regained its feet, and at the same time gained more powerful strength, this time can completely overthrow the religion of the other side."


Seeing that the light curtain was broken from the outside, the camera was greeted, and the exposure was relatively strong. In front of the TV, everyone could only see a black figure with the backlight standing at the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He gently raised his hand, pointed at the master of Tsing Yi, and exclaimed in anger: "Do you dare to hurt my woman...definitely die!"

Step by step, as he stepped into the auditorium, the light outside slowly weakened. Everyone in front of the TV opened their eyes wide, and was surprised to find that this person was actually wearing a mask on his face. And it's still a strange oriental mask.

"Dasheng! Dasheng Sun..."

"Oh my God... this mask is our Monkey King Monkey King of China. Didn't we say that China will send the strongest person over? It seems to be called the Great Sage..."

"Yes! That's right! It is our strongest in China here! It is the Great Sage!"

"Finally, we are the strongest of China! China's!"

"It's Great Sage Sun! It's that Great Sage..."


Perhaps it is difficult for people from other countries to recognize this mask at a glance, but for the Chinese nation, it is a mythical story that can ingrain Journey to the West in their minds, and Sun Dasheng and Monkey King are the unique heroes in everyone's minds.

As a descendant of Yan Huang, any face, gestures, or even laughter of Sun Dasheng can be distinguished almost immediately.

Because he is Sun Dasheng!

He is the hero and **** of war in the eyes of the Chinese nation!

And now, he... appeared here alive, in front of all despair.

(Ps: The second update, the third update tomorrow! Recently, the house is renovated, and it is all sorts of busy work during the day before coming back at night, and writing will be late, everyone forgive me! It's best to get up and watch the next morning!)

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