Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2100: The strongest team in history

"Come, come...you fellow Baiyumen, hurry up! Take advantage of the heat, don't you?"

This time, Lin Feng made twenty nine-turn pills in one furnace, and then with a smile on his face, he handed over such precious four-star pills and nine-turn pills to every one. In the hands of a disciple of Baiyumen.

"This... Fellow Daoist Lin, this is a nine-turn pill!"

Wang Pofeng held the still-hot Jiuzhuan Pill, his eyes were about to protrude.

Because the pills of the Nine Turns Pill seem to be almost lost, almost no alchemist can refine the Nine Turns Pill.

At some auctions in the realm of cultivation, as long as the nine-turn pill appears on the scene, it is properly the final piece, and these nine-turn pill are almost handed down from ancient times, and there are almost no refinements now.

But now, Lin Feng actually made a pot of Nine-turned Pill in less than a quarter of an hour, and sent a handful of them like Chinese cabbage to everyone. This is simply breaking Wang. The wind doesn't know what to say.

"I know! It's not a nine-turn pill. What should I do for you? You are all injured. Just take one nine-turn pill."

But for Lin Feng, these Nine Transformation Pills are just the best healing pill that he can refine by combining the herbs he currently has. In his opinion, it is just like ordinary vitality pills. It's just an ordinary pill, what's precious and special!

"Miss White, hurry up! Hold it..."

Walking in front of Bai Shuangshuang, Lin Feng bent down and said.


Bai Shuangshuang, who was still in a coma just now, suddenly felt that his mouth was completely filled, and he was shocked, but then, a powerful force overflowed from his mouth, and then rushed towards the Dantian Jin Dan. Down.



This warm current flows directly from Bai Shuangshuang's mouth into the dantian.

Then, almost within a few breaths, Bai Shuangshuang felt that the damaged areas of his dantian had been completely repaired.


Opening his eyes, Bai Shuangshuang saw Lin Feng in front of him, his face flushed, and he leaned forward and said, "Friend Lin, did you save me?"

"Why is the white girl being so polite? Didn't you save me once? Now we are even. The medicinal properties of the pill in your body have not been fully released. You can meditate and refine it!"

Seeing that Bai Shuangshuang was all right, Lin Feng smiled and gently put her down.

"Friend Lin, the pill you just gave me...could it be! Is it the legendary healing medicine Nine Zhuan Pill?"

Once again sitting cross-legged to refine the pill, Bai Shuangshuang suddenly opened her eyes because she discovered that the pill Lin Feng had given herself was actually a four-star pill nine-turn pill.

"It's the Nine Turns Pill, the effect should be pretty good. White girl, get up and take two steps to see if there is anything wrong?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Bai Shuangshuang really stood up and walked a few steps, the injury was completely healed.

As for the other disciples of the White Feather Clan, they all took the Nine Turns Pills given by Lin Feng, and hesitated to eat them.

"Hey! Fellow Daoists, why don't you eat it? I'll give you nine-turn pill for eating, not for viewing!"

Lin Feng discovered this and said quickly. After all, many of them had injuries that could not be delayed, they were serious.

However, Wang Pofeng, who also dared not eat the Nine-turn Pill, walked forward with a wry smile and said: "Friend Lin, it is really...the Nine-turn Pill you gave is too expensive, and none of them... Dare to eat!"

"Huh? Is it expensive? Isn't it just a healing medicine?"

Lin Feng was a little strange, he didn't know the value of the Nine Turns Pill. After all, this is only four stars in the pill that he inherited in his mind, and there are five-star, six-star and seventy-star pill on it!

There are many more powerful pills than this nine-turn pill. Before Lin Feng's alchemy could only refine the lowest level of vitality pills or something, it was just because there weren't that many kinds of spirit grass on the earth.

But now, in this Baicao Valley, the most lacking is the spirit grass. Moreover, the spirit grass needed for the Nine Turns Pill is not so rare, but many people don't know the pill.

"This... Fellow Lin! Don’t you really know the value of the Nine Turns Pill? Just such a Nine Turns Pill, if it is placed on the black market, it is a low-grade spirit stone worth millions of dollars. The value at auction is even higher. After all, this is a life-saving medicine!"

As soon as Wang Pofeng heard what Lin Feng said, he knew that he really didn’t know the value of the Nine Turns Pill, so he generously distributed the Nine Turns Pill to everyone, so he added: "Friend Lin, you We are all aware of his intentions. It’s just that this Nine-turn Pill is too expensive, so take it back!"

Having said that, Wang Pofeng asked everyone to return the Nine Turns Pill.

However, Lin Feng frowned, and said domineeringly: "Don't care whether it is expensive or not! Isn't it a pill that is refined? Isn't it just for eating? A healing pill~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's used to heal your wounds. Look at your wounds, and I will give it to you...you will eat it for me..."

However, to Wang Pofeng's surprise, even if Lin Feng knew the value of the Nine Turns Pill, he still did not change his mind.

The disciples of the Baiyu Clan looked at each other, so they had to look at the brother Wang Pofeng. Is this eating or not?

"Since it was the kindness of Fellow Lin, everyone... just take this nine-turn pill!" Wang Pofeng smiled bitterly. After so many years in the cultivation world, he really has never seen a person like Lin. Feng is such a "selfless" cultivator.

However, in Lin Feng's eyes, this is really nothing.

With Shenshui, he makes alchemy easier than other alchemists. He can easily refine the pill to the highest grade and ensure the success rate of the pill.

Soon, after the disciples of Baiyumen took the Nine Turns Pill, all the disciples recovered almost completely except for the one who died unfortunately.

Including Lin Feng, there are a total of 16 or 7 Golden Core Stage cultivators, and only one of them is in the Foundation Building Stage. This formation... is really not that big!

Because Baicao Valley’s formations are restricted, at most only Golden Core Stage cultivators can enter, so each expedition team can only have four or five Golden Core Stage cultivators at most, and the rest are only in the base building stage.

However, when everyone had healed and rested, they suddenly realized that the lineup of their own team was simply the strongest in history. In addition to almost all of them, they were all Jin Dan stage cultivators, and more importantly... There is also such a strong and perverted guy as Lin Feng.

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