Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3861: auctions

Seeing that it was Mingzhe, Lisi cracked her mouth and showed a smile. She ran over and gave the medicine to Mingzhe, "Brother, is there too much demand for this fellow Lin Feng? Are we unable to supply it now?"

Mingzhe touched Lisi's head.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it. This auction, we are basically digesting it internally, so the profit will be higher, but after this auction, it is estimated that our troubles will also come."

Mingzhe sighed.

Except for the pill, what they auctioned is the stuff from the Chengdong Gambling Ground.

With so many items mined from gambling rocks, everyone will have an answer when they think about it. Soon, this matter will reach the ears of the owner of the gambling field in the east of the city.

That guy is a trouble.

"At that time, if we find a door there, we have to deal with that side, and it is estimated that we will have a lot of thoughts, Lisi, then you will leave the magic city."

Mingzhe looked down at Lisi and said.

This time, for Liss, it’s a chance to raise her eyebrows, but Mingzhe knows very well that this is a double-edged sword. Some things they have, and some things have to surface. Everything, It's about to turn from the dark to the frontal attack.

The competition is the attitude of the royal family.

Mingzhe is not sure about the royal family's attitude towards their Ming family.

Lisi's heart panicked for the first time.

"Brother, let's cancel it. We can distribute these items for auction." Lisi took Mingzhe's hand, her face panicked, "I don't have parents anymore, I can't live without you."

"What do you think!" Mingzhe shook his head, "This battle will come sooner or later. The old thing deceived me when I was young, and took advantage of the death of our parents to occupy so much of the wealth of my Ming family. It is also time to vomit it. Up."

There was a touch of cruelty in Mingzhe's eyes.

"We are now full of wings, Brother Lin opened up the situation for us, and we don't have to twitch, just take advantage of this and we will fight to the end!"

The breath of Mingzhe's whole body lifted up in an instant, looked down at Lisi, and then sighed.

"Girl, my brother is to blame for his death, but you are different. You are the pride of our Ming family. Your talent is very strong. When you were born, Dad said that no one can compare to you except the little princess. So, girl, you must be obedient, cultivate well, and remember what your brother said, so that you can make a difference for our Ming family in the future."

Lisi shook her head.

"Brother, I won't leave you alone!"

Lisi said affirmatively.

"If something happens to you, what should we do in Ming's family? Lisi, as long as you are here, we will have a rise, you know?" Mingzhe shook his head and said solemnly.

If there is no elder brother, what use is the Ming family?

Lisi was silent.

Lisi is the same Ming family member, and Lis knows very well that her elder brother hates those things that occupy their property in the first place.

Thinking of this, Lisi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know my brother, don't worry, I will help my brother to complete it seriously. As for the future, let's take one step and count one step. After all, they are still born on the same roots as us, and they won't be too destructive. Now, there are Min clan behind us, we can win."

Lisi raised her head to look at Mingzhe and whispered.

"Lin Feng is a good boy. If your brother fails, you can follow him and he will take care of you." Mingzhe held Lisi's hand with his backhand and whispered, "The first is your birthday, you Do you want to host this auction yourself?"

"Yeah." Liz nodded. "I remember that the first auction I hosted was on my 100th birthday."

Lisi had a smile on her face, "At that time, I just grew up, brother, you said, I am your pride, and my future is unlimited." Lisi turned her head to look at Mingzhe, her eyes twinkling with stars," My brother is right, the future of our brother and sister is unlimited."

Mingzhe touched Lisi's head.

"Cultivate hard and don't let down my expectations of you!"

Lisi stuck her tongue out and did not answer Mingzhe's words.

Lin Feng finished refining the last pill and left the courtyard.

"It's done?" Lisi immediately leaned in front of Lin Feng. I don’t know what's wrong. She likes to come in front of Lin Feng, probably because being with Lin Feng always makes her happy. Mainly, Mingzhe said just now.

After listening to Mingzhe's words, Lisi, who was initially confused, suddenly understood somewhere in her mind.

She finally knew why she liked to get in front of Lin Feng.

This is probably what humans call love.

Although Lin Feng's mouth is very cheap, and even though this guy is not serious, Lisi's heart was taken away by this guy unconsciously.

Lin Feng always has a temperament that can make others abandon everything for him. This temperament radiates a strong light on Lin Feng's body, which no one else has.

"Well, it's done." Lin Feng nodded, "It will take a while to refine the seven-grade pill. I'll take it slow first."

Lin Feng looked down at Lisi~www.wuxiaspot.com~How is Mary's side? "

"Very good, she misses you too, but now she can't enter the city." Lisi said softly, "Tomorrow the auction will begin, I will arrange a position for you, in the lobby." Lisi smiled to Lin. Feng said, "The location is very remote, usually no one will notice you."

She knew that Lin Feng would not auction things off.

Lin Feng doesn't seem to have much interest in the auction. Of course, the most important thing is that what Lin Feng wants should have been obtained through the Ming family.

Lisi's gaze shifted around Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng touched his nose, he was very satisfied with Lisi's arrangement.

This woman also knows how to figure out the minds of others.

"Do you want to see the list? There are a lot of things on it." Lisi smiled and took out the list, her eyes rolled around Lin Feng's body. To be honest, Lisi still hoped that Lin Feng could read the list.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Most of the things in the Demon Realm were set up for the cultivators of the Demon Realm. These things didn't have much use for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng needed some special materials and herbs.

But this time Lis auctioned everything he took out, so there is nothing to say.

"I only need herbs and refining materials. I need a lot of them to practice."

Lin Feng whispered to Lisi, "As long as it is herbs and materials, I want them."

Lin Feng added another sentence.

Pill refining and refining tools, no matter where they are in, are different routes to the same goal.

"I think there is something that you will be very interested in."

(End of this chapter)

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