Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3786: Windfall

It seems that he has missed a lot of things, or that Yang Yang has suffered a lot of grievances, but Yang Yang has always suffered those grievances, and he has never said it.

Alighting from the boat, Lin Feng's expression made the jellyfish in a daze.

"Master." Chitaki called Lin Feng.

"I'm fine. This is Yang Yang's own business. Since Yang Yang never told me, he should guard this secret himself."

Lin Feng waved his hand and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Let's just discuss the matter this time. According to my observations, Fei Meng should not be sure to fix the formation this time, so he will definitely go back to find someone."

Lin Feng paused and said, "I don't know exactly where the Qianjimen is, but Yang Yang said that he is in the center of the Three Realms, so he is definitely not in this area."

Lin Feng's voice is not high, but his expression is serious, "If this is the case, let's relax and wait. When the time comes when Fei Meng's guy leaves, we will directly follow and kill Fei Meng. Fei Meng, take this spacecraft as his own."

Hearing Lin Feng's affirmation, Wusuo fell silent.

To **** the spaceship in the hands of Qianjimen, only Lin Feng can tell if this is the case. Of course, they don't want Lin Feng to do this. It is too dangerous to do so.

"Master, you don't have to be like this." Chitaki whispered, "Sooner or later, we will all bring out the spirits, but don't worry about this point in time. The most important thing now is to ensure your own safety, the master. Your current cultivation base is too weak, so wait until you get a copy of the dragon bloodline before making plans."

Lin Feng shook his head.

He couldn't keep his head down.

He and Du Ping are different.

Over the years, Du Ping has been running around for the blood of the dragon, but even his closest friend could not tell the secret of him, but stubbornly guarded this secret in the deepest part of his soul, alone.

This was never what he wanted.

For a lifetime, there are always things that can be done but are not necessarily done. On the contrary, there are also things that can be done but are unwilling to do. Lin Feng firmly believes that he is the latter.

He hopes to get along with other people more, understand the world more, and improve his cultivation faster.

Fighting and external persecution are the best means.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"My heart is determined, don't say it anymore, no matter what, I will continue to do it." Lin Feng looked at everyone, said with a certain expression, "No matter what happens in the future, I will do it according to my own heart. Good these things, and the only thing you have to do is to follow my orders and work with me."

Lin Feng's voice was simple, and Wu Suo remained silent.

"Master, we will help you well." Bao Chen took the lead and said to Lin Feng in a low voice.

"it is good."

Lin Feng nodded and returned to the yard. Lin Feng lay on the bed, but his mind started to tell and it started to work.

As expected by Lin Feng, three days later, Fei Meng proposed to go back and invite someone from the master's gate to come over. This time the formation was very badly damaged. The Corpse Yin Sect also knew that repairing was definitely not a simple matter. During this formation, the corpse Yin sect could be said to be bleeding heavily. This time, the corpse Yin sect could see that the damage of the formation was not much different from the previous one.

The corpse Yin sect is very distressed by these flowing materials, but for the development of the corpse yin sect, the corpse yin sect can only send a steady stream of materials needed by the Qianjimen.

"It's really the material of flowing water!" The Stealth once again entered the center of the formation, seeing the countless materials piled up there, Wu Shuo couldn't help but be speechless, discussing happily in Lin Feng's mind.

"Someone is guarding, don't speak!" Lin Feng slapped his mind, and he cautiously restrained his mind and walked around. Nevertheless, Lin Feng still walked with fear. The elders of the Yin Yin Sect had no mind. Having slackened, Lin Feng was almost unable to move.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, although Lin Feng felt distressed, in the end he had to leave.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief outside the range of the formation.

It is finally safe.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng swiftly walked back to the gate of the yard. Lin Feng saw that his yard gate was full of people, and countless corpse Yin sect disciples were hovering around. Lin Feng's heart jumped and he turned around quickly. Went in another direction.

It was not until dawn that Lin Feng returned to the yard.

"Junior Brother Lin, where did you go last night? Don't you know that the elder came to you?" A disciple of the corpse Yin sect first found Lin Feng who had returned and said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"I found a corpse and went to search for it." Lin Feng shook the dirt on his body, his body still carried the breath that came out of him just after entering the tomb.

"Haha, Junior Brother Lin also hopes to refine a corpse of your own. Speaking of which, Junior Brother Lin, your cultivation base is so high. It's time to find a corpse for yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~Our corpse A disciple of Yinzong, you can't do without that thing!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. ,

"Is there anything the elder is looking for?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice as he entered.

"Yes, the elder heard that you had a drink with the disciples of Qianjimen, so I wanted to come and ask you something about those disciples of Qianjimen. You also know that now we need to cooperate with Qianjimen, the most important thing is to die. We need to know if Qianjimen is cooperating with us sincerely."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Good elder." After entering the yard, Lin Feng said respectfully when he saw the middle-aged man standing in the middle of the yard, "I don't know the elder is visiting, the kid is not here, please forgive me."

"Although it is an alchemist, as a disciple of our Corpse Yin Sect, every disciple should have a corpse that can protect our own. Your approach is correct." The elder of the Corpse Yin Sect looked up and down the bones. Lin Feng, "Tell me about your relationship with the disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect."

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, talking about the situation on the spacecraft before, speaking very seriously.

The bones nodded from time to time, and the wood focused on Lin Feng's body, and he became more surprised.

He found that this kid was articulate, did things neatly and organized. Although their Corpse Yin Sect had many disciples, there were very few such clever disciples! There was a lot of appreciation in Bai Bone's eyes, their corpse Yin sect, what they lack is such a disciple!

It's okay if the cultivation base is weaker, and only if you have a brain, you can do things!

"Not bad!" White Bon nodded, "Sect Master already knows, and will reward you heavily at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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