Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3862: Control spar

Lisi suddenly smiled and said, "It was an old man who brought it for auction. It is a very rare material. This material is very tasteless, but to the corpse Yinzong, it is a treasure."

Lisi opened the list and pointed to the small thing in the middle, "Look, this is the control spar used to refine the brain control center of the corpse. You don’t have it yet. With this control spar, you have to control the corpse. But it’s even easier. The most important thing is that this thing can also hold souls, and maybe you will have unexpected gains by then!"

Lisi looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Can you contact the old man to buy it first?"

This thing is indeed a good thing for Lin Feng.

If the corpse in hand had this control spar to complete the central control, Lin Feng could put his soul power or the power of other Liusuo into the spar, so that he could also help the corpse to fight all the time.

Lin Feng has always been thinking of ways to improve the corpse, but many of his methods, but many of the materials used to control the corpse are very unpopular. The most important thing is that Lin Feng has never thought that there will be such a corpse on his body.

Therefore, there is not much material on his body.

After the corpse Yinzong left, Lin Feng also began to collect materials, but it was still far from the corpse's promotion.

And this spar given by Lisi can definitely be said to be one of Lin Feng's most wanted materials.

The fighting power of the corpse is very powerful. If these materials can be obtained to promote the corpse again, Lin Feng can be sure that the surprises that the corpse will give him in the future will definitely not be the only ones!

"If possible, I am willing to buy this thing at a price that the old man is satisfied with."

Lin Feng looked at Lisi and said seriously

Lisi shook her head.

"I've already contacted you for a long time. This guy doesn't agree. You must participate in the auction." Lisi shrugged and looked helpless. "Our auction will always be open to the public, as long as it meets the top quality of our auction. We will accept it, and will strictly follow the wishes of the guests, so you will probably need to sell at that time. The low price of spar is 100,000 magic coins, which is nothing to you."

Lin Feng nodded, but it is not always certain that there should always be some other factors in the auction.

Lin Feng wanted to be the first to get it, but he didn't want that kind of factor. The most important thing was that Lin Feng didn't want to reveal his identity.

"Then go to the auction house to buy it at that time, there is no alternative."

Since there is no shortcut, Lin Feng knew that he had no choice but to buy things by himself.

This old gentleman doesn't know what An's heart is...

Lin Feng wondered in his heart.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Lisi smiled.

"Don't worry, we have checked it. The old gentleman also got it accidentally. This thing doesn't have much to do with the old gentleman, so you can rest assured that we will handle this matter for you. It will embarrass you."

Lin Feng nodded when she heard Lisi's words.

"Thank you."

Lis waved her hand.

"I will inform our people and try to lower the price for you." Lisi said with a grin.

Lin Feng shook his head, then waved his hand.

"Would you like to go out for a walk? You have been inside for more than three months." Lisi suddenly turned her conversation, smiling at Lin Feng and said, "I happen to be free too!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Li Ribbon walked around with Lin Feng. Lin Feng just quietly followed Lisi. Lisi was very excited along the way. She talked about the surrounding environment to Lin Feng endlessly. Lin Feng just listened with a smirk. Occasionally, when Lisi said something interesting, he would add a sentence or two.

With the Li ribbon, Lin Feng soon became the jealous existence of everyone in the magic city. After all, Lisi's beauty is also quite dazzling in this city.

But Lisi didn't seem to pay attention to this matter at all, just running and jumping excitedly along the way, not to mention how happy she was.

"Lin Feng, sometimes I think you are really a very strange person." Suddenly, Lisi turned to look at Lin Feng, with stars shining in her eyes, and said, "You are a bad person, but you are a good person, I How do you define it correctly?"

Lisi tilted her head, "Or are you interested in others?"

Lisi's gaze rolled around Lin Feng's body, biting her lip and said.

"Miss Lisi, have you forgotten what I said?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly, "I have a family, but Miss Lisi is a little fox, and she is a little worse. Miss cooperation, very comfortable."

Lin Feng said to Lisi with a smile.


Liz turned her head and stopped talking.

The scenery of the magic city is very beautiful.

Although the demons in the entire Devil City rely on demonic energy to survive, the surroundings of the city are filled with aura, and the demonic energy overlaps and complements each other.

"The magic city squeezed out all the spiritual energy in the city, leaving only pure magic energy." Seeing Lin Feng's excited expression, Lisi explained in a low voice, "Out there, there is a spirit. The power corridor has formed two different worlds."

Lisi continued to move forward, and Lin Feng followed.

The two went down the mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, one black and one white occupied the magic city and the outside of the magic city, forming a gossip pattern.

In this gossip, the black part is the magic city, and the white part is the endless wilderness.

The aura spreads out in the wilderness, and a small amount of houses stand here, and the environment is very beautiful.

"This is a unique scene in the Demon Realm." Lisi turned her head to look at Lin Feng, and said seriously.

Is it unique?

Lin Feng nodded.

The demonic energy and spiritual energy below have formed a weird combination. In this weird combination, the two have formed a kind of balance, which also made the following gossip diagram.

It's beautiful and dangerous.

The ancestors of the Demon Race not only had the courage, but the things they made were not bad at all!

The scenery below made Lin Feng feel at ease.

Such beautiful scenery is rare in other places.

Lisi turned her head to look at Lin Feng, but saw Lin Feng frowned slightly and fell into a strange silence.

Lin Feng?

Just as Lisi was about to speak, Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and turned around and smiled embarrassedly at Lisi.

"I was thinking about something just now, so I was delayed for a while." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lisi curled her lips.

Lin Feng smiled.

"I'm okay, don't worry, I was just thinking about some issues, so I was delayed for a while. By the way, what you just said, now continue talking."

"I'm all right."

Liz shook her head.

"Come on, I'll take you to see Mary, she lives below."

(End of this chapter)

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