Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 228: Base camp of gangsters


Due to the disappearance of Mayor Chen Luping, the entire Zhi'an City has entered a state of first-level security. That night, all the public security armed police were dispatched, and there were police cars moving back and forth on the road.

Many armed police officers, even under the guise of resident population statistics in the community, conduct carpet searches of communities.

However, although Zhi'an City is only a small county-level city, the urban area has a population of 500,000, hundreds of communities, and a large area of ​​old houses in the old city.

It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to find someone in such a large area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, but was kidnapped and deliberately hidden by criminals.

Municipal Public Security Bureau, Temporary Headquarters, Public Security Director Gong Fangde held the walkie-talkie, and the electronic screen in front of him displayed a dynamic map of the entire Zhi'an City.

"Report to Team Gong, we searched the Gutong Community in Xicheng District, and we didn't find Mayor Chen! Nor did we find any suspicious persons..."

"This is the A8 team. Reporting to Team Gong, the rectified bungalow in the southwest of Dongcheng District. With the help of several aunts from the community committee, we also conducted a comprehensive search! We did not find any suspicious signs. A target area of ​​the jurisdiction..."


One night, in the entire Public Security Bureau, everyone heard the same voice from the walkie-talkie that continuously reported search results.

Unfortunately, these results are not what everyone wants to hear. Even though there were occasional reports of unusually suspicious circumstances that refreshed everyone's spirits, in the end it was confirmed that it was nothing but one or two thefts by the armed police who searched.

"Aunt Liu! What to do! This is almost twelve o'clock, and there is no news from my mother..."

When she first arrived at the Public Security Bureau, Qin Yanran was only anxious in her heart. She believed that with such a powerful police force searching for her mother, she would definitely find her in time. Just like the superstar Su Zixuan was missing and kidnapped a few days ago, wasn't it also quickly found under the carpet search of the police?

But today's situation, the search reports with no news results made Qin Yanran increasingly impatient, and Qin Yanran became more and more worried and anxious for her mother.

It was almost twelve o'clock, and the night was getting deeper and deeper. The longer the time went, the harder it would be to find. If the gangster deliberately moved people to other places, it would be more like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Yan Ran! Don't worry, we have to trust the public security armed police, trust Director Gong! We will definitely find Mayor Chen."

At this time, Secretary Liu herself became anxious, and she had no other better words to comfort Qin Yanran.

"Mom! Mom... You must be fine, if something happens to you... Yan Ran won't live anymore..."

Sitting on the sofa of the Public Security Bureau, Qin Yanran couldn't help but burst into tears in her eyes. Now she can't do anything, she can only secretly pray in her heart that her mother will be safe and sound.

At this time, Wang Zhong, who was rushing towards the suburbs of the city with his light effort late at night, also found that there were many police cars on guard on the road.

"This fellow Hong Botong, the noise is too loud! Tie the mayor of Zhi'an City. If this is known by the state department... I am afraid that he will be issued a killing order on the rivers and lakes! Damn it, this kid actually pulled me into the water. It seems that this time things must be done without leaking, and you must not be known that I am also involved..."

Although Wang Zhong relied on his own ancient martial arts to do bad things, he was also a little afraid. Although the usual laws and the police could not deal with them, the state had set up a special for them who practiced ancient martial arts. The departmental law enforcement officers even have an agreement with the entire Chinese ancient martial arts arena that they can issue a killing order on the arena, which is to target the warriors who behave badly and have a very bad impact on the society and the national government. they.

However, although Wang Zhong was afraid of those law enforcement officers, he did not do such things less. I promised to help Hong Botong this time, so I can't break my trust. What's more, he succeeded in getting the pill of Meiyan Pill this time, and he was in a good mood, so he speeded up and rushed to the abandoned factory in the suburbs.

What Wang Zhong didn't expect was that he avoided the search gaze of police cars and armed police on the street, but he couldn't get rid of the tail that had been chasing him since the Meiyuan Women's Health Club.

That's right, this tail is Lin Feng who was looking for the mark left on Wang Zhong's body. The current Lin Feng is a cultivator at the first level of Qi training, using the vitality refined in the body of the heaven and earth aura, which is many times stronger than the strength and vigor of the martial artist.

Therefore, although Lin Feng is still unable to refine flying swords like other cultivators, when he attaches his vitality to his legs, he uses some of the techniques in the "Xiantian Kui Shui Jue" to operate the vitality. , He immediately walked like flying, even the top ancient martial arts light skills, it was not good enough.

"Haha! I'm afraid that my running speed is seventy or eighty yards now, right? I don't have to worry about being late for school in the future. The martial arts in martial arts novels are probably like this! What Duan Yu's Lingbo Weibu , I'm afraid it's not as fast as I am..."

Lin Feng also noticed an increase in the number of police cars on the road, but he was very fast in the dark, often passing by in a flash, chasing after Wang Zhong's track signs left, but was not found by those police cars.

On the contrary, Lin Feng found that the gangster Wang Zhong was heading towards the outskirts of the city, and he wondered: "Could it be that...this gangster is going to escape from Zhi'an overnight? Then I should hurry up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he ran to a highway or airport on the outskirts of the city, it would be difficult for me to find him again with this fading sign."

Once the vitality was energized again, the speed under his feet was accelerated, and Lin Feng increased his speed to catch up. Soon, he saw a figure with legs walking like a wind in the dark night, but at this time, they had already chased the desolate area of ​​the suburbs.

"This person is indeed the martial artist in Tongtong's mouth. He doesn't have aura or vitality. This is probably the martial arts light work, right? The speed is still quite fast, but it is far from the speed of my vitality! I caught it, you have good fruits to eat..."

After chasing such a desolate suburban area, Lin Feng wanted to move forward quickly and arrest the gangster Wang Zhong, but that Wang Zhong suddenly turned and jumped directly to the door of an abandoned factory, facing the door lightly. He knocked on the door three times lightly, and a head came out of it and accepted him in.

"Huh? I remember that this place is like an abandoned factory! I didn't expect it, but there is something else! In this abandoned factory, wouldn't it be the base camp of these gangsters?"

Seeing Wang Zhong walked into the abandoned factory, Lin Feng stopped and said in surprise.

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