Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2081: Is this Nima still in the foundation period? (in)

There is a limit to the cultivators in the foundation building period, no matter how powerful they are!

Even if Lin Feng, the cultivator at the peak of the foundation building stage, held the azure blue sword in his hand and fought Ye Ming to death and death, and luckily was able to hurt Ye Ming, this was still within an understandable range.

But what kind of situation is this now?

The previous Ye Ming was breathing well, but he spurted blood suddenly, and then threw himself on his knees towards Lin Feng.

What's this?

Lin Feng stood there, didn't make a move at all, and pointed to his heart, letting Ye Ming aim at this place to stab him.

In the end, Ye Ming was too disappointed, right?

"Senior Brother Ye must be injured just now..."

"Or the recurrence of the old disease is not necessarily true!"

"Good luck for that kid!"

"Senior Brother Ye, step back! Don't be accidentally injured by Senior Brother Zhou's sweep of the army!"


The disciples of the Cangyun faction in the foundation-building stage were unwilling to believe that Lin Feng had caused Ye Ming's injury just now, so they pinned their hopes on Zhou Feng, who was about to release his ultimate move.

Sweeping thousands of troops is the eighth formula in "Cangyun Jian Jue".

It can be regarded as a very practical trick for both single attack and group attack. It is mainly to instill the vitality of the body into the attack formation of the spirit weapon flying sword, and then suddenly stimulate dozens of sword qi to release.

Even if there are dozens of enemies in front of him, this trick is enough.

And because the sword qi is very fierce and fast, even if the opponent's reaction speed is fast, it will not escape the coverage of the entire sword qi fan.

However, this trick has a disadvantage that it takes too long to store energy.

If it is used in a one-on-one duel, I am afraid that you have been cut in two by your opponent before you release this move.

But today this trick is very applicable, after all, Zhou Feng has Ye Ming covering for him to prevent Lin Feng from escaping or sneaking.

Besides, Zhou Feng didn't believe it at all. Could Lin Feng, a cultivator at the foundation stage, still hurt himself?

However, after seeing Ye Ming kneel down in front of Lin Feng so strangely, in this instant, Zhou Feng's heart suddenly flashed a bad premonition.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to send it. Nearly half of his vitality has been charged to the top flying sword, and then he suddenly slammed the sword at Lin Feng and shouted: "Boy, take the move! This is! Come back, let you understand, sweep-sweep-thousand-army!"


Seeing Zhou Feng's posture, Lin Feng even yawned, saying very impatiently, "I will bother you cultivators. If you fight, just fight! If you want to make a move, just silently move it. You have to call out the name of the exercise once, for fear that others will not know what trick you are using? Are you still sweeping the army? You can't even sweep me, do you believe it?"

Lin Feng had already seen everything since Zhou Feng's energy storage was preparing for his big move. He even dared to resist the cultivators of Yuan Ying stage, is he still afraid of such a small Golden Core stage?

Even if it was inconvenient to use his innate weapons, Lin Feng quickly injected his vitality into the blue sword, and then combined his water control ability to form a water escape light shield in front of him with a bang.


Over there, Zhou Feng's sweeping army has been completely released. The sword energy released by the best spirit sword is not a joke. What's more, there is only one Jin Dan stage seven-layer cultivator. The strength of vitality is there, and every sword is almost worth a full blow from a golden core cultivator.

"Sweeping a thousand army! One of our Cangyun Sect's stunts, Brother Zhou seems to have improved his cultivation again! The last time I saw him perform Sweeping Thousand Army, it was five years ago and he could only release twenty Dao Jian Qi, I didn’t expect that forty Dao Dao can be released now."

"It's terrible! Forty sword auras, each of which is equivalent to a full blow of the Jin Dan stage cultivator. Brother Zhou also value the kid too much? It is completely unnecessary to make such a big move!"

"Look at him still alive this time! He actually said such a big thing..."

"With a mere water escape mask, it is estimated that the second sword aura will be able to break open! The remaining sword aura is enough for him to die dozens of times..."


When the disciples of the Cangyun faction saw Zhou Feng's forty sword auras sweeping across the army, their morale immediately rose. They thought that Lin Feng was definitely dead this time. With this trick, it was enough to deal with the reinforcements of the Baiyumen.

When Pang Shide and the others at the Baiyumen saw this move sweeping the army, their complexion was suddenly not good. When he was fortunate to fight before, Zhou Feng was afraid that he and others would escape, so there was no need to sweep the army. The military's move that needs to be accumulated for so long, otherwise, as long as this move is issued, all of them will hang here.

"Brother Wang, this is the Cangyun faction sweeping the army, Fellow Lin Dao..." Pang Shide was still worried about Lin Feng.

However, Wang Pofeng smiled and said, "Look, didn't Fellow Lin used the magic weapon flying sword to condense the water escape light mask?"

"But... this is the equivalent of a combined attack of more than forty Golden Core Stage cultivators! His water escape mask~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how much defense power can he have!" Pang Shide It’s not that I didn’t see the water escape mask supported by Lin Feng with a clear blue sword, but this water escape mask that can be displayed during the training period is purely based on the combination of water vapor and vital energy in the air. , The formation of weak defenses, how effective can it be?

Not only Pang Shide thinks so, but other disciples of the White Feather Clan and Cangyun School also think so.

Only Bai Shuangshuang and Wang Pofeng, who have seen Lin Feng's powerful before, didn't make a rash assertion. They didn't believe that Lin Feng, who was able to solve two Jin Dan stage cultivators in a flash, would really use a poor defense. Shui Dun mask to resist forty sword qi?

"Friend Lin Daoist's water escape mask must be unusual."

Although Bai Shuangshuang could not see the difference between Lin Feng's Shui Dun, she believed that Lin Feng, a kind of inexplicable trust, made her not worry about Lin Feng. Perhaps this also came from the self-confidence of Lin Feng's face. smile.

Whoosh whoosh...

Forty sword auras slammed into Lin Feng's face with everyone holding their breath.

Zhou Feng already felt that he was holding the winning ticket, and his figure flashed quickly toward Lin Feng with his sword aura, and wanted to grab his magic weapon flying sword the first time Lin Feng died.

However, when the sword aura struck, Lin Feng still didn't do anything at all, but gently said two words to the water escape light cover in front of him: "Rebound!"


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