Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3447: Xiao Hui's potential

The demon beast avoided Lin Feng's attack, yelled, and raised its claws high and grabbed it towards Lin Feng.

Spiritual power training formed under the claws, and fell on Lin Feng with a bit of anger. Lin Feng's body stepped back a bit, and instead rushed towards the monster with the white feather sword. The personal attack faced him in mid-air, and the air wave destroyed all the surrounding trees, and a small figure went straight ahead.

The little guy fell directly on the top of the mountain, and then climbed up a tree with red fruits, and the little guy rolled over the tree.

Feelings, this guy is in love with the spirit fruit guarded by others!

When Lin Feng saw the little guy's triumphant look, his heart passed.

The little guy felt Lin Feng’s meaning, and immediately nodded. The breath suddenly leaked out. The monster that was still fighting Lin Feng trembled. He trembled and looked at the positions on the top of the mountain in Xi'an. Go down.

"Xingzheng, do you think that little guy is also of the dragon clan?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"Absolutely impossible!" Xingzheng shook his head, "Our dragons won't have that kind of furry thing!" Xingzheng curled his lips with a look of disdain.


Well, Lin Feng was speechless. Indeed, the appearance of the Dragon Race was too different from the appearance of the little guy. Lin Feng looked at the monster beast that was crawling there and dared not fight.

"But I remember even if I let out my breath, these guys are not so afraid of me!"

"Master, you are not the same. The Dragon Emperor bloodline on your body is incomplete, so although the aura is breathtaking, it is still a bit worse than the real Dragon Emperor. When you really become the Dragon Emperor, then Naturally, the ten thousand beasts are sincere, and all the beasts will bow down at your feet."

Chitaki whispered.

"That guy?" Lin Feng looked at the guy who was still having fun on it. The little guy uprooted the whole tree directly, and then carried it to Lin Feng. The monster raised his head and whimpered, obviously very unhappy.

Xiao Hui shook her body, and a lot of things fell off.

"That's right, I also know that the herb was brought back to me, my little cutie is sensible!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

The Monster Beast whimpered again, where is the herb? This is clearly his collection!

My grandfather aunt!

The demon beast's expression was painful, but he could only crawl and tremble.

This is the fear from the depths of its soul.

"I've already destroyed the formation here. You have to go out and search for it in the future. This is for your compensation." Lin Feng threw a few bottles of pill to the monster. "There are a total of thirty pills here. Medicine is enough for you to cross your current realm and practice again."

The monster beast's gaze fell on the three pill bottles, and the strong fragrance of the medicine caused the blood of the monster beast's body to move, and instead, the monster's eyes immediately brightened.

A bit of medicinal herb is no longer a thing. Even the spirit tree is taken away. It's nothing. The monster beast took a deep look at Lin Feng, then took the medicine bottle and entered the depths of the forest.

Xiao Hui rubbed his body and motioned Lin Feng to put things away.

"Plant it for you!" Lin Feng said with a smile, and threw things directly into the Chaos Seed. The little guy once again followed Lin Feng's side and walked forward with Lin Feng.

With what happened this time, the little guy had obviously learned how to bully the monsters. He had been robbing monsters all the way, and Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Master, this is obviously the place of experience arranged by the God of War for the disciples, so the cultivation of monsters here is limited and cannot exceed the setting of that realm, so please rest assured, master, the monsters here should not be right. What harm did the little guy cause!"

Xingzheng whispered to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded.

Although the little guy is so overbearing and unreasonable, in order to maintain the ecological balance, Lin Feng will still leave an equal pill for every monster. After all, the efficacy of the medicinal effect has long surpassed these pill.

The little guy searched very happily.

Suddenly, an attack from Shaili rushed towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng's movements paused, and the next moment, the aura of his whole body suddenly lifted up, and an attack was directed towards the past. The two were facing each other, a black figure. Flew over from Lin Feng's side, then disappeared.

Sneak attack?

A faint sneer evoked at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. Just as Lin Feng was about to take a shot, the black figure didn't mean to stop, and went straight forward.

"Haha!" Lin Feng sneered, his eyes narrowed. Although this guy ran fast, Lin Feng remembered the route. Lin Feng chased him directly. He had not suffered such a dumb loss!

The man in black in front looked back and saw that Lin Feng had followed the route. The man in black trembled and trembled. Just as he was about to leave, Lin Feng's attack fell directly on it.

The figure of the man in black paused.

"Want to run?" Lin Feng stood behind, looking at the appearance of the man in black, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Do you still think you still have the ability to escape?" Lin Feng fell into the black clothes. The front of the person ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly blocked the two people's attack.

The two people over there flew out of the forest and met Lin Feng. They belonged to Xingluo Academy.

"Is it free?" Lin Feng rolled his eyes when he saw these two guys, grinning somewhat.

"Who made you offend Duo Duo Junior Sister, huh~" The two men in black at the second level attacked Lin Feng. Seeing the appearance of the two, Lin Feng could only shake his head. Young man, when he saw his favorite The girl was a little unhappy, so she came out to find trouble with others.

This trouble is so easy to find from time to time!

Seeing the appearance of the two little guys, Lin Feng waved his hand, and the sword domain and potential energy stand were unfolded under his feet. Before the two started fighting, they were locked in by Lin Feng's gravity domain and locked on their foreheads. He kept sweating, but he was not Lin Feng's opponent at all.

"You can come in, you can be regarded as the elites of Star Luo Academy!" Lin Feng took a step forward and looked at the two people with a smile, "It seems that it is still a little weaker now!" Lin Feng turned directly and flew away. Now, there are treasures everywhere in this secret realm. He doesn't have the mind to deal with these guys here. It's the truth to bring more things out!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng flew along the way, and finally changed positions several times, the purpose is to prevent everyone from finding him at once.

Lin Feng's shot was very quick. He wanted to find Lin Feng, but when they felt it again, Lin Feng's figure had already disappeared.

"This guy is terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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