Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2017: While rescue is in progress

"Elder Wang! Tell me the nearest place where the believers of the Began religion are detained, and I will immediately bring my helper over..."

Lin Feng took Luo Qingqing out immediately after returning home.

Of course, Lin Feng still didn't drive, and there is no need to drive with such a convenient means of transportation as Feijian. Isn't that stupid?

"Smelly boy! I told you before and asked you to quickly refining a flying sword for me. When will it be honored?"

Standing behind Lin Feng, holding Lin Feng's waist, Luo Qingqing said sweetly and brutally.

"Alright! Alright... When this matter is resolved, I will refine the flying swords for you all in batches..." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"We? Humph! Who else do you want to refine for?" Luo Qingqing asked with a pouting mouth.

"Hey! And Sister Tongtong, crazy girls! Sister Qingqing, you won't be so stingy, are you jealous?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Cut! Who is jealous? How could I be jealous. Anyway, I don't care, my flying sword must be the most special, not the same as theirs."

Although there was some discomfort in her heart, Luo Qingqing still pretended to be generous.

"Of course, Sister Qingqing, you are metal, of course the most special. Moreover, when this matter is over, I will take you to find a more powerful treasure..."

Thinking of the Innate Five Elements flag in the underground mines of South Africa, Lin Feng only got the water attribute of the Xuanyuan water control flag, and the other gold, wood, fire and earth attribute flags were still in the secret room of the mine. Lin Feng couldn’t get it. Come out, only let Luo Qingqing and others go...

"A more powerful treasure? Even your kid still has a conscience... Then this time, I will try to help you." Luo Qingqing said contentedly.

Lin Feng interrupted, and said solemnly: "It's not helping me! It's saving the world, Sister Qing Qing, now I am afraid that only you can save so many people in the world. You are the biggest and most powerful in the world. Heroine."

"You can talk." Luo Qingqing listened to her heart happily.

In a short while, Lin Feng followed the instructions of Elder Wang and came to Hexiang County, Beihe Province. Nearly 100,000 people from the other side were temporarily imprisoned here. Almost all of them were infiltrated by Gu worms, and their behavior was completely completed. Not under your control.

"Here? Lin Feng, your helper is..."

Elder Wang had already been waiting here, seeing Lin Feng bringing Luo Qingqing over, and looked a little strangely.

"This is Luo Qingqing, Elder Wang, and the helper I'm talking about is Sister Qing Qing. When it comes to dealing with Gu worms, Sister Qing Qing is my master."

Lin Feng introduced to Luo Qingqing again, "Sister Qingqing, this is the elder Wang of the Dragon Team. He basically decides the affairs of the Dragon Team."

"Miss Luo, please hurry up, these people here now really give us enough headaches!"

After a brief introduction, Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing walked into this temporary imprisonment place under the leadership of Elder Wang.

The hundreds of thousands of believers of the other shore religion are different from ordinary prisoners. These believers are completely controlled by Gu worms. They are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or hungry. They yell at other people like Long Live all day long, and some even threaten to go out with a hunger strike. In short, it makes the guards here extremely headache.

"Long live the other side teaches!"

"Ah! You heretics are going to hell..."

"Kill you! Kill you! Our leader will come and kill you..."


These believers, including men and women, old and young, were all ordinary people at first, but now they look like evil spirits. They are hungry for several days and refuse to eat. All of them are pale and empty. The godless gaze also makes people feel terrible.

"Did you see it? Lin Feng, if you can't think of a way, these people...I'm afraid they will really starve to death. Those Gu worms control them, except for screaming and self-harm, they won't eat at all. Things and drinking water. Some are even sicker, our doctors can’t get close to the past and can only resort to force..."

These days, Elder Wang was also annoyed to death by the affairs of these believers. These people can't be killed or let go. Just being held here, there is no way to cure them.

"No problem! Let me give it a try!"

When Luo Qingqing saw the state of these people, she knew a little bit in her heart. She walked to a cell in which there were probably nearly a hundred people held in it, and then made a strange sound in her mouth, trying to control the worms in these people's minds. .

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Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei also flew out, surrounded by Luo Qingqing, each one seemed to be waiting for something.

"Sister Qing Qing, this is..."

Concentrating his eyes, Lin Feng stood aside, feeling the fluctuations of the sound from Luo Qingqing's mouth, and his spiritual consciousness also paid attention to the state of the minds of several of the believers.

In less than three minutes, the Gu worms in the minds of these believers crawled out of their mouths one by one.

There were more than one hundred Gu worms, just like this, one after another, but as soon as they flew out, the two spirit worms, Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei, immediately rushed forward and swallowed these gu worms in one bite. In the belly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zizi..."

Elder Wang looked at him and felt chills in his heart. If nothing else, the black and gold insects brought by Lin Feng were enough to make people feel terrifying.

However, fortunately, Luo Qingqing really had a way. In just five or six minutes, more than a hundred people infected with Gu worms were completely rescued.

"Ah! Where am I? Why am I being held here?"

"Who are you? Let me go!"

"I'm so hungry! My head hurts..."


As soon as the gu worms were removed, the ordinary people immediately returned to normal, all of them felt inexplicable about their current situation, and at the same time felt the hunger of not eating for several days.

"Hurry up! Come, take them all out first, and make arrangements right away..."

Elder Wang was also overjoyed in his heart and immediately sent someone to deal with the aftermath.

However, Luo Qingqing and Lin Feng went to the next cell without stopping, and continued to use this method to rescue these people.

There are more than one hundred people in a cell, and it takes about ten minutes before and after. It seems that the time is very short, but it also consumes a lot of spiritual sense for Luo Qingqing.

At the beginning, it was pretty easy, but when Luo Qingqing continued to rescue about a thousand people, she couldn't support her whole body, and fell to the ground dizzy.

"Sister Qingqing, how are you?" Lin Feng hurriedly helped Luo Qingqing.

"I'm fine, but the consumption is a bit heavy. Sorry! Brat, I have tried my best. But my strength is limited, this is the fastest speed..." Luo Qingqing shook his head, sorry.

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