Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2187: Come here!

Although the Cangyun Sect and the Baiyu Sect have always been wrong, originally, Elder Kang was not afraid that people from the Cangyun Sect would come to the door, but now I heard that all the elite disciples of the Cangyun Sect who have experienced in Baicao Valley are all He died in the hands of his own disciple of the White Feather Clan and Lin Feng.

"White robe! Although Baicao Valley is conceited for death and injury, we all rely on our ability! However, our goalkeeper Baiyu has handled each other in one pot, this...this is not justified!"

Thinking of this, Elder Kang also felt a headache, "I'm afraid this is going to be head-on! The other party brought people from the Tiandao League over, obviously wanting to ask for justice! Don't be afraid! We will say that in a moment. It’s the behavior of the disciples! They are all experienced in the Baicao Valley, which is in full compliance with the rules of experience..."

Up to now, Elder Kang had no choice but to make the best move, which was to insist that it was in line with the rules, and that the Cangyun Sect disciple was inferior to others. Anyway, there is no right to prove it, even if the people from the Tiandao League come, they can stand up to the truth.

"No! Uncle Kang, you...you haven't understood the seriousness of the whole thing."

However, after Elder Kang finished speaking, Head White's expression became even more ugly.

"Seriousness? What's so serious about this? Kill it! Even if it shouldn't, it's all within the rules! They are allowed to kill the Cangyun Sect disciples in it, but don't allow others to kill them? What's the truth?" Elder Kang said sharply.

"No! Uncle Kang, I haven't finished speaking yet! The situation is more complicated than you know. Lin Feng and the others not only killed those Cangyun Sect disciples in Baicao Valley, but also... Oh! The six Cangyun Sect Yuan Yingqi elders guarding outside Baicao Valley were all killed..."

As soon as Head White said this, Elder Kang really lost his entire old face.

"What...what? Six Cangyun Sect elders, what did you say? They were all killed by Lin Feng? This...how is this possible? He was able to enter the Baicao Valley, at most he was just promoted to Yuan Ying period! How could it be possible to kill so many Cangyun Sect Yuan Ying elders by oneself?"

Hearing this, Elder Kang was really shocked.

If one or two hundred of the elite disciples of the Cangyun Sect Golden Core Period and the Foundation-building Period were killed in Baicao Valley, it is considered to be a death feud with the Cangyun Sect, then these six Cangyun Sect elders of the Yuan Ying period are really The thing is endless.

Yuan Yingqi elders, no matter which school they are in, are the most important force.

Six elders of the Nascent Soul Stage were killed at a time. For the Cangyun Sect, it was indeed a heavy blow, and they were killed while guarding the Baicao Valley. It is no wonder that the Cangyun Sect hurriedly found people from the Heavenly Alliance and then Killed quickly.

"This...it's not easy to handle this time! Six yuan infant stage, this matter is probably...hey!"

Elder Kang didn't know what to say. He frowned, but he couldn't think of a countermeasure.

"Elder Kang, when we were at the exit of Baicao Valley, those elders of the Cangyun Sect wanted to kill us. Fellow Lin Dao was just to protect us..."

Upon seeing this, Wang Pofeng also told the truth.

"The result! No one cares about the situation in the middle. The result is what they saw. We, Baiyumen, killed six of them, as well as one or two hundred elite disciples..."

Elder Kang glanced at the direction of Lin Feng, who was still in the closed room, and sighed, "That's it! That's it! Is it a blessing or a curse, but a curse! I want to see...what does his Cangyun faction think? What do you want?"



After a while, the Cangyun Sect and the Heavenly Dao League rushed over.

There are not many people. Cangyun sent Zhu Yi, the head of the late transformation of the gods, with two elders of the early stage of transformation, and a disciple of the Jindan stage, and next to him is a deputy leader of the heavenly alliance. Yang Yuchuan.

As soon as the five reached the gate of the mountain, they immediately released their coercion.

It's all the coercion of the **** transformation stage. How can the low-level disciples of the Baiyu Clan stand it? So all of them couldn't help but tremble, and quickly fend off the coercion.


Elder Kang immediately released his coercion, and the other elders of the Baiyu Sect Taishang also pushed back and protected the disciples of his sect.

"Old man Kang! Long time no see! Unexpectedly, after three hundred years, you are still alive!"

Zhu Yi, the head of the Cangyun faction, sneered and fell straight down.

"Friend Kang Dao! You haven't seen it in a thousand years, but your cultivation has improved a lot!"

The other person who spoke was Yang Yuchuan, the deputy leader of the Tiandao League.

Several people withdrew their power, and then fell arrogantly, but the magic weapon flying sword did not immediately put it away, but held it in their hands.

"Old Monster Zhu! You are not dead, how could I die before you?"

When Elder Kang saw this, he put on a bad face and choked unceremoniously.

"Huh! Old man Kang, don't be arrogant! You Baiyumen deceived people too much, today... I am the fellow Yang Daoyou of the Tiandao League who came here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ask for a fair person, presumably why I came here. You know it very well in your heart. You Baiyumen are so brave to kill so many disciples and elders of my Cangyun faction. You have not hurriedly handed over the murderer and offered compensation..."

Straightforward, the smell of gunpowder is very strong. Cangyun faction leader Zhu Yi directly attacked Elder Kang, because he also knew that the person who really took charge of the White Feather Gate was not the leader, but the Elder Kang.

"Yo! Old Monster Zhu, why did you say this? When did my Baiyu Sect come to be so capable and kill so many people of your Cangyun Sect? No! It should be said that when did your Cangyun Sect become I was so incompetent that my disciple of the White Feather Clan killed so many in one go?"

Because the truth has already been understood, Elder Kang pretended to say calmly.

"Don't be so quibble! Old man Kang, if you still don't admit it, don't blame me for tearing my skin and taking out the real evidence."

Stop talking! Zhu Yi, the head of the Cangyun faction, immediately shouted at the disciple of Jin Danqi next to him, "Zhu Shuncai, take out the light and shadow jade slips you saw and heard that day and recorded..."

"Yes! Grand Master Uncle!"

The Golden Core Stage cultivator named Zhu Shuncai immediately took out a light and shadow jade slip and threw it out, input his vitality power, and immediately reproduced the scene of the day in the air, as if it were a projection, and then said, "The disciple of the day By coincidence, I temporarily left the entrance of Baicao Valley and escaped a catastrophe. When I came back, I saw the disciple of the Baiyumen attack the elders. At that time, the disciple immediately recorded this scene..."

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