Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3978: Hesitate

Shi Ningxue had some fleshy pain, but thinking of Yao Yiyi's importance to him, that bit of fleshy pain was nothing, first take the things in his hands and talk about it!

"Yeah, I also just talk about things. Is it possible that what I said is a lie? This is not right, Miss Shi Ningxue, you know best, I am a person, I have no other skills, but my temperament is absolute Honestly, when have I lied? I told the truth, Ms. Shi Ningxue, it is wrong for you to cover up like this. This is not good for our physical and mental health."

Lin Feng smiled frankly. Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Shi Ningxue bit her silver teeth secretly, wishing to smash a hole in Lin Feng's face fiercely.

Of course she knew Lin Feng's mouth.

From the lower bound to the upper bound, getting cheaper and cheaper!

Seeing Shi Ningxue's appearance, Lin Feng smiled. The next moment, Lin Feng suddenly launched an attack, and Feng Tongjian wiped Shi Ningxue's side, leaving a faint trace on Shi Ningxue's face.

Mo Chounv's attack fell on Lin Feng's place, and Lin Feng's body had disappeared where she was. Mo Chounv turned her head to look at Lin Feng, her eyes full of anger.

"Lin Feng, you are looking for death!" Mo Chounv's killing intent became more and more intense, but Lin Feng's eyes were on Shi Ningxue's body.

"Tsk tusk, isn't it a bit bad to get lost in the fight at this time?" Lin Feng's attack speed was very fast, turned to look at Shi Ningxue, and said with a smile, "Ms. Shi Ningxue didn't attack me at all. Take it to heart?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue snorted coldly. With a wave of the long sword, he attacked Lin Feng again. Lin Feng didn't seem to feel Shi Ningxue's attack. His whole body quickly moved back. When Ningxue was about to attack, Lin Feng turned around and directly put Shi Ningxue's attack under him.

Lin Feng hugged Shi Ningxue’s waist, and the sensation of nonsense made Shi Ningxue’s body tremble. I don’t know what Lin Feng was going to do, but Lin Feng didn’t seem to see Shi Ningxue. The expression on her face was normal, her eyes swept over Shi Ningxue's body.

"Tsk, my body is getting better and better."

Lin Feng looked down at Shi Ningxue and said with a smile.

Shi Ningxue was about to struggle, Lin Feng's arms were tightly clasped, and Lin Feng's breath was on her body, Shi Ningxue's body trembled, and the whole body stepped back slightly, looking at Lin Feng with a little complexity in her eyes.

There is no doubt that Lin Feng is a master of love.

The breath of Mo Chou's girl suddenly became intense. The next moment, an attack came directly towards Lin Feng. The endless anger enveloped Mo Chou's whole body and felt Mo Chou's appearance. , Lin Feng's eyes flashed a little.

The next moment, Shi Ningxue's body was thrown out by Lin Feng, and she faced Mo Chou's attack.

Shi Ningxue was caught off guard from being attacked by Mo Chou's daughter, and the two of them looked at each other, their expressions getting colder and colder.

Seeing the appearance of the second woman, Lin Feng smiled.

"Mo Chou Nu, this time, but I helped you. Look, Shi Ningxue, this woman has no power to fight back now. You have to deal with Shi Ningxue. Now is the best time to miss it. This time, you want to devour Shi Ningxue, but it's getting harder and harder."

Lin Feng smiled and backed away.

"Furthermore, a mortal Yao Yiyi and a master Shi Ningxue, you also know how to choose, you and Yao Yiyi exist in the same state, even if you swallow Yao Yiyi, there is not much for you. Therefore, this time, Shi Ningxue is basically using you to devour Yao Yiyi. I know, Shi Ningxue’s spirit is inherently incomplete. If she can devour Yao Yiyi, she will be perfect."

Lin Feng paused, and his gaze paused on Mo Chou's body. The goddess of Mo Chou was still cold, but following Lin Feng's words, Mo Chou's girl let go of her attack.

"But if you swallow Shi Ningxue, you can walk freely on the mainland."

"There is no need to be constrained by Nether City anymore." Lin Feng stood there with a narrow smile, his eyes swept across Shi Ningxue's body, and finally fell on Mo Chou's face.

The two women themselves joined forces for profit.

Lin Feng didn't believe it, but Mo Chou's girl wasn't moved by the sweet pastry he gave it!

Shi Ningxue was very heavy at this time. Lin Feng was instigating the Mo Chou girl to submit. Shi Ningxue knew very well how much cooperation this woman had with herself, and Lin Feng could definitely speak in the fastest time. This guy!

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Mo Chou's heart moved.

Of course she was moved by the conditions Lin Feng gave.

It was just this heartbeat that Mo Chounv hesitated again when facing Shi Ningxue.

She and Shi Ningxue fought openly and secretly for a whole year. In this year, she lost out in all likelihood. If it weren’t because her cultivation base was strong enough to be above Shi Ningxue, she might not be able to do so at this time. stand right here.

Facing Shi Ningxue, Mo Chounv still had some lingering fears, but this time, something was different.

This time, Shi Ningxue was attacked by her, and Lin Feng's words touched Mo Chou's girl a lot.

Such a situation absolutely cannot exist!

"Mo worry girl, let's get Yao Yiyi first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only when we get Yao Yiyi, we can proceed with the next thing. We must not let Yao Yiyi fall into Lin Feng's hands. This guy is nothing. Good stubble."

Shi Ningxue gritted her teeth and looked at Mo Chou's girl. Although she was not injured, Shi Ningxue was in a good state, watching Lin Feng breathe out fire.

Lin Feng stood there looking at Mo Chou's girl with a smile. At this moment, Mo Chou's girl stood there and didn't move, and no one could see the expression on Mo Chou's face.

When Shi Ningxue saw Lin Feng's appearance in her chest, she couldn't help but feel sceptical. If Lin Feng and Mo Chounu cooperate at this time...

If these two people cooperate, she will peel off even if she is not dead!

Once Lin Feng found an opportunity, he would use it to the end and completely crush people.

Thinking of this, the breath of Shi Ningxue's whole body followed up and down, her eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, gritted her teeth, her heart was cruel, and she began to lobby Mo Chou's girl again.

"Mo Chounv, don’t forget. If I want to attack you, you should know that the odds of winning between us have always been higher than you. Besides, you really think that Lin Feng is you. Is it the target of cooperation?"

Shi Ningxue's gaze swept across Lin Feng's body.

She and Lin Feng, it can be said that from the lower realm to the upper realm, they had cooperated and were hostile. Lin Feng was very cruel to himself and never softened to the enemy.

Speaking of it, she and Lin Feng are both opportunists. Once they have a chance, they will grasp it without hesitation and will not give the enemy any chance to react.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju mobile phone reading URL:

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