Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 227: Follow the vine

In Tian Xiaogang's eyes, Lin Feng has always been a bullied type with poor grades and completely inconspicuous other aspects.

However, in the past few days, Lin Feng's miraculous rise in the school, suddenly became the idol of the school girls, the hero of the first. This already made him feel unbalanced, and he also tried to go home to complain to Lin Feng's parents. Unfortunately, it seems to have no effect.

Not to mention that just now, the convertible luxury car and the beautiful white and rich kisses are completely hopeless for Tian Xiaogang. It is the plot that exists in the brain-disabled idol drama!

But by the way, Lin Feng just sat on all this under his envious and jealous eyes. Moreover, from Lin Feng's expression, Tian Xiaogang seemed to be a normal thing for him.

"Lin Feng, this stinky boy, must... must have been brought up by that Bai Fumei! Otherwise, he... does he have the ability to ride in a convertible luxury car? It must be like this! I heard that some beautiful rich women like it now Raising high school fresh meat..."

Watching Lin Feng, who was handsome in a suit, walked into the door, Tian Xiaogang was leaning on the door of his house, so sour in his heart! How he thinks that there is such a beautiful Bai Fumei to support himself! He also wants to ride in a roadster, and he wants to be kissed by a beautiful woman!

Unfortunately, these only happened to Lin Feng, and had nothing to do with him. Tian Xiaogang, who was itchy with hate, said unwillingly to the door of Lin's house: "Lin Feng! And let you be proud of the spring breeze now, wait for the test results to see how arrogant you are! Don't deny it then... Call me grandpa honestly!"

And Lin Feng, who entered his house lightly, didn't know that everything that happened between him and Li Yutong in the car just now was seen by Tian Xiaogang from the house next door. He was worried that his mature appearance in a suit would be seen by his mother, so he crept into the living room from the door, and then quickly hid in his bedroom without turning on the light.

"Xiao Feng? Xiao Feng... are you back?"

Sure enough, Mother Lin, who hadn't slept in the bedroom, walked out and asked loudly when she heard the movement.

"Mom! It's me...I...I'm back from Teacher Xu's house."

Lin Feng quickly locked the bedroom door, then quickly took off his suit, and said.

"Why make up the lesson so late again! Xiao Feng! Your teacher Xu is really good to you, so you bother to help you make up the lesson, and you don't charge any money. Another day, Mom will buy some gifts, and you will send it to your teacher Xu You have to know that Xiaogang from the Tian family next door goes to the cram school every week, and a lesson costs 100 yuan!"

It was determined that the son was back, and Mother Lin started nagging in the living room outside the door.

"Got it! Got it... Mom, it's late, I want to go to bed! Go to bed too!"

Hearing her mother's nagging, Lin Feng couldn't help smiling and slandering: "It's Teacher Xu who wants to thank me, and she became her boyfriend for one night for free... Hey! No! Hehe... Teacher Xu still pays. Gave me a kiss..."

Thinking of Teacher Xu's kiss, Lin Feng couldn't help touching his profile, and then touching his lips. Tonight was really rewarding. I was kissed by Teacher Xu and Sister Tongtong. But it’s a pity that Teacher Xu’s soft lips kissed her cheeks. Lin Feng was wondering, if Teacher Xu kissed her, would it be the same as Tongtong’s lips, so fragrant, then Soft, so wet, so memorable?

"Okay! Xiaofeng, you rest early today. Tomorrow your mom will invite your Aunt Lizhen's family over for dinner. Their Xiaodong is among the top 100 grades in your No. 1 middle school, so let Xiaodong give you counseling. Coaching..."

Mother Lin went back to the house and went to sleep when she finished speaking, but Lin Feng frowned when she heard this: "Aunt Lizhen? Why would Mom invite their family to the house for dinner? Didn't she fight her since childhood? Is the big enemy? That Chen Xiaodong is not a good thing either, isn't it just a little bit better in school? Every time I see me, I feel so crying...

As soon as she heard that her mother would invite Aunt Zhang Lizhen's family to dinner tomorrow, Lin Feng became full of doubts. Because he has known since childhood that Aunt Zhang Lizhen, who came from the same village with his mother, was on the surface a good friend with his mother, but in fact, the two have been compared since childhood.

When I was young, who had more colorful clothes, who was more beautiful, and who chased more young men. When he grows up, his salary is higher than whoever gets married. After the baby is born, it is better than the child's academic performance. In short, it's the enemy, who won't accept anyone.

"Hey! Mom and that Aunt Lizhen are the worst offenders. I guess there will be another **** storm at home tomorrow!"

With a sigh, Lin Feng hid the suit he had taken off, and then changed into his casual outfit. Thinking of the warrior gangster Wang Zhong who had cultivated on the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow, he might still be in the Meiyuan Women's Health Club.

In order to avoid future troubles, and to further understand what is going on in the ancient martial world of China, Lin Feng quietly opened the bedroom window and jumped out.

And half an hour ago, in the Meiyuan Women’s Health Club, when Lin Feng and Li Yutong left, Wang Zhong used up all the strength of his body and concentrated his entire body to his throat, making that bite sticky. The sputum was spit out.

"Bah...I'm stuck to death! What the **** is going on today? My generation of gossip palm, Wang Zhong, almost choked to death by his own phlegm? That would be too **** shame!"

After coughing up this sputum, Wang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the leather sofa in the office, and cursing, "Damn! I was run away by that girl and that stinky boy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Damn, I I must quickly find the pill of that beauty pill, otherwise if they call the police, although I am not afraid of the police, it is also very troublesome..."

Recalling what Li Yutong said before, put the pill in the drawer of the desk, Wang Zhong quickly stepped forward, and he found a simple and simple Meiyan pill written in traditional Chinese characters, and he immediately put it in his bag. He quickly ran out of the office and fled outside.

After he walked for about half an hour, Lin Feng ran back to the Meiyuan Women’s Health Club again. Although he had already exercised some spiritual energy on his legs, he ran so fast, but he rushed to this beauty from home. The Yuan Women’s Health Club still took more than ten minutes.

When Lin Feng came to the office on the second floor again, he saw a mouthful of disgusting sputum on the ground, knew that Wang Zhong must have escaped, and frowned, "No! He ran away..."

However, when Lin Feng was about to leave, Lingshen felt a trace of a faint water in the air. It turned out that when he just used the water control skills to cast a spell on Wang Zhong, he also placed a breath mark at the same time. .

"Haha! Okay... In this way, I only need to follow the vines and look for this mark, and I can find this gangster..."

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