Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2082: Is this Nima still in the foundation period? (under)

Forty sword auras, each of them has the power of a full blow from the golden core stage cultivator.

Even if the cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage comes, I'm afraid I don't dare to underestimate it, otherwise he will capsize in the gutter.

However, Lin Feng stood still, and didn't even use his true energy. Rather, it condensed such a fragile-looking water escape light, just when everyone was waiting to see what magic weapon or trick he would use to be so confident and fearless, they didn't expect...this stuff suddenly came with such two words.




Just rebound!

This can not help but reminds people of when children scold others, when they scold each other to the worst, the other person only needs to use a simple word "rebound" and it seems that all attacks can be bounced back. .

It's just that, here is not a child's play house, but a real fight.

Zhou Feng of the Cangyun faction used the group attack skills of sweeping the thousand army on Lin Feng alone, obviously for the sake of safety, he did not want Lin Feng to have a chance to escape.

However, Lin Feng didn't mean to run away at all. Just stand in place and let you come over with any tricks, and he can bounce all the attacks back with a single shot.

This is the "absolute defense" that Lin Feng has recently obtained from the twenty-four Dinghai God Orbs. It uses the magical characteristics of Shenshui, and the condensed water escape defense is sufficient to resist external powerful attacks.

However, others don't know!

In the eyes of any cultivator, the water escape mask is very weak. The most powerful defensive mask protection is the earth escape. Taking advantage of the thickness and solidity of the earth, it is generally sufficient to resist the full blow of the same level cultivator.

"I heard you right? What did that kid shout? Rebound?"

"I'm so ridiculous! So his trick is to play tricks?"

"Wait for death! Senior Brother Zhou's sword aura is about to break..."


When Lin Feng yelled the word "rebound", the disciple of the Cangyun faction even had a stomachache with a smile.

However, they hadn't laughed for a few seconds. In front of their eyes, the forty sword auras really slammed into the mask, and then they couldn't penetrate the mask. Instead, they were controlled by the mask. , Bounced out after a swish.


Forty sword energy, instantly rebounded back.

The speed is very fast, even several times faster than the speed of the shot.


Zhou Feng was holding the winning ticket, but he rushed over, intending to take the magic weapon Feijian and leave. However, at this moment, he found that the sword energy he issued had actually bounced back, his eyes widened in fright, and he wanted to flash. Avoid it.

However, more than a dozen swords spirits flew towards him!

The speed was so fast that Zhou Feng couldn't dodge at all, whoosh, whoosh... even without a painful cry, he was shot into a hornet's nest by seven or eight sword energy.

"Ah! Senior Brother Zhou..."

"Isn't it?"

"Quick...Run! Sword Qi is coming towards us!"


The laughter of the disciples of the Cangyun faction also stopped abruptly, and then immediately turned into a face full of fear, instantly horrified, turned his head and threw a flying sword to escape.


It's a pity that they are only in the base building period, where they have escaped the powerful sword aura, shoo shoo... every disciple of the Cangyun faction is directly penetrated by the sword qi with incomparable precision.

Blood was spilled all over the floor.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

At the Baiyu Gate, Pang Shide and the others, who were still worried, also opened their eyes and opened their mouths as if they had seen a ghost.

Even if Bai Shuangshuang, Wang Pofeng and others had seen Lin Feng's greatness, they couldn't help being shocked even more this time.

After all, they didn't even see how Lin Feng made the move last time, and this time...Huh? In fact, Lin Feng still didn't make a move!

He just yelled softly: "Rebound!"

That's it!

Two words have claimed the lives of more than a dozen people. Among them... there are also two cultivators of the Golden Core Stage!

This... is a bit too much, right?

This...Is Nima really a cultivator during the foundation period?


At this moment, there is very silence!

Lin Feng's stalwart image instantly subverted and refreshed everyone's cognition of those who cultivated the foundation.

In the future, if anyone talks about the strength of the foundation stage, these people will definitely go up and snorting at the first time. Not all of the foundation stage cultivators are called Lin Feng!

"Lin... Fellow Dao Lin, he... he is amazing!"

Bai Shuangshuang returned to his senses, and no longer knew how to describe the horror at this time.

"Quick! Junior Brother Pang, take people to see if all the people of the Cangyun Sect were killed by Fellow Lin Daoist. Don't let the fish slip through the net. Many Cangyun Sect disciples entered the Baicao Valley this time. , If we are surrounded by them, we are all in danger."

On the contrary, Wang Pofeng was more aware of the overall situation. The first time he had come to his senses, he asked everyone to go and see if there were any Cangyun disciples who had escaped.

"Report to Senior Brother Wang, no! All were killed by Fellow Lin Daoist."

After Pang Shide led some people to check it, his heart was even more shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the sword gas wounds on each corpse were all in the position of the heart, exactly the same position, even his precision After measuring, the points are not bad. Every sword is controlled so accurately. This is still the power after the rebound. This... how powerful is this to have such precise control?

"Just kill them all!"

Hearing this, Wang Pofeng nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

However, Lin Feng removed the Shui Dun mask and walked directly to the golden snake grass. He reached out and planned to pluck the golden snake grass.

However, at this time, Bai Shuangshuang immediately shouted: "Friend Lin, wait a minute, don't...you can't pick golden snake grass like this!"

"Not good! Fellow Lin, please stop!"

Upon seeing this, Wang Pofeng also shouted immediately.

The other disciples in the foundation-building period also changed their expressions and hurriedly shouted.

Because Golden Snake Grass is called Golden Snake Grass, it is because if someone tries to pick Golden Snake Grass, a highly poisonous Golden Snake phantom will appear from the roots of the grass. Although this is a phantom, it can also bite people. With one bite, all the vitality in the human body can be absorbed within a few breaths and become the nutrient of the golden snake grass.

Therefore, special methods must be used when picking golden snake grass. Otherwise, picking it with bare hands is almost the same as killing it.

Unfortunately, when Wang Pofeng and Bai Shuang both spoke to remind them, it was completely late, and Lin Feng's hand had already touched the rhizome of Golden Snake Grass.


A snake-shaped phantom in the shape of a golden bow sprang up.

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