Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2018: Amane Jigaku

As soon as the spiritual consciousness unfolded, Lin Feng found that the vitality in Luo Qingqing's body was basically exhausted.

After all, it takes a lot of vitality and energy to control so many Gu worms flying out of the minds of ordinary people.

Even if each Gu worm only needs to be lost, a thousand gu worms are enough to exhaust all the vitality in Luo Qingqing's body.

"Sister Qingqing, don't move! I will transmit vitality to you..."

With both hands turned into palms, Lin Feng quickly transported the vitality in his body.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that the vitality cannot be shared in this way, but Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing have already gone through the closest double cultivation contact, so both of them have the breath of each other in their vitality, so they are transfused with the same blood type. Same, there is no obstacle at all.

"What's the matter? Lin Feng, can it be said...it is not working now? But this is...only a thousand people! There are more than one hundred thousand people in this base who have been infected by the sect of the other side!"

Upon seeing this, Elder Wang was also a little anxious.

"Elder Wang, I'm afraid it won't work! Sister Qing Qing's ability is so great, although she can easily control these Gu worms, but after all, the amount is a bit too big.

Shaking his head, even if Lin Feng wanted to let Luo Qingqing rescue all the hundreds of thousands of people in one go, the vitality that needed to be consumed was probably very huge, and it would take Luo Qingqing days and nights.

Don't let these hundreds of thousands of people be rescued before Luo Qingqing is already exhausted.

"What should we do? This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are millions of people in the country and hundreds of millions of people in the world, and I guess the infected people in other countries are the same. They are all fasted completely. Rescue them within a few days, the deaths and injuries are almost inevitable." Elder Wang sighed and said.

"I'm afraid...I can't help it this time."

Lin Feng also shook his head regretfully and said.

"Lin Feng, I...I can still try..."

Seeing Lin Feng's disappointment, Luo Qingqing also hated herself, why is it so useless? So he forced his body and tried to continue.

But when Lin Feng saw this, he immediately stopped her: "Sister Qingqing, don't get up and take a good rest. According to your current efficiency, even if it is ten times faster, it will not be too late. It's not that you are too slow. But there are too many people infected."

"This...hey! Unfortunately, even if you count those sisters, the number of cultivators is far from enough. Otherwise, if I just pass the sound wave technique for controlling these worms to them, it will have the same effect. "Luo Qingqing said.

"What? Sister Qingqing, what do you mean... If someone can make a sound like you just now with the power of vitality, it can have the same effect? ​​For example, if I do it, can it be the same? ?"

Hearing Luo Qingqing's words, Lin Feng's heart moved and immediately asked.

"It can be, but other cultivators may be less efficient," Luo Qingqing nodded.

"Okay! Then you teach me immediately, I'll try it."

After all, Lin Feng was already the cultivation base of the peak of the foundation period. The strength of vitality and spiritual consciousness were more than ten times stronger than Luo Qingqing, so he wanted to try it by himself.

Luo Qingqing uses spiritual consciousness to transmit the sound wave technique, in fact, it is just a period of frequency with vibrating vitality! This frequency can penetrate into the human brain, vibrate those Gu worms, and then by paralyzing the nerves of these Gu worms, blur their consciousness, and then deceive them out.

"In that case, it's up to me this time!"

Lin Feng asked Elder Wang to rush the 1,000 followers together, and then took a deep breath and began to issue sonic commands in accordance with the method Luo Qingqing taught him.

Choo Choo Choo……

This command directly penetrated the minds of these believers, and after shaking for a while, the Gu worms flew out of their mouths.


Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei immediately rushed forward excitedly, eating one bite at a time and eating one bite at a time. The stomachs of these two little bugs also seemed like a bottomless pit, and they didn’t eat hundreds of Gu worms in a row. Know tired.

"Great! Lin Feng, your efficiency is much faster than before. If you follow your speed, maybe you can still have time..."

In about ten minutes, Lin Feng rescued the thousands of people who were infected, but the speed was still a bit slow. But compared to Luo Qingqing's speed just now, it was nearly ten times faster.

"Huh? It's weird, Lin Feng, why your sound is so much better than mine? And, if you look at your vitality consumption, how do I feel that you haven't consumed much vitality power?"

Luo Qingqing, who was observing from the side, found this and immediately asked strangely.

"My vitality is consumed? Huh! Really, it consumed a little bit. Wait! Sister Qingqing, I know. Haha...I used the Tianyin voice that Sister Zixuan taught me. Way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the real sonic exercise..."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng's mind immediately got an idea, "If Senior Sister Zixuan used the most authentic Tianyin voice to make such a sound, would it be better?"

"Sister Zixuan? Lin Feng, are you talking about the superstar Su Zixuan, right?" Luo Qingqing was also surprised, then pondered for a moment, and affirmed, "Maybe it is possible! If this is the case, then her efficiency is It will be higher, maybe it can affect tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands in a few minutes..."

"Is it the eldest lady of the Su family? Okay! Lin Feng, I'll send someone to invite her over..." Seeing that things have progressed, Elder Wang was overjoyed immediately.

Lin Feng waved his hand, summoned Feijian, and said with a smile: "I'll pick it up by myself! My Feijian is not traffic jam..."

After finishing talking, Lin Feng swished, driving the flying sword and flying directly from this base, towards the location of the villa where Su Zixuan had been staying for a few days.

"Lin Feng, you... are you okay? I am very worried about you these past few days."

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Su Zixuan cared tenderly and affectionately with her big watery eyes.

"Senior Zixuan, don't worry! I'm fine, isn't this a complete return? However, I need your Tianyin voice for help now..."

Lin Feng briefly told Su Zixuan about her intentions. Su Zixuan was naturally willing to help. Even after hearing the sonic command from Lin Feng, Su Zixuan suddenly wanted to compile this sonic command directly. The tune.

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