Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3871: Perfect the Dragon Bloodline

Lin Feng nodded.

With a bit of reluctance on Mary's face, she raised her head to look at Lin Feng, her eyes waved, bit her lip slightly, and Lin Feng sighed when she saw Mary's appearance.

"I still have very important things to complete. Originally, I was just curious about the magic city to come and take a look." Lin Feng smiled, his expression softened, "You practice hard, I hope that next time I see you, you Better than now, Lisi said that your talent is good, and the future is limitless."

"Then... if we want to find you, Brother Lin, where are we going?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment.

"Naturally meet in the future."

Mary nodded, and Lin Feng waved her hand, disappearing into Mary's sight.

The night shrouded Lin Feng's body and wrapped Lin Feng's body inside. Mary looked at from a distance, took a long time, took a deep breath, and closed the door of the small courtyard.

"Sister Lisi must be disappointed not to see Big Brother Lin."

Standing in the yard, Mary whispered.

At this time, Lin Feng had disappeared in Mary's yard. When Lisi arrived, Mary had already packed everything. There was a pill on the table, and Lisi's eyes were slightly red.

"Sister Lisi, Brother Lin asked me to give you this."

Mary put the pill bottle in front of Lisi, "Big Brother Lin..."

"He's just a coward."

After a long time, Lisi whispered.

Mary was half-understood, not knowing what Lisi was doing, but Lisi looked at her from afar.

From the devil to the immortal world, meeting in the future is not easy.

Lin Feng sneezed, then shook his head.

Lin Feng found a cave at the foot of the mountain and fixed it. Lin Feng set up a hidden formation outside. After setting up the formation, Lin Feng crossed his legs in the cave and took out the soul bottle given to him by Long Granny.

The soul bottle was contained in the dead spirit water during this period, and Lin Feng could feel that the dragon soul inside showed a little sign of recovery.

He maintained the dragon soul very well.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and a gentle smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, how is it?"

"Master, let's take a look!"

Seeing Lin Feng took out the soul bottle, Liu Shuo all leaned in front of Lin Feng and said with a grin, "Tsk tsk, this guy can definitely play his role in the master's hands!"

"Master, thank you very much!"

"It's hard work."

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the candle shade, Liu Shuo crawled out, looking a little tired, but the candle shade looked even worse.

Taiyang has been sleeping all the time. To enter the dragon egg, at least Taiyang’s soul needs to be awakened, otherwise both are things without spirits. After Taiyang enters the dragon egg, it is likely to be absorbed by the dragon as a nutrient. .

Looking at the soul bottle in his hand, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

Liusuo looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Wanting to meet again, what they didn't expect was that the former friend turned out to be something in the bottle.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Feeling the tension of Liusuo, Lin Feng said in a low voice, comforting Liusuo and himself.

If something goes wrong with Tai Yang, even if he gets the dragon bloodline, Lin Feng knows that the twelve first dragon will never be complete again. He still hopes that the twelve first dragon can stand there completely. His efforts were not in vain.

"If someone is damned by me, I will **** him!"

A vigorous voice sounded.

Lin Feng shook his head.

What's the use even if you find it?

Tai Yang's remnant soul has become so weak that it is not easy to retain the power of such a remnant soul. With the support of Long Granny, maybe the person who shot has already died.

"If that person still exists, we are not opponents now. If that person dies, then we have nowhere to seek revenge. When Taeyang recovers his memory, naturally everything will be clear."

Lin Feng looked at Xingzheng.

All Liusuo climbed out, and then sat there looking at the things in Lin Feng's hands.

Xingzheng approached Lin Feng's side, passed the news that Lin Feng had given him, and turned his face serious.

"First get the remnant soul out, and then put it in the dragon egg, and put the complete blood of the first dragon of the wood into the dragon egg for nourishment." Xingzheng glanced at Lin Feng, "the first dragon of the wood Even if your master’s stagnant water contains it, it will take three years for you to take out the blood of the dragon."

Lin Feng nodded.

In the world of Chaos Seed, ten days is equivalent to one day outside. With some means, Lin Feng believes that even if it is three years, he can probably extract the dragon bloodline in half a year.

It's only half a year, it's affordable.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, save it first."

Liu Shuo nodded.

"Unexpectedly, it was Taiyang who had the body first." Chitaki's words were all depressed.

"It will take some time to grow up again, but in the future, the master will have a very powerful combat power next to him."

"You should be fortunate that the master's combat power is used as an animal."

The candle whispered in the shade, "Although we have to fight, we are a lot easier, aren't we?"

"It's good to be used as a livestock, and with a body, you can eat the master's delicacy~www.wuxiaspot.com~You don't know how painful it is to watch the owner eat every time!"

"The master's delicacies, so many people have eaten them, and even some ordinary people, but we haven't eaten them, so heartache!"


Lin Feng completed the things according to what Xingzhen said. Xingzhen kept pointing. With Xingzhen's guidance, Lin Feng completed it very quickly. After finishing the things, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Master, the remnant soul is waking up a little bit, and with the dragon's blood, the little things will soon come out."

Xingzhen said with a smile, "I don't know how much potential is the re-growth of the wood first dragon!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "With me assisting, it must be almost somewhere. Besides, after all, it is one of the twelve first dragons, and its future is naturally unlimited."

Lin Feng stroked the dragon egg with a look of love.

Liusuo also nodded, and they were also full of expectations for the future of the little things.

"Well, now that the matter has been completed, it is time for us to leave."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Master is going back to the fairy world?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng opened the cave. It was when the moon was staring outside. Looking at the stars in the sky, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The magic city, he is leaving.

The candle Yin of the two dragon tombs in the Demon Realm had already reached his hands, and the other was taken away by the corpse Yin Sect in the hands of Qianjimen. Lin Feng knew that it was not so easy to obtain the dragon tomb from Qianjimen. Devildom, he didn't have to keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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