Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2188: You protect me, and I protect you

This Zhu Shuncai, a great-grandson disciple of the head Zhu Yi, also followed these elders to Baicao Valley on standby that day.

However, he was greedy and left for a while, and went down the mountain to find some food in a mortal's house. When he came back, he just ran into this scene.

At that time, Zhu Shuncai was completely stunned, hiding in the distance without daring to make any sound or breath, and recorded the last scene of Lin Feng taking the disciples of the Baiyu Clan to kill.

It was not until Lin Feng and the others left that Zhu Shun left quickly and returned to the Cangyun faction to file a complaint.

A bunch of elite disciples died tragically, and six Yuan Yingqi elders died!

For the Cangyun faction, this is simply an unprecedented loss and insult since the faction started.

Therefore, the head Zhu Yi immediately became furious, and found Yang Yuchuan, the deputy leader of the Heavenly Dao League, to preside over the justice, and killed him towards the Baiyumen.

The Heavenly Dao League is the leader of the ten major sects of the Eastern Yellow Kingdom, and its strength is the strongest.

However, the Tiandao League is not so much a sect, as it is a loose alliance. In this alliance, there is no master-disciple relationship among the traditional sects, but a powerful group composed of the vast East Huang Kingdom without a school and no sect. Alliance.

Moreover, the Heavenly Dao League also served as a master and coordinator of the forces among the cultivators of the entire Eastern Yellow Kingdom. The Heavenly Dao League has no head, only the leader and the deputy leader.

One leader, three deputy leaders.

As long as there are any major sect conflicts in the entire Eastern Yellow Kingdom, the Heavenly Dao League will come forward to mediate and coordinate.

Yang Yuchuan, the deputy leader of the Heavenly Dao League, had a good relationship with Zhu Yi, the head of the Cangyun Sect, so Zhu Yi immediately took him to Baiyumen to find justice.

"Head White, Elder Kang! How is it? The proof is like a mountain, what else can you say to the White Feather Clan now? No matter what the reason, your people from the White Feather Clan rushed to kill the disciples of the Cangyun Sect in Baicao Valley. After they come out, they will kill many elders of the Cangyun Sect, which is impossible to say..."

Yang Yuchuan stood aside, and sternly questioned Bai Yu Mendao.

"This... Fellow Daoist Yang, this matter... is quite complicated! Please don't get me wrong. Although we Baiyu Sect and Cangyun Sect have always been at odds, we shouldn't be such a cruel hand? There must be someone slandering us Baiyu. On the head of the door..."

In any case, this crime cannot be admitted. Once admitted, he must bear the corresponding compensation, so the head of the White House immediately denied it euphemistically.

"Huh! White Sect, the evidence is like a mountain! What else do you have to argue with, don't say... This murderer is not from your White Feather Sect." Zhu Yi snorted coldly and said angrily.

"Haha! Old Monster Zhu, what you said is really reasonable! Indeed, the person who killed your Cangyun Sect disciple is indeed not a disciple of the same school. Therefore, this matter has nothing to do with our Baiyu Sect. Look at his costume, it’s not the style of our Bai Yumen at all..."

Hearing Zhu Yi's words, Elder Kang had an idea, smiling and stroking his beard.

"What? Old man Kang, don't talk nonsense. You are surrounded by disciples of your Baiyu Clan, and this person is also with your Baiyu Clan's disciple, dare you say... he is not from your Baiyu Clan? Humph! Even if not, It must also have nothing to do with you Baiyumen!"

Then Zhu Yi refused to give up, and directly turned around and said to Yang Yuchuan of the Heavenly Dao League, "You Daoist Yang, it seems that this Bai Yumen has decided not to admit it. Now, I am afraid I will bother Yang Daoyou to use the punishment measures of the Heavenly Dao League... "


Yang Yuchuan nodded when he heard the words, and then said to the head of the Bai Yumen and the elders, "White head, Elder Kang, this time there is solid evidence. Since you don’t admit it, I can only truthfully report to the leader, and then tell you Bai Yumen sanctioned..."


"This can't work..."

Head Bai and Elder Kang stopped and shouted at the same time, they knew very clearly how terrifying the punishment of the Heavenly Dao League was.

In fact, this is why many sects make Tiandao League the first of the ten sects, because the Tiandao League almost controls the scheduling and business exchanges of various resources in the entire Eastern Yellow Kingdom.

If you violate the conventions and laws formulated by the Heavenly Dao League, you will face the possibility of being forcibly sanctioned by the Heavenly Dao League. Then, in the future, the disciples of the White Feather Clan will not be able to buy and sell their items within the scope of the Tian Dao League. At the same time... Those spirit mines and many mineral veins hosted under the Heavenly Dao League will be directly compensated by the Heavenly Dao League and assigned to the Cangyun faction.

"Why not? White Sect, since you don't admit that this thing was done by your White Feather Sect, then...you can only let the leader of the Heavenly Dao League judge!"

Zhu Yi, the head of the Cangyun faction, also flicked his sleeves, then turned and planned to leave.

"What should I do? Uncle Kang, this...this is a big event! How about...we let Fellow Dao Lin come out?" The head of the White Robe immediately became anxious, and the voice transmission asked Elder Kang.

"Even more!"

Elder Kang sternly refused, "Friend Lin Daoist saved so many disciples of our Baiyu Sect, and he was kind to us Baiyu Sect! Baipao, you are confused! How can you avenge your revenge? If you handed out friend Lin Taoist at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He must die! If we Baiyumen really do such a thing of selling friends and seeking glory, what face will we have to stand in the realm of Donghuang Kingdom for thousands of years?"

"But, in this way, isn't our Baiyumen..."

"No, but no! Even if our White Feather Gate fell due to this, even if we were removed from the Ten Martial Arts! We absolutely can't do this..."

Elder Kang's attitude is very determined, and even condemned Baipao in turn, "Baipao! Have you been in the position of the head for so many years, haven't you seen it clearly? We cultivate immortals and seek the truth, the most important thing is not to violate Your heart, don’t go against morality..."

"Uncle Master! I...I know!"

The head of the white robe did not make too much excuse, but lowered his head in shame.

At this time, on the other side, in the secret room where Lin Feng was, he actually woke up from his comprehension of the Supreme Sword Art when he felt a few powerful auras.

Stopping the comprehension of the law of the sword, Lin Feng observed the situation outside instead. In fact, he was waiting and testing. Will the person who is waiting to see the Baiyu Gate confess himself? Still save yourself.

However, the result still made Lin Feng feel very pleased and satisfied. Bai Yumen did not betray himself, even if the Cangyun faction and the Tiandao League were angrily leaving, they did not confess that he was in a secret room 100 meters away. come out.

"Good! Since you have sentiment and righteousness to protect me, then I will protect you Baiyumen!"

Say it! Lin Feng walked out of the secret room directly.

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