Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2084: Golden Snake Fruit

Shenshui is really a good thing!

Once again when Lin Feng was facing a life and death crisis, he turned defeat into victory.

The Golden Snake Phantom of the Golden Snake Grass, even if the ordinary cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage hadn't paid special attention to it, it might capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, the risk of picking golden snake grass is not small.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to safely pick golden snake grass. One is to raise some low-level monsters that specialize in treasure hunting, and use these monsters as a medium to pick golden snake grass.

That way, after the Golden Snake Grass's phantom erupted, it would absorb the vitality power in the monster beast's body. Even if the level of the absorbed monster beast is higher, the level of the golden snake grass after the final formation will be higher.

The other method is to use a special magic weapon to cut off the vitality of the golden snake grass in an instant, and force it to be picked. Although this method is not dangerous, and the special magic weapons needed are not rare, but the level of the golden snake grass picked in this way is very low, and when it is used to refine the pill, the effect is not so good.

Everyone in the Baiyumen knew these two methods very well, so they instinctively thought that Lin Feng knew these two methods. After all, every cultivator who enters the foundation building period will start to consider when to find a golden snake grass, so that in the future, the alchemy master will be invited to refine the golden pill, and naturally they will understand the abstract points of golden snake grass in advance.

However, Lin Feng is not an ordinary cultivator. He has no school and no school, some inheritance memories in his mind, there are not many records of golden snake grass, and there is no description of these two picking methods.

Therefore, Lin Feng instinctively thought that as long as he reached out and picked the Golden Snake Grass. Therefore, such a scene happened, so easily don't find my golden snake grass phantom invaded into your body.

Nearly capsized in the gutter, the pubic area was sucked up by the phantom of the golden snake grass.

This is also the danger of the realm of comprehension. Even if you have the most powerful techniques and magic weapons, as long as you are not careful, a completely inconspicuous spiritual grass can even become a monster that takes your life.

"Senior Brother Wang, what...what should I do now? The friendly statue of Lin Dao has been there for half an hour. But why, there hasn't been the slightest change?"

Time seemed to freeze, everyone at the White Feather Gate was waiting for Lin Feng to be sucked up by the Golden Snake Grass before they went forward to pick the Golden Snake Grass.

But now, there seems to be something wrong. According to the experience taught by other predecessors, the phantom of Golden Snake Grass is very strange and powerful, and it can **** a man in the foundation-building stage almost within a few breaths.

But now, half an hour has passed, but Lin Feng's body is not at all strange, but his eyes are dull, as if he has completely lost his soul, without the slightest movement.

"No! Brother Wang, Fellow Daoist Lin is kind to us, since he is not dead yet, we must find a way to save him!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was not killed immediately, Bai Shuangshuang bit his thin lips and wanted to come forward to help.

"Wait! Little Junior Sister, you can't go..."

Wang Pofeng stopped her, and hurriedly shouted, "If you want to go...I will go! The head has ordered me to protect you to the death. Moreover, I owe Fellow Lin a life, let me go! This Golden Snake Phantom cannot be underestimated, your cultivation base is too low..."

He took a sigh of relief, but Wang Pofeng took the initiative to step forward. He has always been stunned, and he has never engaged in murder and treasure since his practice.

There has always been gratitude and revenge. Since Lin Feng is kind to him, he should naturally repay it with passion, but this golden snake phantom is extraordinary, he must be careful everywhere.

"Brother Wang! Worried!"

"Don't force it! Brother Wang, this is the Golden Snake Grass Phantom!"


The other brothers of the White Feather Clan also looked nervous at this time, after all, this is not a joke! As long as you don't pay attention to it a little, the cultivator of the Jin Dan stage is extremely easy to be sucked by the phantom of the golden snake grass.

If this were not the case, the disciples of the Cangyun faction had already picked the Golden Snake Grass and left, because it was not so easy to pick the Golden Snake Grass.

"Senior brothers, don't worry, I have my own measures!"

With big beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, Wang Pofeng also overcame the many obstacles in his heart and came directly to Lin Feng and began to look at it.

I saw that Lin Feng's legs squatted slightly at this time, and his right hand just touched the root of the golden snake grass, everything seemed to be the same.

But when Wang Pofeng stared carefully, he opened his mouth wide and sighed in surprise: "God! What's going on? Why is there a powerful force flowing continuously from Fellow Lin Daoist's body This golden snake grass?"

Within a few breaths after Wang Pofeng exclaimed, suddenly the leaves of Golden Snake Grass began to change.

Generally speaking, there is no difference between golden snake grass and ordinary spirit grass in appearance ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are all green leaves and rhizomes, except for the golden snake phantom that will burst when it is picked. There is no other special place.

However, now Wang Pofeng was watching the golden snake grass in front of him, bit by bit, it started to turn golden from the rhizome held by Lin Feng.

Rhizome, inch by inch gold plated past!

The leaves have almost completely turned golden.

Piece by piece, even a bright golden light burst out, flashing Wang Pofeng's eyes.

"This...what the **** is going on? Is this really Golden Snake Grass?"

Wang Pofeng was completely shocked by the scene in front of him, and then suddenly remembered in his mind that he once heard the alchemy master of the school said that there is a kind of golden snake grass gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it has grown for more than a thousand years. When people pick it, the leaves will be golden. Not only that, the moment the leaves become golden snakes, they will produce a golden snake fruit.

This golden snake fruit has an effect that is comparable to ten golden snake grasses. If it is used to refine the golden pill, one golden snake fruit can produce up to 100 golden pill, which is very powerful, and ……It can also greatly increase the success rate of refining.

And before his eyes, after seeing the golden snake grass leaves turning golden, Wang Pofeng really saw that at the top of the golden snake grass, a golden snake fruit was slowly condensing, and in this golden snake fruit In the center of the tower, there was a faint snake-shaped phantom.

This... is the Golden Snake Fruit condensed by Golden Snake Grass, but just over half an hour ago, this is still just an ordinary Golden Snake Grass?

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