Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2101: Zixia Fairy

In the next few days, such a rumor prevailed in Baicao Valley, that is, a group of perverted disciples came out of the White Feather Gate, and a group of more than a dozen people were cultivated in the Golden Core Stage, and they were very domineering wherever they went. Occupy the territory and search for all precious spiritual grass.

For other sects, this group of perverted disciples of the White Feather Gate are more polite. If the other party finds the spirit grass first, they will not forcefully **** it.

However, as long as they meet the disciples of the Cangyun Sect, these Baiyumen are not at all polite.

As a result, the disciples of the Cangyun faction who entered the Baicao Valley the most, can be seen almost everywhere in the valley. But now... it's almost hard to see the disciples of the Cangyun School, for no reason, almost all of them were killed by this group of disciples of the Baiyu Clan.


Too ruthless!

Even the disciples of other sects, seeing this group of Jindanqi disciples of the White Feather Clan, couldn't help but shiver, and then drew far away.


In the east of Baicao Valley, at a lakeside, seven or eight disciples of the Cangyun Sect of the Golden Core Period were forced into the lake.

"Baiyumen, don't go too far. When we leave the Baicao Valley, our Cangyun Sect elders will not give up."

The disciple of Cangyun faction was about to die, still screaming arrogantly.

"Senior Brother Ran, let's kill! Then immediately leave Baicao Valley, report to the elders of the sect about the situation here, and then ask the head to take people to the Baiyumen to ask for justice. Kill all the scum of the Baiyumen... "

Another disciple of the Cangyun faction was still thinking about how to escape.

It turned out that the seven or eight Cangyun Sect disciples of the Golden Core Stage had formed a team to **** the spirit grass that other cultivators had found.

As a result, Lin Feng and others ran into him, so the group quickly forced these Cangyun Sect disciples onto the lake.

In fact, they are not necessarily targeting the disciples of the Cangyun Sect, but because every time they encounter the Cangyun Sect, they just happen to see them bullying and snatching the spirit grass and treasures of other practitioners, so... it is natural to see. Unfair drew a knife to help.

"Friend Lin, what should we do next? We have killed a lot of Cangyun Sect disciples these days. It is estimated that this is the last batch of Jin Dan stage, but they are quite smart, they all gathered together."

In the past few days, Wang Pofeng had really seen Lin Feng's greatness, and he almost didn't need them to do anything. Lin Feng alone was enough to settle everything. It's just that Lin Feng deliberately released a little water in order to give them some shots.

The current situation is also like this. Lin Feng deliberately released the water to force these people to the lake, and then let the other disciples of Baiyumen practice their hands.

After all, the realm of these Baiyumen disciples has improved so much at once, but the actual combat experience has not improved with it. They have not yet solidly controlled the Golden Core Stage cultivation and power, but after these few days, they have been besieging the Cangyun Sect disciples. After the action, almost all of them are already experienced.

"What else? Kill!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, then paused again, and said, "That's right! Old rules, ask again before killing... Do they have any news about the whereabouts of the mysterious woman? If so, you can consider giving them... ...Leave a whole body!"

For the enemy, Lin Feng did not hesitate at all.

He didn't want to target the Cangyun Sect in this way, but who knew that there was no good person in the Cangyun Sect. He remembered that there seemed to be an ancient martial sect called Cangyun Sect on Earth, and he didn't know if it was related to the Cangyun Sect in this world.

"Okay! Let's go together and end up! Don't let anyone go..."

Wang Pofeng nodded, and rushed forward with his juniors. The cooperation of the past few days has made them more comfortable in killing the enemy. A dozen Golden Core disciples joined forces to form an array and besieged and killed these Cangyun Sect Golden Core disciples simply by surprise.

After a while, three or four people were killed by Feijian, and then the remaining three or four immediately dived into the lake.

Now, diving into the lake has become their only way of life.

"Not good! Fellow Lin, they dived into the lake, we can't continue chasing after them. Unfortunately, let them run away..."

Bai Shuangshuang retracted Feijian with some discouragement, and said.

"Yeah! If they are lucky, there is a lake here, otherwise, they will not let them escape so easily."

"It's all due to my negligence just now, otherwise they wouldn't be able to escape."


Everyone was a little frustrated, this was the first time that the disciples of the Cangyun faction had escaped.

However, at this time, Lin Feng smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and said: "Where to go is not good, but to escape into the water, don't you know, I am best at playing in the water?"

With a simple move and the ability to control water, the surrounding lake water suddenly changed color. The disciples of the Cangyun faction who dived into the water just now to escape suddenly felt that the surrounding lake water was like a rope to firmly bind them up and down. Living.

Then, it was a column of water that washed them up.

"Haha! Looking at where you are going this time, Fellow Lin is still great, even if these people run to the bottom of the lake, you can still be caught by you..."

Bai Shuangshuang was also happy when he saw this, and then waved the flying sword in his hand and said, "Leave the rest to me! Look at me..."

Say it! When Bai Shuangshuang was about to control Feijian and the results of these Cangyun Sect Golden Core disciples, one of the disciples suddenly shouted: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me... You don't want to know about that mysterious woman. News? I... I have..."


As soon as he heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng immediately stopped Bai Shuangshuang, then put down the man who was talking, and asked, "Say! What do you know? Where is the mysterious woman?"

"You...you must promise to let me go before I tell you. Otherwise, even if it's dead, I won't say it." The Cangyun school disciple said with a pale face.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, "Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"If you don't agree, kill it! Then you will never know the whereabouts of that mysterious woman..."

It seems that Lin Feng attaches great importance to the kid related to the mysterious woman, the disciple of the Cangyun School closed his eyes and said.

"Okay! I'm Lin Feng's words, as long as the news you tell is really related to that mysterious woman, I can consider letting you go..." Lin Feng agreed with a smile.

"You must swear! Swear by your heart demon!" the man still said uneasy.

"Okay! Lin Feng swears by the heart demon, as long as you tell me the exact whereabouts of the mysterious woman, I will release you immediately. Otherwise, eternal life will suffer the pain of the heart demon forever..."

After Lin Feng took a poisonous oath, he said to him, "This time, you can safely tell me, right?"

"Since you swear, of course I will say. Did you see this?"

As he said, the man took out a delicate token from his arms, "This is the Zixia Ling issued by the mysterious woman. This woman calls herself Zixia Fairy and lives in the Baicao Valley all year round. If you want to see her To ask her to refine the magic weapon Feijian, she must hold this piece of Zixia Ling and go through her many tests..."

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