Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2083: I let you drink!

"Friend Lin! Be careful!"

"It's over! Fellow Daoist Lin capsized in the gutter this time..."


Amidst the screams of the crowd, Lin Feng also found that something was wrong.

Damn it!

Nima, what is this?

There is actually a snake hiding under this golden snake grass?

A sense of crisis!

Instantly improved!

Lin Feng also realized that Nima was really cheated this time!

How can there be a snake in this golden snake grass?

Could it be that this is the monster guarding the Golden Snake Grass?

If this is the case, Lin Feng’s heart calmed down a bit, and his spiritual sense immediately covered the past. He wanted to rely on the water control ability to directly drain all the water from this golden snake. In this way, it can be seen What is there?

Unfortunately, as soon as Lin Feng's spiritual sense was covered, something was wrong immediately.

I fucked!

How is this going?

No body at all? This golden snake... is not physical?

Just a phantom? Then there is no need to be afraid of it!

Just a phantom, who can scare me?

Just as Lin Feng relaxed, suddenly the Golden Snake Phantom bit Lin Feng's arm.

Zi Zi Zi...

In an instant, a distinctive feeling penetrated Lin Feng's body.

"My God! Fellow Daoist Lin was really bitten by a golden snake!"

"Blame me! Blame me! I didn't tell Fellow Dao Lin in advance that this golden snake grass is so dangerous that it can only be picked off by a special method! No, is there any way to rescue Fellow Lin?"

"Brother Wang, don't blame yourself too much. All this is fate!"

"Yeah! Being bitten by the Golden Snake Grass, within three breaths of time, the body's vitality and blood will be absorbed, and then turned into a corpse. Even if we want to save Fellow Lin,... There is no way to talk about it."


These disciples of Baiyumen sighed.

It is especially a pity that Lin Feng, a monk in the foundation-building period who is against the sky, if he is really promoted to the Golden Core period, wouldn't he even be able to compete in the Yuan Ying period?

God is jealous of talents!

In the instant that Lin Feng was bitten by the golden snake, these four words could not help appearing in almost everyone's mind.

Lin Feng is a genius!

It's the evildoer who can beat a bunch of golden core and base-building periods in a foundation building period!

And such evildoers often do not end well. Generally speaking, they will accidentally capsize in the gutter.

Lin Feng in front of him seemed to be like this.

"Friend Lin Dao..."

At this moment, Bai Shuangshuang's eyes were filled with tears for not knowing why. Although she and Lin Feng only knew each other for less than a day, but the moment she saw Lin Feng was bitten by the golden snake, she felt a pain in her heart. She really wanted to be bitten instead of Lin Feng. .

"Little Junior Sister, there's no way!"

Everyone saw that after Lin Feng was bitten by the golden snake, they stayed there motionless, and they all thought that Lin Feng was really sucked up by the golden snake to dry up the vitality and blood in the body, and they all became dejected. .

Wang Pofeng also patted Bai Shuangshuang's back, comforting her.

However, at this time, Lin Feng actually sneaked spiritual consciousness into his body, and he was fighting with the golden snake phantom that broke in.


The Golden Snake Phantom jumped in directly from the arm that bit Lin Feng, and then rushed in frantically towards Lin Feng's dantian.

"I'll go! There are really golden snakes in this golden snake grass! You dare to run into your grandpa's body and see how I kill you..."

When Lin Fenggang wanted to use his spiritual sense to surround and chase the golden snake, he found that the golden snake was constantly absorbing the vitality power in his body along the way.

Originally, Lin Feng's cultivation base had already been accumulated to the peak of the foundation building period. After entering this cultivation world, the refining spiritual energy was no longer able to accumulate at all, so it has always been scattered among the major meridians.

Just at this moment, after the golden snake phantom entered Lin Feng's meridians, it quickly swallowed the vitality in Lin Feng's body.

"Wipe! I have always been the only one who sucked up others' shares, you, a golden snake, have eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard!"

Lin Feng felt that the vitality in his body was rapidly draining, and he was immediately shocked. At present, it doesn't matter. After all, these vitality are redundant. Only after breaking through the Golden Core Stage will they re-refining and enter the Dantian.

However, if you really follow this speed, I am afraid that within a few breaths, the vitality in his body will really be swallowed by the golden snake.

Therefore, almost immediately, Lin Feng immediately used the vitality power in his body to contain the golden snake.


Zi Zi Zi...

But this golden snake is not afraid of the encirclement of the vitality force at all, because it only needs a mouth to swallow the vitality force immediately, and eats as much as it comes. It is basically unstoppable, striding forward all the way in Lin Feng’s body. It quickly approached Lin Feng's dantian.

If this golden snake were to enter the dantian, all of Lin Feng's cultivation would probably be sucked up within a second.

"I'm going! What's the matter? This golden snake is powerful enough! It can swallow vital energy, so I can't use vital energy to deal with it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the internal power I can use is only vitality! Spiritual sense is completely useless for it..."

Lin Feng was anxious, his mind was moving quickly, and then suddenly, with a bright light, his spiritual consciousness quickly communicated with the Shenshui space.

"Okay! Since you want to swallow, I will let you swallow enough..."

That's right!

Lin Feng once again remembered his omnipotent divine water. Since this golden snake can swallow vitality, he would use divine water to deal with it.


Suddenly, although nothing could be seen from the outside, Lin Feng's body was completely turbulent.

Under Lin Feng's control, a huge amount of divine water suddenly gushed out of Lin Feng's major meridians.


Feeling the breath of these divine waters, the golden snake immediately uttered an extremely excited sound, and then suddenly opened its mouth toward the oncoming divine water.

Guru! Guru...

The golden snake began to devour the divine water greedily, it seemed that no amount of divine water was enough for it to swallow.

"Drink! If you know how to drink, I won’t worry about it. Drink! I let you drink, and see how much you can drink! The divine water here is inexhaustible, and I’ll drink you to death. ..."

As soon as the **** water worked, the golden snake began to swallow the **** water wildly, and Lin Feng's heart relaxed. In this way, the vitality of his dantian was temporarily preserved, otherwise if a few breaths later, Lin Feng's dantian might fall and be swallowed by this golden snake with great appetite.

However, when Lin Feng saw that this golden snake was still sucking wildly in the divine water, when was it going to drink?

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