Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2013: Great Sage Revealed

"Oh! God! Look, what is that?"

"What a big spaceship! It is the magic weapon of the former Tsing Yi master!"

"Horrible Devil's Ship! But it is said that it has been captured by the Great Sage..."

"It's the Great Sage, look! The man standing on the bow, who is not the Great Sage?"


Such a big behemoth landed on top of the National Convention Center, and as the huge glass skylight above opened, Feitianshuo slowly fell.

"Get out of the way!"

"Dodge! The Great Sage is coming..."


The reporters below were in a panic. Everyone quickly gave way to an open space almost the size of a basketball court, allowing Lin Feng's Feitiansuo to slowly land.

This scene was directly witnessed by billions of viewers around the world through the live broadcast of the conference.

"Look! It's the Great Sage, the Great Sage is finally back."

"Oh yeah! I support Dasheng, he is the superhero of our country."

"No, it should be a superhero in the world."

"Too handsome! The great sage of China, possesses super powerful Chinese Kungfu..."


Seeing the flying flying shuttle, the audience became excited.

Of course, among these audiences, there are Xu Minjing, Wang Yajun, Luo Qingqing, Liu Yanru, Xiao Nishang, Su Zixuan, and Alice in Europe...

"Come back! Lin Feng, you are finally back!" Xu Minjing looked at Lin Feng who was standing on top of Feitiansuo proudly. She already knew from Xiao Nishang's mouth that Lin Feng was the one who saved the world. Saint.

"Smelly boy! You know how to be handsome!"

Luo Qingqing smiled and watched the TV, and then said to the mother and father Lin next to him, "Uncle and Auntie, watch TV, and the stinky boy will appear soon."

"What? Didn't Xiao Feng say to come home? Why did he get on the TV?" Mother Lin said puzzledly.

However, Father Lin suddenly understood, and immediately widened his eyes, pointed to the close-up shot for the Great Sage on TV, and asked Luo Qingqing excitedly: "Qingqing, should you say... This is Xiao Feng, right? Our Xiao Feng is the Great Sage? This...Is it impossible?"

"No? My son... is the superhero who saved the world?"

Mother Lin was also taken aback. Although she had always thought that her son Lin Feng was the best in the world, she never thought that Lin Feng would be the great sage of this great reputation.

"You two will find out after watching TV..."

Luo Qingqing smiled and didn't directly break it.

At this time, at the National Convention Center, with the landing of Feitiansuo, Lin Feng jumped directly to the rostrum and said to Elder Wang: "Excuse me! Elder Wang, I am a little late..."

"It's okay! It's okay! It doesn't matter when you come."

Seeing Lin Feng finally appeared at the last moment, Elder Wang was very relieved, and at the same time, he was happy to transfer all the pressure and work to Lin Feng immediately, "Since you are back, whether you want to Make it public, just leave it to you to make it public."

With that said, Elder Wang gave the microphone to Lin Feng, and at the same time, the excited reporters all pointed their cameras at Lin Feng. Foreign journalists who dropped their equipment to express their strong dissatisfaction with the Huaxia State officials before, really regret it at this time! The equipment was broken, so I had to take out my phone and quickly snap a few pictures of such an important moment.

"Okay! Since so many people want to know my identity, then I don't have to hide it anymore..."

Standing on the stage, Lin Feng was generous, and now his strength, there was no need to worry at all, and because of the appearance of the Bi'an Sect, he needed to stand up directly to form a deterrent to the remnants of the Bi'an Sect.

Gently holding the mask on his face, little by little began to lift it.

At this moment, billions of spectators around the world who were watching also held their breath and stared, for fear that they would miss such a wonderful scene of the opening of the Great Sage.

Little by little...

When Lin Feng gradually took off his mask, the countless flashes shot over, and under the gaze of billions of gazes behind the lens, a face everyone was very familiar with, silent and silent. An omen appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Fuck! It's Lin Feng..."

"Isn't it? I... Am I right?"

"Yes! It's Lin Feng, the Nobel Prize winner Lin Feng, the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history."

"It's incredible! He is a Nobel Prize winner, and he is also... the superhero who saved the world..."

"This...this is simply too dreamy. No wonder, it's no wonder that the Great Sage can appear on that desert island for the first time. It turns out... It turns out to be Lin Feng!"

"The hero is a boy! Lin Feng is only ten years old, and he has such a magical power."


Fry the pan!

The National Convention Center is frying!

Billions of TV sets and computers around the world are fried in front of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qingbei University. Almost all the students are watching this live broadcast in their dormitories or teachers’ computer screens, but none of them It can be imagined that this superhero who saved the world is actually Lin Feng, the legendary Qingbei University that they are very familiar with.

"I'm going! Lin Feng is really a bunker this time! It doesn't count if he won the Nobel Prize, but... he saved the world by the way."

"It's too tricky! In the future, those foreign universities dare to look down on our Qingbei University and tell them directly that your lives are saved by our Qingbei University students."

"It's an idol! It's a legend! It's...Oh my god! I think I'm dreaming!"


Although the students of Qingbei University have become accustomed to all the weird and vulgar behaviors of Lin Feng, this time, they really can't help but be surprised.

Become a saint and save the world!

This is so cool.

Suddenly, countless students of Qingbei University screamed in the dormitory.

"Long live Lin Feng!"

"Long live the great saint..."


In the Lin family, even if Lin's father and Lin's mother had already been mentally prepared, when they saw the face of their son Lin Feng under that mask, the shock and surprise pride from the heart could hardly be whispered. .

"It's our son! Haha... Lao Lin, our son Xiao Feng is a great hero to save the world! My son is the lifesaver of the world!" Mother Lin exclaimed excitedly.

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