Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3870: 7 pin medicine

While talking, Lis took two sips viciously.

After chattering about the middle of the night, Lisi drank the wine of the middle of the night.

Jiaojiao accompanied Lisi to talk for a while, while Lin Feng and Kuaqi sat quietly aside, not knowing what to say.

The topic of this kind of little girl is not suitable for them.

It wasn't until late at night that Jiaojiao turned and left.

Lin Feng and Lisi were sitting in the courtyard.

"Lin Feng, I like you."

Suddenly, Lisi said to Lin Feng with a serious face. Lin Feng raised her head and looked at Lisi. After hearing Lisi's words, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"You just drank too much."

"I'm serious, Lin Feng, I like you."

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed for a while, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Lisi, I have a family."

"I don't care, I just like you!" Lisi said to Lin Feng with a serious face, "I'm sure, I just like you, Lin Feng, I like you, I want to be with you."

Lisi leaned closer, the pair in front leaned against Lin Feng full, and Lisi hugged Lin Feng.

"I didn't know what liking was before, but when I saw Jiaojiao hugging you, my heart suddenly became confused. I didn't allow Jiaojiao to do this."

"Lin Feng, you are the most cunning person I have ever seen. You obviously have an honest face, but when you try to figure it out, they are one after another. Lin Feng, obviously I hate you so much, but I still like you. ."

Lisi's eyes were a little hazy.

"Lin Feng, I don't care if you have a family, I just need to be with you."

Almost all of Lisi's weight was placed on Lin Feng's body.

By this time, there was no one in the courtyard.

All the people left as if they had made an appointment.

Lin Feng sighed.

Lisi is a beautiful woman, with a little cleverness, and able to show that little cleverness just right, and she can stop at it. Such a woman is smart and bold, beautiful and cute, and she is easy to like.


"You are drunk." Lin Feng sighed, and said again, "Go back and rest first."

Lisi shook her head, did not go, just stubbornly nestled next to Lin Feng, her face stubborn.

"Lin Feng, are you running away from your feelings?"

Lin Feng shook his head and straightened Lisi's body, "Lisi, listen to me, feelings are not an expression of being drunk. What you need now is a good sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, everything will be fine. "

"Liss, you should have a rest." Mingzhe appeared behind Lin Feng and helped Lisi over, "rest early, there are still a lot of things to deal with tomorrow."

"Brother?" Lisi opened her eyes, and she suddenly giggled when she saw Mingzhe.

"Brother Lin, I'll send Lisi in first. She is drunk. If there is something wrong, please don't be surprised."

Lin Feng nodded.

Soon, Mingzhe came out, and the two stood in the yard without talking for a long time.

"Brother Ming, I've been harassing during this period of time. I still have a pill that I have not refined successfully, but the Ming family is not suitable for me to refine, so I will take a step first." Lin Feng looked at Mingzhe and said with a smile.

"Lisi is still young." Mingzhe hesitated. He had already investigated Lin Feng and knew that Lin Feng not only has a wife but also children, and he has a complete family.

Mingzhe didn't want his sister to be a child.

Lisi was in his palm, and he cared for her growing up.

But Lin Feng is a romantic seed, and Lin Feng's family is very large.

Mingzhe knew that Lin Feng had deliberately revealed this to him, so when Lin Feng refused Lisi, Mingzhe still had a little surprise, but it would inevitably hurt the little girl's heart.

Mingzhe was a little embarrassed.

Lin Feng smiled when he saw Mingzhe's appearance.

"I know." Lin Feng nodded, waved and turned to leave.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he came out of the Ming family and glanced back at this small house. Lin Feng's mouth raised a gentle smile. The brothers and sisters are both very funny, but it's a pity, finally Please don't.

Lin Feng speeded up and moved forward.

Mingzhe stood on it and watched Lin Feng go away.

"Doesn't the adults also like Lin Feng? Why not let him be with Miss Lisi?"

Behind Mingzhe, a Min clan disciple asked in a low voice.

Mingzhe did not speak with his hands behind his back, just looking at Lin Feng's back with a complicated expression.

This is a dragon that will fly sooner or later, but Mingzhe is unwilling to let his sister bet that it may bring a somewhat unknown future.

"He is not suitable for Liss."

After a long time, Mingzhe whispered.

This is just to comfort yourself.

After coming out of Ming's house, Lin Feng went to Mary's yard.

Lin Feng had greeted Mary a long time ago. Mary had been waiting in the yard for Lin Feng to appear. Seeing Lin Feng coming over, Mary's eyes burst into light.

"Young Master Lin, are you here? Isn't Sister Lisi's banquet very lively? I also prepared a birthday present for Sister Lisi, but Sister Lisi is so busy these days that she has never come to see me!"

Mary leaned close to Lin Feng and whispered.

"She will be here soon."

Lin Feng smiled and touched Mary's head.

"I'm here to refine the pill, you should also take a look." Lin Feng looked at Mary and said in a low voice, "You have good spiritual power and a talent for alchemy. If you can become an alchemist, at least you will be practicing in the future. You can save a lot of resources along the way. The most important thing is that in the future, when you live in the Ming family, you also have skills, and the Ming family will treat you better~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sister Lisi is already very good to me."

Mary said with a smile.

"Silly girl, Lisi is just a lady of the Ming family, and the Ming family still has a head family, but you, you are different." Lin Feng looked down at Mary, "In the future, if you are an alchemist in the Ming family, you will not only It’s just Lisi’s sister, or Ming’s fortune tree, so you can help Lisi more, right?”

Mary nodded.

Lin Feng, in front of Mary, began to refine the seven-grade pill.

It was so difficult to refine the seventh-grade pill. Mary was watching and fell asleep when she watched. When she woke up, Lin Feng was still refining.

This time it took three days to refine.

After all, it was the first time to refine a seven-tier pill, Lin Feng did not dare to be ambiguous at all.

This time is not when he is vague.

Mary woke up and watched quietly.

Five days later, the pill was released, with only three pills.

Lin Feng sighed. Although he had exhausted all his methods, his spiritual power was still insufficient.

This ban-releasing pill was barely around the seven-tier pill, but in a real sense, it was just the threshold stone for the seven-tier pill.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Lin Feng shook his head.

Still not enough!

Lin Feng packed the three pills and placed them in Mary's hand, "When Lisi comes, you can give it to her."

Mary raised her head and looked at Lin Feng. She has Yao Ziyi's very strange intuition. Lin Feng's appearance seems to be explaining something, Lin Feng...is going to leave? Lisi's heart suddenly throbbed.

"Big Brother Lin, are you leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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