Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2012: Return of the Hero (Part 2)

Beijing, 1:30 PM, National Convention Center.

Hundreds of media reporters from all over the world gathered here, and various flashes and lenses were aimed at the stage.

Although the press conference is still half an hour before it officially begins, the media reporters in the entire conference center are already on a stimulant.

After all, this is an important moment for China to officially announce the identity of the Great Sage!

After all, the official Huaxia Kingdom has bounced tickets three times in a row. This press conference has finally been held as scheduled. It seems that the identity of the Great Sage will definitely be announced.

At the same time, not only journalists from various countries, but also people from all over China have turned on their TV sets and are waiting eagerly for the live broadcast of this press conference.

In the Lin family, Lin's father and Lin's mother were worried. There had been no news about their son Lin Feng for several days. They called Dasheng Group to ask about Li Yutong's specific situation, but the Xiao brothers It means that Li Yutong is also missing and can't be contacted.

In desperation, Lin's father and Lin's mother could only ask Luo Qingqing to come and accompany them for a few days. In the past few days, they did not go to the hero's restaurant, and they had no thoughts at all, so they missed their son Lin Feng.

"Uncle Lin, Aunt Zhang, you really don't have to worry too much. The brat will take care of himself. It is estimated that he went to the wild with Tongtong, there is no signal."

Although Luo Qingqing was worried about Lin Feng in her heart, she still had to pretend that nothing happened and comfort Lin Feng's parents.

"This little bastard, wait for him to come back and see if the old lady doesn't interrupt his leg. No matter where you go to play, at least you have to tell your family, right?" Mother Lin said angrily, sitting on the sofa.

"Forget it! Forget it... Guizhu, please be relieved, let's wait a few more days! Xiaofeng will definitely be fine. Let's watch the TV first. I heard that today the country will announce the rescue day. The true identities of Xiaofeng and the heroes of so many scientists around the world..."

Father Lin is very concerned about national affairs, and at the same time he is very proud of the hero in his country.

However, in the eyes of Mother Lin at this time, no one had anything more important than his son Lin Feng.

She didn't care or care about the great saint and the little saint, she only cared about when her son Lin Feng would return.

"It depends on your death, I...I want my son back..."

Her eyes were red, and Mother Lin hadn't slept much in the past few days, trying to call and text her son Lin Feng every day.

So now while leaning on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Feng's number.


I thought that this time I would be the same as the previous countless times, when I heard the tone that the phone had been turned off, but when Mother Lin heard the beeping connection tone, she suddenly jumped off the sofa in excitement. stand up.

"It's connected! The phone is connected, it's no longer shut down, Lao Lin, it's Xiao Feng's phone connected..."

Mother Lin yelled with excitement, Luo Qingqing and Father Lin also hurriedly turned their heads and asked with concern.

"How is it? Is Xiao Feng answering the phone?" Father Lin said.

"Buddy's phone connected? That means he's okay!" Luo Qingqing also widened his eyes and said excitedly.


After a few rings, Lin Feng, who was rushing back to China on the Flying Shuttle, picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was his mother's call, so he bit the bullet and answered, "Hey! Mom..."

"Little bastard, are you finally willing to answer the phone? You..."

As soon as she heard the voice of her son Lin Feng, Lin's mother immediately shed tears.

"Mom! I'm sorry, this is a bit of an emergency. I have just resolved it. I will rush to my house right now. Don't be angry or worried! I'm fine!" Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"Do you still know to come back? For so many days, I won't make a single call at home." Lin Mu pouted and reprimanded.

"I know it's wrong! But there is really no way to call, there is no signal! Okay, let's do this, mom! I'll be in the capital in a while..."

Hanging up the phone and looking at the GPS positioning, Lin Feng had already returned to the territory of China.

However, because Lin Feng used very sophisticated stealth defense radar technology, the countries along the way did not find such a behemoth flying over their country's territory.

Naturally, although China's air defense force was stronger, Lin Feng's Feitians still could not be found.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, at the National Convention Center, Elder Wang, as the spokesperson of the Dragon Team and now the highest spokesperson of Huaxia Kingdom, walked onto the stage of the press conference with a serious face and said sorry to everyone into the microphone. "Dear friends from the media and reporters present! Originally, we were going to announce the identity of the Great Sage today, but now...due to some special reasons, we have not yet been able to announce the identity of the Great Sage..."

As soon as this remark came out, those media reporters who had been looking forward to it for several days stopped doing it.

"What's the matter? If it's clearly stated that it will be announced, why has it changed again!"

"If it's not announced! What kind of press conference!"

"Can you be a little bit dry! This is the hero of our country, why is it hidden?"


These are complaints from the domestic media, and they are quite rational.

However, those foreign media are not at all in this attitude, because they originally came with some political tasks, that is, trying to find a way to discredit the hero of China ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ especially the United States. Media reporters in the UK and other fields, their country’s politicians don’t want the great saint of China to become a global superhero.

In that case, it is very unfavorable for them.

"You Huaxia people love to play mystery! Maybe your Great Sage is not your Huaxia country at all, right?"

"I think that Great Sage is more like our American style, maybe it is our Chinese American?"


These foreign journalists and the media also said a lot more ugly things, and even a few of them threw the machine and took off their clothes in public to protest to the Huaxia State official.

"I'm sorry! Because we have not been able to contact the Great Sage for the time being, we can't get the consent of the Great Sage, so...it's not easy to announce his identity..."

Although Elder Wang is an elder with a natural cultivation base, he still has a headache in the face of so many reporters' questions. After all, they cannot use force and various threats against these reporters, and they have to make things difficult for them.

But when Elder Wang was in great difficulty, suddenly, a dark cloud seemed to press down on the top of the National Convention Center. Everyone couldn't help looking up, and saw that on the transparent glass top of the National Convention Center, there was actually a huge Flying Shuttle slowly landing and pressing down.

"It's Feitiansuo, it's the Great Sage... Dragon Scale, hurry up... Let the staff of the venue immediately open the top glass skylight of the National Convention Center, let Feitiansuo come in, and then immediately play the national anthem, and welcome the return of our hero... "

As soon as he saw the Fei Tiansuo pressed down, the elder Wang burst into tears!

The superhero of China is back!

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